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What's for tea tonight? (pt6)

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Roasting a very plump free range chicken - keeping seasoning simple, lemon garlic and thyme. Having it with 4 different salads - beetroot, lentil, potato and bucatini pasta (ooh look at me! ;))
Am jumping on this week's hot dog train tonight, with some branston chilli relish stuff that I picked up today

:cool: quality choice there!

Tonight I shall be dining on sauteed chorizo, baked spud, and a green salad

When I've finished this bottle of wine I've just opened, that is :D
Mojito's & Macaroni cheese :cool: and another :cool: for good measure.

We're using our own grown mint for the Mojito's too, + macaroni cheese just happens to be my favouritest food in the world, ever.

= happy chappy.
Am jumping on this week's hot dog train tonight, with some branston chilli relish stuff that I picked up today

A wise choice. :)

Chicken Chilli Masala, rice, a garlic nan and one or two tandoori'd bits and bobs for me. All authentically Bengali spice-laden, I hope. :)

Just rang it through and drooled over the phone a bit. :oops:
last nite i had a 12oz. sirloin (med), loaded jacket potato, chopped blue cheese salad....mmmm
I got a large siroin, the remainder of which will be with chips and salad tomorrow.
But tonight.
Steak cut into v thin strips and in the wok with peppers, onions, whatever else I can find and bean shoots.
Loads of seasoning

I got a large siroin, the remainder of which will be with chips and salad tomorrow.
But tonight.
Steak cut into v thin strips and in the wok with peppers, onions, whatever else I can find and bean shoots.
Loads of seasoning



REMAINDER??? of a fucking STEAK?? what are you, mad?!!:eek:
Mojito's & Macaroni cheese :cool: and another :cool: for good measure.

We're using our own grown mint for the Mojito's too, + macaroni cheese just happens to be my favouritest food in the world, ever.

= happy chappy.

how do your make your macaroni cheese mr numbers?

agreed about mojitos too - absolutely love em :cool:
i went to the bbq and didnt eat because i was feeling fat and bleugh. but now i am too hungry to care and am eating a ham sandwhich
We just got back from the city where we had one of those Chinese fondue things. The heated tureen was divided in half-- one side had the usual chicken stock and the other had a kind of spicy satay stock based on pork. They had a great selection of stuff you could cook in them but we stuck to watercress and the pricier seafood. Ate our fool faces off. :)
my auntie made parathas stuffed with potatoes, and mutter paneer. i'm going to have that with some chili sauce on the side :)
Olde Englishe sausages from t'butchers, and baked spuds, and salad

Ended up having potato salad last night and there's still some left, so might have a bit of that n all :cool:
i shall be at work, and it is student choice on a sunday, so probably fishfingers and chips or something. i dont really fancy cooking though so i may try and guide them to the takeaway option :D or if its still nice later, a picnic in the park :)
Hoi Soj - can I have your macaroni cheese recipe?

ETA: Actually, don't worry, I just found it on the recipe wiki. Cheers. Would you believe I've never made it before?
We went out for lunch for b-i-l's birthday to Ealing Park Tavern. I had an onion tart with mackerel and a herb salad, followed by hake in a muscadet and black sesame seed batter with potato wedges and tartare sauce. It was very nice.
I had more king prawn and veg curry (no kids - HURRAH! :D )...all gone now though, so tomorrow I'll have to get cooking again!

I've got a cream meringue in the fridge too..... :hmm:
mmm I had 5 saussies, with that magnificent jalapeno relish, far too much scrummy potato salad, and a fuck off bowl of green salad - tasted even better eaten al fresco :cool:
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