Beans on toast I think
Yeah, same for me. Can't beat beans on toast sometimes.
Happy anniversary, sparklefish.
Beans on toast I think
what you got against cheshire?
Now I want this:
Now I want this:
But we are poor so will wait for next month
I've not had mash for wayyyyy too long
Think it's saussies and mash for tomorrows tea!!
I went out last night unexpectedly so only had a bit of cheese on toast, very tasty though.
Tonight I had my veggy saussies, cheesy mustard mash and onion gravy. It was LUSH
arghhh damn you! I completely forgot about this and can't get to my favourite butchers today!! I instantly want it now I can't have it
Oh well. Back to plan a, which is pesto linguine, with black olives, and a good shovelling of parmesan - perfect after a couple of glasses of decent red
And I have loads of toffee cake left mmmmm
Fish fingers, chips and beans
Fish fingers, chips and beans
Never understood this crossover..... Foe me fish/fish finger and chips should always be with peas, either mushy or vinegar peas. Egg and chips or beefburger and chips should always be with beans.... There should never be a crossover..... Wrong I tell yea wrong.....
But obviously as a good Catholic boy it has to be fish today, so peas it should be..... Well if I was a good Catholic and not a veggia that is.
the diet is just so boring i'd rather eat nothing. meh. poor me