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What's for tea tonight? (pt6)

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one day i'm gunner make you come round my house and i'm going to FORCE FEED YOU steamed vegetables :mad: :)

No need doll - I eat them of my own accord. Like last night, f'rinstance :)

(cept I had mine with buttery baked spuds, fish with a massively-calorie-laden sauce, and butter all over the baby corn) :)
Ah steamed vegetables. Nearly always improved by quickly stir frying afterwards in plenty of butter.


Only baby corn

Baby corn DEMANDS to be buttered. And black peppered. Oh, and white cabbage does too. Think that's all. Wouldn't dream of buttering mange tout :eek:
Nah, sesame oil for mange tout

Mange tout are shit really anyway. They're like low-calorie reduced flavour paper beans. Good for only a time saving stir fry.
I did say 'you stupid cunt' first of all, but I thought cheesy might tell me off, so I changed it to 'fucking freak'. :D :p

I feel deprived now. Cheated.

I don't think you've ever called me a cunt, and now, because of cp, I am deprived of that experience


cp - you're a cunt, see what you made sheo do?? :mad:
No waaaaaaaaaaay! :mad: :( :D

Nice big pile of peppery, buttery mange tout!

(Plus BOTH my children will eat them :rolleyes: )

It's a little known fact that Mange Tout were invented by Delia Smith, specifically created for the bland British palate. She now presides over the Mange Tout Corporation, which covers large tracts of Zimbabwe with this cash crop, supporting the Mugabe regime.

What gets me with this evil vegetable of tastelessness is that it's often mentioned as good for oriental cooking. When it's patently not - it's clearly inferior in flavour to snake beans or the humble green bean
(((((((((((((( mange tout :( )))))))))))))))

LOL @ Delia inventing them though.* :D

*And that's like you're worst food insult ever tarannau, innit? :eek: :( :D
I guess I should have saved the ultimate Delia-insult for another food really. She is the heart of prescriptive evil - right now she's measuring precisely 300ml of your soul for Lucifer Sheo!

Mange tout isn't horrific. It's just anodyne - stringier, more prone to overcooking, less flavour and less locally grown than the humble variety of green beans. I'll eat them, but it's rare that I actually enjoy the process. They're beans, just less so
Well ours are fresh from the allotment - straight over the back fence - so I guess that makes them slightly more passable than most eh? Certainly 'local' anyway! :p :D

Nah - I get what you mean - there are tastier veggies :D but I still think they have a slightly distinctive flavour (admittedly mild tbf, as you say).
Erm, there's a huge difference between delicately flavoured and bland you know. Tarannau, I'm really starting to think you've just got a really crude palate :p
Had macaroni cheese again, made with Cornish Yarg and spinach sauce. :oops:

Tonight will be leftover chili bean curd from the other night and vegetable fried rice.
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