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What's for tea tonight? (pt6)

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fishcakes, chips and corn on the cob
fishcakes, chips and corn on the cob
fishcakes, chips and corn on the cob
fishcakes, chips and corn on the cob
fishcakes, chips and corn on the cob
fishcakes, chips and corn on the cob
fishcakes, chips and corn on the cob
fishcakes, chips and corn on the cob

only the one serving each, mind.

it just looks good copied out loads of times IMO.
What intruiging sounding sausages. Where do you get them from?
I got mine from Wing Yip which is just down the road. Being introduced to them was possibly one of the only positive things to come from my bf before bees :D

Chinese Sausage
Wind dried in pairs, Chinese sausages are usually made from pork and quite a bit of fat. Smokey, slightly sweet and aromatic it is used in stir fries, fried rice and hot pots. An easy way to cook Chinese sausage is to place it on top of steaming rice, allowing the oil from the sausage to melt into the rice, thus adding its unique flavour to the rice.
i had beef stew. but i am hungry again, trying to resist temptation as i should get to bed pretty shortly :(
A sort of Moroccan-style stew with aubergines, courgettes, peppers, apricots and chick peas, and on this occasion I added half a pound of diced lamb. It was really good, and another two portions are in the freezer. :cool:
A sort of Moroccan-style stew with aubergines, courgettes, peppers, apricots and chick peas, and on this occasion I added half a pound of diced lamb. It was really good, and another two portions are in the freezer. :cool:

Oooh, that sounds good Roadkill! Could you write down the recipe when you get a minute please? :)

We had spag bol. Again. :rolleyes:
Oooh, that sounds good Roadkill! Could you write down the recipe when you get a minute please? :)

With pleasure. :)

3 tsp olive oil
1 onion
2-3 garlic cloves
1 aubergine
1 or 2 courgettes
1 red or yellow pepper
3 tsp ground cumin
2 tsp ground coriander
1 tsp paprika
1/2 tsp ground ginger
1 tsp allspice
2 tsp harissa paste
1 tin chopped tomatoes
1 tin chick peas
handful of chopped dried apricots
salt and pepper

Soften the onion, pepper, courgette and aubergine
Stir in the spices and cook gently for a minute or so
Add the tomatoes and a little water (plus a bit of stock, if you like), bring to boil and chuck in chick peas and apricots
Simmer for about 25 mins until cooked, or for better results (IME) stick in a medium oven for an hour or so.

Easy, and very tasty. :)
Finished off the chilli last night with tacos etc. No guacamole cos the avocado had gone off :mad:

No idea what to have tonight. Got lots of things in the fridge though so will decide later.
I dunno... :hmm: ....will have a friends daughter for supper cos ex has her for the day and her dad will be collecting her from here. She has an errr...extremely healthy appetite...so whatever it is, it'll have to be substantial (ex texted half an hour or so ago, by which time she had already had 2 bowls of cereal, a pork pie, a scotch egg, 2 plums, a packet of niknaks and a packet of raisins...she's 3 btw! :eek: :( ). :D
Might do them some bulghur wheat with mackeral and the rest of the roast veg I have left over from yesterday.

And I might have a king prawn salad.

Or some chilli from the freezer. :hmm:
Well then I might done have it tonight, dolls! :cool: :D

I have to decide fairly soon cos I need to take either the prawns or the chilli or something else altogether out of the freezer.... :hmm:

I hate it when I don't immediately know what I want to eat! :mad: :D
caught what could develop into a very nasty cold/cough - trying to stop it with a fiery chilli loaded oxtail and veg soup. Probably wash it down with half a pint of Meltus (chesty), ice and a slice :(
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