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What's for tea tonight? (pt6)

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i don't know yet, i'm waiting for the wife to come home with whatever we're having. she should be home in a minute, because i had a "kettle time" text a few minutes ago :cool:
i don't know yet, i'm waiting for the wife to come home with whatever we're having. she should be home in a minute, because i had a "kettle time" text a few minutes ago :cool:

awww. :)

i wonder what she's bringing!!

<gets excited on dodgy's behalf>

i miss you two. come and see me. :mad:
Dunno now...
Just me eating and feeling lazy.
Might fire up the George Foreman for a toasted cheese sarnie.
Having a veggie burger with loads of salad and mayo, fries and a diet coke when at work later. It's a meal of wrongness but every so often it tastes just right.
Off to make some burgers - we've fired up the chiminea (sp?) and are chucking them on - with pittas, salad and some cherry tomato ketchup-y sauce I've made... polished off with a couple of bottles of a cheeky red... :)
I've just made a lasagne with some roast veg I had left over in the fridge, a layer of garlic mushrooms and king prawns in the middle, a sauce made with a huge beef tomato and some fresh basil and bechamel and a bit of cheddar over the top.
All ready to stick in the oven and have with some broccoli, if/when I actually get hungry.

And no kids to cook for - hurrah! :cool: :D
Nasi Goreng... Very posh-sounding name and all, but basically it's just an Indonesian rice dish- Very yummy it is, too... :cool:
Oh dear, I have just made a boob...

Taking Pinapple upside down pudding to an 80's party tonight and I have quadrupled the ingredients. Only I eightoopled the bicarb and now have a volcano sprouting in my oven. :rolleyes::oops:

Will it taste alright :confused:
And no kids to cook for - hurrah! :cool: :D

Me too! Daughter is out all night, off to a party :D

So I'm going to make a stonkingly hot thai red king prawn curry, with jasmine rice, and after that, I'm going to eat lemon cheesecake.

I'm a bit worried about the lemon cheesecake...it's most unlike me to desire cake that doesn't contain chocolate :confused:
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