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What's for tea tonight? (pt6)

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I've just had the worst meal I've had in a long time. :( A Sainsburys taste the difference tagliatelle. Absolute tasteless shit. :mad:

So I had a cake to make up for it. :)
Im thinking im going to get a takeway Indian curry later. I had a migraine yesterday and still managed to drink till 5am today so things have been rather slow today. I should be at a BBQ with lovely food n friends but my head hurts.
Young's Ocean pie - the poshest of the unhealthy trilogy - containg named cheese (cheddar) and named potato (Maris Piper) :p

Admiral's pie has "butter and cheese"

Mariner's Pie has "creamy sweetcorn sauce"
chili dogs (hot dogs doused in chili with mustard and onions) and potato salad.

for dessert it will be kheer (indian rice pudding made with cream and lots of sugar :)
i had rice with steamed veg

*polishes halos*

then i had 2 krispy kremes and 2 chocolate eclairs for pud and tv snacks :oops:
I've got some fresh mackerel for tonight. Going to stuff it with pesto mash a la Delia and bake in the oven. Finished off with a lemon cheesecake. Nomnom
Dunno - was going to make sushi for a friends belated birthday treat - but she didn't manage to get any nori yesterday, so myself and my bezzer are thinking that we may just go for an easier option instead...maybe get some picnic type stuff in case the nice weather holds.

So we're just going to go and have a coffee, then a mosey (sp?!) around Sainsburys to see what they have to inspire us..... :hmm:
a mosey (sp?!) around Sainsburys

Isn't that something that cowboys do? Mosey on down to, em, the corral or summat, possibly before heading some varmints off at the pass. Or a gulch, even. Oh yes. Will you be going round Sainsbury's on horseback? :cool:

I dunno what I'm having for dinner tonight but possibly not much as I've got a hangover and am considering that a decent pub lunch and a few ales might be the only way out of it. :)
I've just stuffed a leg of lamb with garlic and Rosemary and put it in on low so we'll have it with roast potatoes, parsnips, veg and Yorkshires. :cool:
Im going to make a job-lot of Bolognese sauce in the slow cooker, the cheats way with a jar of Ragu as the base with the minced beef but with chopped bacon, extra garlic, peas,tinned toms and a dash of brown sugar.

Tonight we'll scoff it with spaghetti then the leftovers will get used, most likely in toasties, by the teenagers over the next day or two.

Easy, filling and cheap :cool:
Im going to make a job-lot of Bolognese sauce in the slow cooker, the cheats way with a jar of Ragu as the base with the minced beef but with chopped bacon, extra garlic, peas,tinned toms and a dash of brown sugar.

Why bother with the jar of Ragu if you're putting all the ingredients in anyway? :confused:
Moussaka but with sliced potato instead of aubergine as the horde can't stand the latter.......

I hate my missus sometimes :cool:

She's just put to freeze a beef chilli she made a cpl of days ago which I was looking foward to eating later :(

But is rustling up a Chicken curry with chana, plantain (sp) & rice/peas and making cinnamon bread :)

All I do is wash up as she uses things and I'm fully signed up to a 50/50 food split.

And she's made a new HPS (hot pepper sauce)
Belly pork nom nom nom. It's in the oven now on low and will be for the next 4 hours :cool:

I'm also making beef stock, but that's for freezing.
The pub lunch turned out to be a good idea.

Cod in Doombar beer batter, chunky chips and salad. No beer (driving) but I've got a pint of cider on the go now that I'm home. Very nice. :)
Cornwall, yep.:)

Although, weirdly enough, when I went up to London to see Radiohead recently they had Doom Bar on tap in a pub in Hackney. It's a really nice pint - one of the best down here.
Shepherds pie - home made (using Delias cheat, can of minced beef) served with pan fried/tossed broccoli.
Followed by a magnum ice cream on a stick
i'm going out with some friends to a persian/iranian restaurant....never had it before but i assume its close to mideast cuisine
Why bother with the jar of Ragu if you're putting all the ingredients in anyway? :confused:

Its my lazy way of bulking it out and adding all the herbs, puree, onions etc in one go. If im lucky it'll feed the lads for two days and theres about a gallon of it :D
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