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What's for tea tonight? (pt6)

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I couldn't face another plate of rice and veg, so I made a couple of sosmix hotdogs in mini crusty baguettes, with loads of ketchup, tomatoes and lambs lettuce. Yum!
I don't know what to pick up on the way home. I have some stuff in the fridge but i've been eating it for the past few days and boredom has set in.

Why is it that you have all these great ideas for dinner and then when the time comes to decide you can't remember any of them? I need to start keeping a list.

Well i've got it down to the following:

  • chinese (boring)
  • Taco Bell (had it few days ago)
  • Burger King (had that last week)
  • Pizza (the front runner but only if it has everything on it)
  • KFC (only if hell freezes over)
  • Greek salad with a tuna sandwich (naah, too healthy and i've already lost 25 lbs)
  • Thai (no, the place closes at 9pm and i won't make it)
  • McDonalds (sick of that shit-hole)

well it'll be pizza, most likely :)
Beans and gravy? ? You freak! :hmm::p:D

Nah, good combination that - even better with some broccoli.

Anyway, I forgot I was gonna buy saussies today, and took some chunky chickpea soup (with chorizo) out of the freezer

I've run out of cake though, so need to buy more
well, yesterday madge and i made meatballs, with a homemade tomato, courgette and garlic sauce, served up with rice

she was sad thoguh, as she didn't like the meatballs, so just ate the rice and sauce :( me thinks she just does not do beef, so next time we shall try chicken and apple meatballs :cool:

tonight, i feel the need for a takeaway <licks lips>
I'm going keraaazy with veg stir fry and rice :eek:
Someone hold me back man, the world isn't ready for this level of freakiness!
I am feeling very lazy today. May follow MissF's lead and use up some frozen chilli, or perhaps cook some lemon sole out the freezer.

I'm going to wander aimlessly around the market and see if it inspires me at all. More likely I'll get lunch though - it's between chincharronnes (crispy pork) and one of those pastries from the colombian, curry and roti from the Guyanese food shack, or perhaps a toasted panini thing from San Marino. Choices, choices...
I am feeling very lazy today. May follow MissF's lead and use up some frozen chilli, or perhaps cook some lemon sole out the freezer.

I'm going to wander aimlessly around the market and see if it inspires me at all. More likely I'll get lunch though - it's between chincharronnes (crispy pork) and one of those pastries from the colombian, curry and roti from the Guyanese food shack, or perhaps a toasted panini thing from San Marino. Choices, choices...

Have you been to San Marino lately? Their panini have gone right downhill, and as for the jacket potatoes :eek:
Oh noes. I thought the last panini I had from there was alright. After not being around Brixton at lunches for a long time it was a pleasant surprise - down Clapham way poncy toasties are much more expensive and crapper.

I'm presently preparing for my healthy snack of pork belly/crispy skin by shovelling my gaping maw with choc chip cookies.
Oh noes. I thought the last panini I had from there was alright. After not being around Brixton at lunches for a long time it was a pleasant surprise - down Clapham way poncy toasties are much more expensive and crapper.

I'm presently preparing for my healthy snack of pork belly/crispy skin by shovelling my gaping maw with choc chip cookies.

I know, it's a regular of mine and I was pretty disappointed. You could give it a go anyway, just don't expect too much.
What's really changed? I know they've poncified the names and rejigged the menu a little, but my classic escalope option was pretty much the same? Big lump of battered out meat, good cheese, toasted - difficult to complain really.

TBH I never go for the more inventive toppings - Rosie and Jacks in Camden does the marinated basil chicken fillings and so on better than anywhere else imo.
That's what I go for! Chicken escalope, cheese and salad. Erm, the bread did that thing microwaved bread does where it goes all hard, the chicken was flaccid and too salty, and the salad was very tired. Another time I had tuna and it had gone all hard like it had been left out, and the baked potato I had was shrivelled and too salty again.

They've given it a refit, and got some new staff.
Think you may have been unlucky - mine was ok.

I think they may have microwaved the bread to ensure the middle was hot too as well, but mine escaped ok - the best places tend to just reheat the filling quickly, then slide back into the bread prior to toasting.
We're having lamb shank, new potatoes and carrots (both roasted), broccolli and green beans. We are then having vanilla cheesecake with strawberry and bourbon cream and some cava because it's our wedding anniversary. :cool:
I've got some leftover chincharronnes over here from our nice Colombian market man - I can post you some if you like Dolly.

Frankly I'm feeling I'm a bit sick myself. That's what eating far too many crispy bits of fatty pork goodness does to you.
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