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What's for tea tonight?

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sojourner said:
Cor MsShirl, there's just no holding you back int kitchen these days is there? the most rapid transition from kitchen slut to kitchen supremo I've ever seen!

I bet you're feeling loads better eating all that good food, eh?

Kitchen Slut? :D Is that the label for those who take the lazy approach to cooking and regulalrly consume things like oven chips? If so, I'm trying to shake that off!
pootle said:
Kitchen Slut? :D Is that the label for those who take the lazy approach to cooking and regulalrly consume things like oven chips? If so, I'm trying to shake that off!

Oven chips would have been too complicated for me a few weeks ago :D
I've been living on beans and toast for months until I got my act together :oops:
MsShirlLaverne said:
Don't know about better :D fatter and poorer certainly :( :D
Nooo...but, but, you're pouring loads less salt and something-something fats into your body, and treating it to loads of fresh stuff! :eek: Perhaps it's cos you're eating lots more cos it tastes so much nicer that's making you fatter and poorer ;)
pootle said:
Kitchen Slut? :D Is that the label for those who take the lazy approach to cooking and regulalrly consume things like oven chips? If so, I'm trying to shake that off!
It is now! (I just made it up)
I've got a big container of fresh chicken stock residing in my fridge, courtesy of the Sunday Roast. I've also some pre-soaked and cooked dried beans in my fridge. And 12 sausages, some left over roast dinner, assorted veg and a fair few bits in the freezer.

So what do you reckon then? Big sausage and bean casserole? Some kind of spicy tom yum type soup using the stock, chinese greens and some big (frozen) prawns/leftover chicken? Risotto? Or a sausage based pasta dish of some kind, or possibly some sausages with some hash browns made from leftover roasties and the remainder of the gravy?

Leaning towards the casserole myself, with plenty of greens and veg added. It can bubble away gently while we're waiting for Shameless...
tarannau said:
I've got a big container of fresh chicken stock residing in my fridge, courtesy of the Sunday Roast. I've also some pre-soaked and cooked dried beans in my fridge. And 12 sausages, some left over roast dinner, assorted veg and a fair few bits in the freezer.

So what do you reckon then? Big sausage and bean casserole? Some kind of spicy tom yum type soup using the stock, chinese greens and some big (frozen) prawns/leftover chicken? Risotto? Or a sausage based pasta dish of some kind, or possibly some sausages with some hash browns made from leftover roasties and the remainder of the gravy?

Leaning towards the casserole myself, with plenty of greens and veg added. It can bubble away gently while we're waiting for Shameless...
I really must stop reading this when I'm hungry :(

Erm, all of it? I can't decide :D
tarannau said:
Some kind of spicy tom yum type soup using the stock, chinese greens and some big (frozen) prawns/leftover chicken?

That's what i would choose... sounds yummy! Boyfriend's popped to the supermarket so i have no idea what we're having for dinner tonight...or that i'll have time to eat before i have to pop out to angel to meet a friend for catch-up drinks and im sooo hungry. :(
tarannau said:
while we're waiting for Shameless...

you can wait till 10pm? :eek: or am I understanding wrong?

I'd go for a big pot of snags and veg with dumplings

but then thats cos I adore dumplings :D
aqua said:
you can wait till 10pm? :eek: or am I understanding wrong?

I'd go for a big pot of snags and veg with dumplings

but then thats cos I adore dumplings :D

I don't get in much before 8, so it's unlikely that we'll eat that much earlier.
I reckon I can be sat down tonight and eating about 9ish. The beans got cooked last night in preparation, so a quick fit of chopping whilst browning the sausages/bacon should be pretty much it. And then bung it in the pan and wait.

If that gets too much, the chicken stock will be used for a rapid soup attack. I've even got some fresh wontons and prawns frozen for just such an eventuality...
christ I'd be eating everything in sight the minute I got in :eek:

*makes taranau & LQs tea for them*
aqua said:
*makes taranau & LQs tea for them*

<Not bad. Bit more salt needed. But bloody good dumplings>

I'm afraid that's the story tonight. Casserole I reckon it'll be, partly because I've got a romantic notion of a hearty stew bubbling on a winter's evening. But also because: (a) I could do with some more ingredients for an oriental soup really and (B)it's going to be one large pot of casserole, so I may as well start the meal rotation early this week.

