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What's for tea tonight? (pt6)

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Grilled teriyaki chicken breast, cold green soba tossed with blanched spinach, sesame oil and seeds, tempura-ed carrots, green peppers, and daikon. Green salad.
I'll have to try your enchilada and see if I get swayed ;)

(maybe I'll sway you back with my lasagne :D)

My signature dish :)

Lasagne is a bit like jacket potatoes for me. I love them but I have to have homemade or 9 times out of 10 I am disappointed with them.

Grilled teriyaki chicken breast, cold green soba tossed with blanched spinach, sesame oil and seeds, tempura-ed carrots, green peppers, and daikon. Green salad.

do you ever just have a chip butty YI? ;)

well, I'm all over the fucking shop lately with teas - if I say I'm gonna do it I don't, and I can never decide what I want :confused:

Did make a stonkingly good chunky chickpea soup last night though - and the chorizo works even better than pancetta imho - phwoar :cool:

Tonight - depends how hard I flop when I get home. I quite fancy thai red king prawn curry, but I might just warm up that soup. What I'm definitely going to do though is have a fag and a mahoosive glass of pinot grigio first :cool:
I am supposed to cooking for the housemates tongiht. But having come back from a week long (and 'spensive) camping holiday, I have about £40 to last till pay day, so, er, they may be getting something thrown together from scratch, or they'll be getting something from the freezer cabinet !!

And, hah, having just tried to spell "freezer" as "frizza" I think my mind is suggesting they're getting the corner shop's best Hawiian Goodfellas....=) ;)
Lord knows....now the lady is pregnant its like eating round Suggs house....fishfingers every night it seems.... that or Chicken kievs....weird how she has gone from good healthy food to this due to the ol hormones....still fancy some sort of piri piri chicken so reckon if I can be bothered to cook twice will construct something in that vein:)
Oh bollocks, just realised I forgot to take some seafood out of the freezer this morning. I was going to have seafood linguine. Now I have no idea. Cheese on toast or pasta with pesto.
No kids tonight, so a quick and easy dinner for me :cool:

Either this.....

Thai noodle soup? Very tasty and I think quite low fat.

...with king prawns, or a Tescos spicy beanburger from the freezer. :hmm:

Last night the kids had posh sausages with pasta with pesto (made with cheddar cos I had no parmesan left - although I think they preferred it that way tbh :D ) and brocolli and I had beer, crisps and almost a whole packet of pate on oatcakes. :hmm:
i've got some fresh tuna that should have been eaten yesterday, so i might have that. otherwise its cheese and onion sandwhiches, or steamed veg with something.
Not lasagne now... I got the chilli out the freezer instead of the bolognese :( (they looked so similar)
Might just bung a potato in the oven now and have chilli on that :)

Lasagne tomorrow though! Definitely!!! :oops:
Change of plan for me....have just had a (small :mad: ) half of a pizza ristorante pizza that was in the freezer....and think I'll probably just graze on more shit like that all evening while I'm watching the second half of Series 4 of Six Feet Under. :cool:

Will possibly fry up the king prawns with some garlic/ginger/coriander in a bit too :hmm: ....whatever, defo a 'no veg' kind of day. :D

Also got a couple of little bits of baklava that my mum brought down yesterday to eat with a nice cup of tea, when I've got the savouries out of the way. :D
last nite around midnite I made (yes, made) some chicken pasta salad with onions in it.

so tonite I'll have that as a side dish and maybe make some chili dogs or bratwursts.

i finally went grocery shopping yesterday for teh first time in like 4 months :oops:
Minted lamb kebabs, potato wedges and roasted veg. I might even have some corn on the cob too. :cool:
do you ever just have a chip butty YI? ;)

LOL... Would it have been better if I'd called it: chcken, cold pasta and deep-fried veg"? :D

I'm posting the stuff we have for our main meal. Our evening meal tends to be far more pedestrian-- maybe not chip butties as such, but soup or salad and a sandwich, with a maybe pickle on the side, is pretty much it unless there's leftovers from dinnertime, If I'm doing my job right, there shouldn't be much. There won't be any today; I'm feeding tempura black holes, apparently. I didn't get any.

Did make a stonkingly good chunky chickpea soup last night though - and the chorizo works even better than pancetta imho - phwoar :cool:

No soup was ever made worse by the addition of a nice bit of chiorizo.

Tonight - depends how hard I flop when I get home. I quite fancy thai red king prawn curry, but I might just warm up that soup. What I'm definitely going to do though is have a fag and a mahoosive glass of pinot grigio first :cool:

Me, except for making dinner, I did sweet FA so far today. It's pissing down rain and I'm caught up on most everything. When "hose down the garage floor" is the most pressing thing on your to-do list, you can put your feet up for a change. :)
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