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What's for tea tonight? (pt6)

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i'm never so anxious as when i don't know what i'm having for dinner *twitches* :(

Easily avoided. My final task, before hauling my weary corpse upstairs to bed, is to pull something out of the freezer for "tomorrow". I doubt I've forgotten to do that more than a dozen times in as many years.
Can't be bothered doing owt tonight.

A bacon sarnie, perhaps. Or better still, two bacon sarnies. And a mug of tea.

It's pissing down, cold and July. That's my excuse.
I just thought I'd say...I am now on my 7th satfuckinsuma of the day

SHITE! They're just bags of fucking orange flavoured WATER and they don't fill you up. And in fact, I think they just make you HUNGRIER :mad::mad::mad: *kicks desk* *stamps feet* :mad:
I just thought I'd say...I am now on my 7th satfuckinsuma of the day

SHITE! They're just bags of fucking orange flavoured WATER and they don't fill you up. And in fact, I think they just make you HUNGRIER :mad::mad::mad: *kicks desk* *stamps feet* :mad:

Seven?! Why, that's the toxic dose!

The only known antidote is a large sesame-seed bagel with a lot of cream cheese and smoked salmon.
Seven?! Why, that's the toxic dose!

The only known antidote is a large sesame-seed bagel with a lot of cream cheese and smoked salmon.


Oh god, that sounds *faints with hunger*

I know that a family sized bag of crisps and a packet of triple choc boasters would help....if only I wasn't on a permanent mission since the age of 36 to be 'good' :rolleyes::mad::rolleyes:
I just thought I'd say...I am now on my 7th satfuckinsuma of the day

SHITE! They're just bags of fucking orange flavoured WATER and they don't fill you up. And in fact, I think they just make you HUNGRIER :mad::mad::mad: *kicks desk* *stamps feet* :mad:

have an APPLE! silly.
There's no proper appreciation for "good" without the occasional foray into "bad" territory (he said, staring at a plateful of buttered Fat Archies, meant for dessert, an hour from now).
*hides soj's eyes*

I'm getting a chinese take away tonight. Not well...can't be arsed to cook....

oh don't worry - I've already mentally cut down the list of stuff to be ironed to one shirt that I need for a meet tomorrow, so I can make my tea in double quick time :D

And I have bought SOREEN...just fancied it tother day, not had the sticky chewy goodness for ages - lovely with a nice hot cup of camomile tea :cool:
There's no proper appreciation for "good" without the occasional foray into "bad" territory (he said, staring at a plateful of buttered Fat Archies, meant for dessert, an hour from now).

Oh, I DO 'bad' - I just save it for after work :D I eat huge meals, and I have chocolate or cake every single night after me tea without fail - was brought up not having pudding, and as an adult I've felt it was my godgiven right to eat CAKE every day :D
You people don't know what you're missing. Apple skin makes my mouth itchy like crazy.

Supermarket apples, cold stored and bred into uniform-shaped unbruisable tastelessness, ain't worth the discomfort. But a decent apple from a local orchard's a different beast entirely.

If you think apples are a crunchy means of storing water, then what the hell do you think of cucumbers and most tomatoes?
last night I had rainbow trout new potatos and some of that broccolis with the long stems.

today I'm making a sick chilli cus it's cold and shit outside.
I've struggled to remember what we had for tea! :eek:

The children have informed me that it was chicken curry with rice and naan. :)
Don't know. :(

Appear to have nothing in. It's raining too hard for me to want to go the shops. But I always feel guilty getting takeaways when the weather is this bad :(
Don't know. :(

Appear to have nothing in. It's raining too hard for me to want to go the shops. But I always feel guilty getting takeaways when the weather is this bad :(

Tell us what you've got in (you must have storecupboard stuff) and we'll give you some suggestions :)
I wish it were that simple, but it really is bare in there.

I've just found a box of Gallo wild mushroom risotto, a tin of lentils, some olives and some dried chipotle chillis. So there is KIND of a meal there.. just an odd one. And I had a soup with arborio rice in it for lunch.
Don't know. :(

Appear to have nothing in. It's raining too hard for me to want to go the shops. But I always feel guilty getting takeaways when the weather is this bad :(
never feel guilty about takeaway :cool: takeaways are wonderful things
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