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What's for tea tonight?

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Herbsman. said:
fool. :rolleyes: that's like saying a tomato, olive and red onion pizza is not a meal, it's just some bread with fruit and vegetables on top. anyway this bread was part of my ongoing meal, so there :p

Ahhh, but pizza has that crucial topping.
hiccup said:
Ahhh, but pizza has that crucial topping.
yes, and my bread had the same 'topping', but inside the actual bread! Thus, it is essentially the same thing.

sojourner said:
As a complete aside, I think all that stuff you hear about ready brek or shredded wheat keeping you feeling full up for hours is a right load of old bollocks. I had a great big bowl of RB this morning and I could eat a horse right now
Damned right, shredded wheat is nice and all, but it don't keep you full for long. Not surprising, considering that it's mostly air. What's 'RB'?
I thought tiffin was like a biscuity sweet thing? Liking the sound of curry though - might have that tonight :)
BiddlyBee said:
I thought tiffin was like a biscuity sweet thing? Liking the sound of curry though - might have that tonight :)

One kind of tiffing


Another kind


Either way, it's good :cool:
Herbsman. said:
Damned right, shredded wheat is nice and all, but it don't keep you full for long. Not surprising, considering that it's mostly air. What's 'RB'?
Ready Brek mate

Oats. Meant to keep you full. Like fuck it does
i will be a work,so whatever the person whose turn to cook chooses, or much more likely a ham and cheese snadwhich, and a yogurt :)
Re: the whole breakfast thing - I don't think that it's physically possible to sustain our appetites/energy throughout the morning when having (for example) a bowl of shredded wheat/whatever at 8am or even 9am and then not eat anything til 12:30 or 1pm.

I'm keen on the whole 6 small meals a day thing cos it keeps your blood sugar levels and energy levels constant and you don't do the whole full for 15 minutes, starving for 3 hours thing....innit.
SubZeroCat said:
Re: the whole breakfast thing - I don't think that it's physically possible to sustain our appetites/energy throughout the morning when having (for example) a bowl of shredded wheat/whatever at 8am or even 9am and then not eat anything til 12:30 or 1pm.

I'm keen on the whole 6 small meals a day thing cos it keeps your blood sugar levels and energy levels constant and you don't do the whole full for 15 minutes, starving for 3 hours thing....innit.
too right
Herbsman. said:
too right

When you think about it it's kind of stupid - big brekkie, nothing for 4 hours, big lunch, nothing for 6 or even 7 hours, dinner etc...blood sugar levels up and down and all over the place, energy up and down, moods everywhere.......who the fuck came up with this 3 square meals a day crap? :D

There are lots of good snacks to be had too that make an essential contribution to our overall diet - raw veg, fruit, dried fruit, seeds, nuts, yoghurts, ricecakes, oatcakes etc (or is that just me? :oops:)
I've just realised I left the bangers in the freezer this morning :oops:

god Im useless some days :D
Lunch that I didn't eat which was in turn last nights dinner.

Lamb shank and veg.

Tea news update.
I didn't eat it and it is now todays lunch again. This has not been confirmed 100% as I have eaten a bit of toast and now feel quite full with only an hour to lunchtime.
I'm starving :( I cant be bothered to ride the 2 miles back to base to get my pasta from the fridge, I might just get a jacket potato from the library cafe.... but the whole Idea of taking stuff to work and leaving it in the fride was to save money on food :(
I'm going to the theatre tonight, so I'm ashamed to admit that tea tonight will be something picked up from a takeaway on the way home..

Or maybe McDonalds, although I had a massive rant in there last week when they said they'd stopped selling the McTasty (probably the only decent tasting thing they've ever sold). Mind you, at £4.99 for a meal, it's probably died a death because people don't like paying more than £2.99... :mad:
Herbsman. said:
I'm starving :( I cant be bothered to ride the 2 miles back to base to get my pasta from the fridge, I might just get a jacket potato from the library cafe.... but the whole Idea of taking stuff to work and leaving it in the fride was to save money on food :(

Do it do it do it (getting your lunch from home that is) :)

You know that that pasta probably won't get eaten at all and you'll chuck it and feel awful. Either that or you'll eat it tonight and something fresh you were meant to eat tonight won't be good anymore and you'll have to chuck that. Or something.
aqua said:
do you know how windy it is out there? :eek:

Well yes and no - I don't live in Brum :D

It is pretty bad on NW London though and I am *so* glad I brought my lunch in today....I swear I'm gonna get blown over out there! :(

*attaches 5kg weights to legs*
Going to make a lamb and spinach curry with rice tonight.

I've got loads of tiffin boxes - have bought one back prob every time I've been to India - they're fantastic for picnics or as lunch boxes (the small boys was much admired when he first started school :D unfortunately he managed to lose the tray which also acts as a plate and more importantly stabilises the two bowls when it's done up, so it's unusable now :rolleyes: :mad: and the others are all too big)
SubZeroCat said:
Do it do it do it (getting your lunch from home that is)

You know that that pasta probably won't get eaten at all and you'll chuck it and feel awful. Either that or you'll eat it tonight and something fresh you were meant to eat tonight won't be good anymore and you'll have to chuck that. Or something.
I went back. :)
aqua said:
do you know how windy it is out there? :eek:
yes! when I was trying to ride up hill street., the wind was so strong that it was physically impossible for me to move. I had to get off and push :oops:
hiccup said:
(((Herbsman))) :(
what the hell is wrong with you?!?!? :confused:
Tea news update.
I didn't eat it and it is now todays lunch again. This has not been confirmed 100% as I have eaten a bit of toast and now feel quite full with only an hour to lunchtime.

Update on the update lunch fans.

Lunch heated and primed for eating. Fork has been washed.
Back to whats to eat tonight.....looking forward to home made veggie chilli with brown rice and yoghurt and home made guacamole.x yummy I will make enough for lunch tomorrow and a little to freeze too.
Herbsman. said:
Are you really eating it and posting it at the same time?

Well I stopped at 1/3 for an update but I was chewing.

It's gone now and I'm on the crisps.

Cheese and Onion.
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