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What's for tea tonight?

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Sainsburys "ultimate" sausages, cooked inna oven.
Parsnip and potato mash, boiled then mashup with milk, butter, heavy seasoning.
Spring greens, stuffed inna saucepan with butter and a squeeze of lemon juice.
Onion gravy made with onions I've just spent 45 minutes gently caramelising, stock, Worcester sauce and Madeira.

Made a big fat chilli this evening - loads of garlic & fresh red chillis, smoked paprika and a few bits of 70%cocoa choc... Had it with rice tonight, have enough to freeze for a couple more nights, but it'll be best tomorrow in toasted sandwiches - nothing like a chilli toastie!
My new years' health kick has descended into a cooking fest - I made coffee cake yesterday too. Had to take it to work to stop us eating it all... we ate loads of it last night :oops:
We had Pommes Dauphinoise, some baked mushrooms with spinach in, and a nice tomato salad.
hiccup said:
That's not "tea", or a meal, that's just some bread.

fool. :rolleyes: that's like saying a tomato, olive and red onion pizza is not a meal, it's just some bread with fruit and vegetables on top. anyway this bread was part of my ongoing meal, so there :p
Tonight will probably be stuffed peppers. Last night we had spiced turkey burgers in wholemeal pitta, with home-made coleslaw and a big salad.

I'm on a bit of a health kick at the moment!
Due to an unprecedented burst of enthusiasm this morning, involving 2 cans of chickpeas, I can reveal that we are having falafel tonight.
hark at you :D I struggled to get up :oops:

tonight is to be bangers n mash :cool: but with swede and carrot mash for a change :cool:
aqua said:
oh babe! come here I'll feed you :D

I just got back late last night and had to carry a load of stuff in from the car (a moses basket, a huge bag of baby clothes and various bits of breast feeding equipment to be precise :D )

Tonight I will make myself something proper, I promise.

I'm quite excited actually as they have started doing tiffin boxes at work at lunchtime so I'm going to give one a go today. Mmmmm curry at lunch :D
trashpony said:
I'm quite excited actually as they have started doing tiffin boxes at work at lunchtime so I'm going to give one a go today. Mmmmm curry at lunch :D
What are tiffin boxes?

I shouldn't read this thread so early in the day - am bloody starving already :rolleyes: :(
sojourner said:
What are tiffin boxes?

I shouldn't read this thread so early in the day - am bloody starving already :rolleyes: :(

It's a series of little stacked boxes with different bits of a curry in each one so that you can take your lunch to work without it all getting mixed up.
trashpony said:
It's a series of little stacked boxes with different bits of a curry in each one so that you can take your lunch to work without it all getting mixed up.
I'm converted. I want tiffin boxes too. Now.

As a complete aside, I think all that stuff you hear about ready brek or shredded wheat keeping you feeling full up for hours is a right load of old bollocks. I had a great big bowl of RB this morning and I could eat a horse right now
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