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What's for tea tonight? (pt6)

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Carrot and orange soup...rustled up yesterday, touch of curry to it and if I do say so myself f*cking lush....I do like making soup

Me too - but it just feels too hot for soup atm iykwim! :hmm:

Having said that :D I'm either going to have a roasted red pepper soup, or a thai noodle soup with king prawns for dinner.... :p
The answer to that problem is cold soup! :D

Chilled sour cherry soup, grilled chicken breasts with preserved lemon/yoghurt sauce, spinach and feta ravioli, cucumber salad, green salad.
I'm sorry, but I have to agree with Soj on this one - "chilled sour cherry soup"? That's not a soup, that's a smoothie.
Tonight will be a rather rushed meal before dashing out to trampolining. I quite fancy a nice tomato salad.
I had one of the best meals of my life yesterday - open toulouse sausage sandwich with caramelised onions and gruyere cheese with chips cooked to perfection and garlic mayo. My mate had a massive hamburger which was divine, we washed it down with pink champagne.
I'm sorry, but I have to agree with Soj on this one - "chilled sour cherry soup"? That's not a soup, that's a smoothie.

Tsk. :rolleyes: This soup is more like a cherry sangria than a smoothie. It has pinot gris in it and isn't at all sweet-- well, not very anyway. I've good mind to post the recipe, just to piss off the nay-sayers.


ETA: so what's gaspacho then? Salad in a blender? Salsa with pretensions?
Please, post the recipe. Smoothies don't have to be sweet and they can have wine in them. They're a blended fruit drink.

I'm not a complete cold-soup-denier - I will accept a vichysoisse or a gazpacho. But cold, liquidised fruit = beverage of the smoothie kind.
Cold Sour Cherry Soup

2 cups water
2 cups dry red wine
1 Tbsp cornstarch
1/4 cup sugar
1/4 cup sour cream
1/4 tsp cinnamon
4 cups pitted sour cherries

Combine the water, sugar, 1 cup of the wine and cinnamon in a pot.
Bring to a boil and add cherries.
Simmer over low heat for 30 minutes
Mix the cornstarch and 2 Tbsp of cold water into a paste
Beat into the cherry soup.
Stirring constantly, bring the soup almost to a boil.
Reduce heat and simmer until clear and slightly thickened.
Refrigerate until chilled.
At service, stir in the sour cream and the rest of the wine.

So there!
I think it sounds nice. And to be fair, if I bought a smoothie and it turned out to be that ^^^, I'd be a bit gutted.

Tonight I'm having Polish food from the Polish restaurant.
I've had cherry soup, very nice it was too. It was at a friends engagement party who was Hungarian, dunno if that has anything to do with it though.
Yeah, the one I make most often is more eastern-European than the one I was raised on. My mum's would have the smoothie crowd falling over themselves insisting it's a dessert. :)
I hadn't realised the "soup" is first cooked, then chilled. That does make it a little more like soup, unlike some cherries and wine that had just been blitzed in the blender. However, I'm afraid to say it still sounds very much not to my taste.
We had (yes, I know it's early but the kids were starving!) a beef casserole that I'd put in before I went to work with dumplings and a baguette to mop up the gravy. God, it was lush! :cool:
Not so sure about tea yet but currently making a fresh tomato sauce....
6 punnets of tomatoes, 2 punnets of plum tomatoes. Olive oil into pan, 1 bulb of garlic skins on and crushed. Fry garlic for 3/4 minutes add tomatoes and cook on lowest heat possible for 3 or so hours. :cool::cool:
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