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What's for tea tonight? (pt6)

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I used bacon and pancetta as well as mince, thickened and reduced the tomato sauce before putting it in with everything else. I also threw a cinnamon stick, bay leaves, brown sugar, half a jar of jalepenos and a shit load of hot chili powder in to season it and stewed it on the hob for one and a half hours.

Sounds good. If I can be arsed I tend to use both pork and beef mince, often with stewing steak chunks as well. Loads of cumin, chilli powder, chipotle (dried smoked jalapenos) if I have it, stock and the obligatory tomatoes and bay leaves. Hob or oven at low heat for as long as I can bear.

Tomorrow and it's a pork and beef mince mix, taken out of the freezer.
I have some chipotle - wish I'd remembered to use some - I may spice up the chili more tomorrow with some - never used it though, so I have no idea how much to put in
It's just another dried chilli. Chipotle's not particularly hot really - if you've added half a jar of jalapenos then you'll have no problem. It's more for the smoky flavour really.
<snip> half a jar of jalepenos and a shit load of hot chili powder in to season it <snip>

:eek: That must have been a spicey little dish :eek:

Woooooo, the inside of my mouth feels hot reading that! But i do err on the side of caution when using chillis tbh. Wish I could eat really hot ones but they just make me ill.
That sounds like a great idea ScallyWag, I think I'll make a mildish one for them to start with and get some taco shells and see what they think of that. Thanks. :)

They are messy ime mind, lots of kitchen paper needed (and bibs would be an idea! :D:eek:) The filling falls out but it is fun to make them up. I've always done them starting with a mild chilli, bits of lettuce and tomato, refried beans (optional) and cheese...sliced chilli/jalepeno for the more adventurous(probably not for your family yet) and blobs of sour cream are good and possibly a blob of guacamole. Bung everything in bowls on the table and let them help themselves!
a mild chilli, bits of lettuce and tomato, refried beans (optional) and cheese...sliced chilli/jalepeno for the more adventurous(probably not for your family yet) and blobs of sour cream are good and possibly a blob of guacamole.
or use flour tortillas :) same idea but slightly less messy :D

thats what we tend to do a lot :cool: with all the extras SW has listed here :D
Somebody give an idea for something fast and easy.

Ingredients - not a problem as I have to go shopping after work:(. I don't like fish very much, but thats about it - I'm not fussy.

*awaits replies*
Somebody give an idea for something fast and easy.

Ingredients - not a problem as I have to go shopping after work:(. I don't like fish very much, but thats about it - I'm not fussy.

*awaits replies*

My fave quick weeknight supper. Fry a couple of cloves of garlic with pork mince, getting nice and brown and adding salt. In another pan make a soup base using stock (a cube will do), soy sauce and rice vinegar (roughly a pint, 1-2 tbs vinegar, 2-3tbs of soy). Cook some noodles at the same time, egg, wheat or whatever you prefer.

To finish simply pile the noodles into the bottom of a bowl. Top with crispy mince and then the stock, which you add coriander, chilli and spring onions at the last minute. Garnish with the extra coriander, chill and spring onions. Slurp loudly.

Piss simple. And I apologise for repeating this recipe, but we never really tire of it. Refreshing, simple and cheap.
My fave quick weeknight supper. Fry a couple of cloves of garlic with pork mince, getting nice and brown and adding salt. In another pan make a soup base using stock (a cube will do), soy sauce and rice vinegar (roughly a pint, 1-2 tbs vinegar, 2-3tbs of soy). Cook some noodles at the same time, egg, wheat or whatever you prefer.

To finish simply pile the noodles into the bottom of a bowl. Top with crispy mince and then the stock, which you add coriander, chilli and spring onions at the last minute. Garnish with the extra coriander, chill and spring onions. Slurp loudly.

Piss simple. And I apologise for repeating this recipe, but we never really tire of it. Refreshing, simple and cheap.

we have a possibility:cool:
You won't regret it (unless you don't like coriander).

Change of plan here - went to get the frozen bag of premade chilli out last night and it was ginormous. Couldn't be arsed to take a cleaver to the frozen block, so it's chicken breasts tonight instead.

Boring. Some kind of curry I reckon, perhaps involving spinach and potatoes. With the chapati/paratha I've got ready made and frozen for an eventuality like this. Will check out what looks good in the market and decide from there.
well after all that toing and froing, I ended up having cheese and onion butties and a bag of crisps - too tired to do owt else :rolleyes: on the plus side, i am finally going for blood tests to find out what the fucking fuck is making me so tired and my hair fall out.

tonight's tea - i'm currently thinking chunky chickpea soup, but this could well change. watch this space.
:eek: That must have been a spicey little dish :eek:

Woooooo, the inside of my mouth feels hot reading that! But i do err on the side of caution when using chillis tbh. Wish I could eat really hot ones but they just make me ill.

Not really, jalapenos ain't that strong.
It was a bit of a ring stinger this morning though!
Last night I had an unusual dinner of venison chilli with black and white rice in the pub. It was delicious.

Tonight I am taking some pals out for morroccan. its on me and i am sparing no expenses ;)
Vegetable crumble, boiled new potatoes in butter and chives & steamed asparagus which I should have cooked last night.

So good gonna have it again tonight after me radio show. Forgotten how good asparagus was.
I'm a bit unprepared. My mum's coming for dinner and I haven't planned anything. I've forgotten what she likes.
Didn't have the noodle soup in then end - got well stuck in to the glossing (all finished now, thank fuck) so caved in and bought a chinese...so noodle soup tonight.
Seriously, I have no idea what to cook for my mum. She doesn't want anything spicy, has IBS, is diabetic, doesn't really eat red meat. Anything I can think of just seems a bit boring.
Didn't have the noodle soup in then end - got well stuck in to the glossing (all finished now, thank fuck) so caved in and bought a chinese...so noodle soup tonight.

What's in that then? I'm gonna guess that noodles play a part. Some kind of liquid. Soup liquid? Souquid?
Oh no, hang on. I just thought. Chicken breasts wrapped in parma ham with puy lentils and a salad. That'll do.
What's in that then? I'm gonna guess that noodles play a part. Some kind of liquid. Soup liquid? Souquid?

Got some stock made from the carcass of yesterdays chicken and loads of meat leftover, plus spring onions, broccoli, mange tout, mushrooms and coriander, so it can only be a nice noodle soup! :D

That! :p

But I've also got two strips of belly pork which I boiled and will roast with some hoisin sauce, then slice and add along with the chicken.

Meat feast! :cool: :D
That! :p

But I've also got two strips of belly pork which I boiled and will roast with some hoisin sauce, then slice and add along with the chicken.

Meat feast! :cool: :D

Oh my god, that sounds awesome. :cool:

I'm really hungry. :(

I'm gonna have two flat thin pieces of crusted bread smeared with a paste made from peanuts.
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