Hooray Shirl! It's so great when you discover how wicked cooking is.

Tonight I did not cook, I heated up a jar of Bouillabaise I brought back from France last year. It was tasty.
well inspired by the lentils thread and the temperature outside being fucking cold I did a lentil thing - part inspired by xanadu's mum's recipe and part by making it up as I went along :D

it had: onion, celery, carrot all chopped finely and loads of garlic fried till lovely and soft, add cumin seeds, coriander seeds, cardomon seeds (ground together) and fry till all lovely smelling, add lentils, chopped tomatoes, ground pepper, garam masala and chilli powder and stock and leave to cook for an amount of time (no idea what :D) then add chopped red pepper and mushrooms and cook for another 10mins :cool:

then I made my own naan bread too which was fucking gorgeous :D

there was supposed to be enough for tomorrow too, there isn't :oops:
I'm in need of a trip to the shops, so don't have much in in the way of food. I did however make a lush carrot and parsnip soup (just boiled up with a bit of stock ,black pepper and garlic), which I had with pitta bread. I made loads so there's enough for lunch at work tomorrow.
pootle said:
As part of my new "cooking things from scratch" adventures I'm going to try and make some veggie burgers (made mostly with chickpeas I think) and sweet potato wedges.

Bah! my veggie burgers were frubbish! Like soggy, flavourless falafel. Ate a couple and the rest went in the bin :(

The sweet potatoes were yummous though!

Dunno what I'm having tonight though...
Herbsman. said:
I would have thought the water would freeze first, cos it freezes at 0 when pure, whereas ethanol (the alcohol inna drinks) freezes at -114... obviously the two mixed together would have a different freezing point though.

whenever i tried to make ribena ice lollies, the sweet bit used to separate, and you'd get a bit of lolly that was flavourless ice :( then a really sickly sweet overly-concentrated ribena slushie
I reckon the alcohol stays liquid, albeit in tiny bubbles within the frozen water.
British schwarma tonite. Left over beef from stew, food processed with yoghurt, mustard powder, horseradish and finely sliced onion. Leave that lot to marinade for a while then heat thru in a pan and have it in a pitta
It's payday!! Woohoo! So lamb steaks, Charlotte potatoes and salad. I can hardly wait. Maybe more pancakes for pud or real proper homemade cake. :D
Lucky Mogden! My paydays not til Friday, which I am going to celebrate by meeting a mate for vast amounts of beer and a marathon pool sesh :D

Tonight I am having a defrosted portion of thai red curry which I'll add some prawns to
Payday not til tomorrow, so using up what's in the fridge it'll be broccoli, pepper, spinach and leek cheesy bake with some out of date Burgermix burgers I'm too mean to throw away. It's powder, can't go that off, probbly.
pootle said:
Bah! my veggie burgers were frubbish! Like soggy, flavourless falafel. Ate a couple and the rest went in the bin :(

How did you make them, pootle? I've made lush chickpea burgers before like so: mash up the chickpeas with some ground cumin, dried chilli flakes, chopped spring onions, chopped garlic, lemon juice and chopped parsley/coriander, then coat them in whole cumin seeds and fry over a low heat. It's a great method cos you can just add in whatever other stuff you've got knocking around, e.g. ground nuts, different spices, bit of harissa, whatever. If you're using red or white onions instead of spring onions, though, it's best to fry them separately for a bit before adding to the burger mix as otherwise you get savage raw onion burgers.

I've made similar burgers with different beans, but these can sometimes be wetter - red kidney beans especially. It's good to add some liquid (lemon juice or olive oil or whatever) to chickpea burgers cos otherwise they can get a bit dry and break up in the pan.

Sorry if you already know/tried all this :oops:
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