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What's for tea tonight? (pt6)

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Tescos didn't deliver my pitta bread :mad: so it won't be the easy tara/hummous/pitta option :mad: ...so probably a grilled soy salmon steak and a big salad.

But I'm having beer first - I'm child free and there's no more appropriate way to celebrate the arrival of my brand new kitchen bench, when it's so remarkably bar-like. :cool: :D

And I've even got bar stools to go with it.

<puts out a bowl of nuts>

Im going out for dinner at a kinda tapas place. Its not Spanish but influneces all over the med/europe with the idea to order many dishes and share. It's a BYOB so taking a few bottles of cava to share and some vodka.
<rummages in sheo's nuts>

We're having an oven tea of fish and chips, with frozen peas. Followed by either rhubarb crumble or Gu chocolate souffles. Or both.
<rummages in sheo's nuts>

We're having an oven tea of fish and chips, with frozen peas. Followed by either rhubarb crumble or Gu chocolate souffles. Or both.

<places a protective hand over her nuts :mad: >

I've realised that I've ordered oyster mushrooms and beansprouts, which are both likely to go on the turn quite quickly and pak choi, so I'm having a veg stir fry in oyster sauce with the salmon.

I will be propping up the bar for sometime yet though (I'm so over excited...it's actually quite sad :( ). ( :hmm: :cool: :hmm: )
The nephs are away on conjugal business until Sunday night and I have a catering gig tomorrow (Saturday) afternoon: apres-golf finger food for 65 and assorted spouses. The Albatross and I will probably graze on that stuff as it gets plattered. (All in the interest of quality control, of course. :))
i went out and had a meatball sandwich and onion rings, 3 jack daniels on ice and two pints o' newcastle :oops:

god i'm going to pay for this tomorrow :D

Tea tonight will be a huge beefy stew with DUMPLINGS :cool:

Mmmmm, that's one of our favourites but you need to be up early to get it in the slow cooker... :cool:

I've spent most of the morning thinking about what's for tea and still haven't come to a decision. :hmm:
Easy decision for tea tonight, finish off last nights takeaway. Didn't have any cumin for the salmon recipe so I'll try that later in the week. So it's:

popadom, mango chutney and onion salad
onion bhaji and mint sauce
a curry dish called shorsha raja chingri which is prawns cooked with garlic, ginger, green chilli, corriander and mustard seeds, and garlic nan bread

Nom :D
We're going for a rather optimistic picnic :D

We're taking sausages and chicken drumsticks (cooked this morning), pasta salad, a pork pie, ham sandwiches and plenty of wine. To be eaten under an umbrella before we repair to the pub, I imagine :D
We're going for a rather optimistic picnic :D

We're taking sausages and chicken drumsticks (cooked this morning), pasta salad, a pork pie, ham sandwiches and plenty of wine. To be eaten under an umbrella before we repair to the pub, I imagine :D

Fuck that sounds good, gimme.
Scratch the stew - got too caught up in reading to make the stew, but the mince has already defrosted so it's chilli instead

With flapjacks and chocolate brownies for afters :cool:
(this place needs a smiley of someone licking their chops)

The duck cooked yesterday - never got round to eating it; came back from the pub late and it went straight in the fridge. Some sliced up for stir fry, some for pancakes and hoisin. Plain rice and some steamed pak choi in oyster sauce and garlic.
nice. you entertainin?

we having chicken and stuff and that. he's coking it. looks nice off the recipe. good, cos i'm pissed - need sustenance!

Am I fuck! I've been sticking to a no meat, no dairy, no soya diet for ages and I'm fucking sick of it.
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