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What's for tea tonight? (pt6)

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Going to a leaving do tonight so won't be home until late, so if I'm hungry cheese on toast with a splash of worcestshire sauce
Made aloo gobi, mushroom paneer, raita, rice and roti last night. Was thinking of having the left overs tonight but only have a bit of aloo gobi left, so that's going in the freezer and I have a big bulbous aubergine in my veg bag thats gonna get stuffed... just need to go up to the plot this afternoon and get some new potatoes :)
Do you remember that woman me and P met...'Bhagwati'...real name, revealed inside the front cover of a book she said she'd been given as a child...Brenda.

Yep, remember her well. Had a little girl who was being horrible to Fred all the time. Arsey waiters? Horrid little girls? Wasn't Fred's trip, really, was it? :D Pity we didn't get any film of Brenda. Fred could've 'incorporated' her into one of his movies with giant ants. :cool: :D

Her name change reminds me of Slade The Leveller from New Model Army. His real name's Justin. I bet he hates his parents. :D

Anyway, this isn't the 'what me and sheo did on our holidays' thread so I'll go back to me dinner: tonight it's a violently spicy chicken curry - at least Vindaloo strength but probably veering more towards the Phaal end of things.
roast peppers in a brown pitta bread, with some yogurt sauce if i'm feeling extravagant. the kids and mr feyr have pork, veg and hallumi kebabs with pitta bread, yougur sauce and maybe some cous cous too
fran, come one, you MUST know by now about pogo's thing about reheated rice!!! You MUST!


I remember posting a thread not long after I joined asking whether I could eat cold rice for lunch. Pogofish's anicdotes and talk of bacterial terror were quite impressive.

I still reheat rice though. Death awaits.

I remember posting a thread not long after I joined asking whether I could eat cold rice for lunch. Pogofish's anicdotes and talk of bacterial terror were quite impressive.

I still reheat rice though. Death awaits.

Huh? Can someone link to it? Cold rice, in balls, with something inside like an umiboshi plum, have sustained over-worked Japanese farmers as field food for centuries. I don't recall tales of them keeling over in the paddies from it. :shrug:
Huh? Can someone link to it? Cold rice, in balls, with something inside like an umiboshi plum, have sustained over-worked Japanese farmers as field food for centuries. I don't recall tales of them keeling over in the paddies from it. :shrug:

That's because it's the reheating bit that's potentially dangerous. :p

He's not wrong tbf...but still a tad more cautious than most...but that's because he did actually fall prey to the bacteria and by his accounts, it was very nasty too.

Easy to find...just search for 'Pogofish' and 'Rice' :D ...hang on, I'll do it....

Some of these are general rice references, but mostly they're not :D .....includes my fave pogofish line...

There are umpteen threads on here from chancers who want to eat old rice.

(Soz pogo...but it has a touch of the tobyjug about it! heh heh!)


You'd probably know most of this though Y I .....being a cheffy type!

Ftr - I no longer reheat rice. :cool:
Actually, to clarify, it's how it's been cooled and stored between first cooking it and then reheating it that's actually the problem, rather than the reheating itself.

I think. :hmm:
that's interesting sheo. thanks for clarifying. :)

i'm having a stir fry.


I think you should have lots of badly cooled, badly stored and badly reheated rice with that foo. :)

I'm on my own, so it looks like it's gonna be........salmon and king prawn noodles soup again!!! :rolleyes: :cool:
Oooh and last night, I made some lovely tender, spicy pork ribs, home made wedges and a great big salad...and I'm making a stock from the bones, which will form the base of my soup later.
Actually, to clarify, it's how it's been cooled and stored between first cooking it and then reheating it that's actually the problem, rather than the reheating itself.

I think. :hmm:

TBF, I might have done Pogofish a disservice. He doesn't say cold rice can't be eaten. His advice was more about storing and reheating rice.
my old thread
Stir fry for me I thinkn. Packchoi (sp?) and tuna involved.

Although might have pan fried thin cut chips with something instead. Depends if I stay in.
Stir fry for me I thinkn. Packchoi (sp?) and tuna involved.

Although might have pan fried thin cut chips with something instead. Depends if I stay in.

If you've any oyster sauce use that on the pakchoi. Steam it first then heat a couple of cloves in a wok, then a few spoonfuls of oyster sauce. Throw pakchoi into bubbling sauce, toss and serve.

Serve with plain rice and perhaps that tuna, coated in soy and coriander seeds and griddled quickly? 20 min dinner at most...
Roasted chicken thighs, green salad, and I took about half a tin's worth of cannellini beans out of the freezer too, so I'm thinking of warming them, and mashing them slightly with some Encona sauce - sounds good in my head.

I think a little Encona sauce on the side might be required as well :cool:
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