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What's for tea tonight? (pt6)

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i'm really missing lidl atm, we used to live practically next door, in our new house we only have an aldi close by, which isn't nearly as good.

i miss the cartons of pear pulp :(

You can stock up on £2 miracle Q-10 cream though. I don't think the Lidl one is as good.
Ex is taking us for a chinese...I will have a roast duck noodle soup. :cool:

Then I'm taking my son to see The Incredible Hulk, so toffee popcorn for pudding. :D

Don't make me angry.... :mad: :cool: :D
i'm going to try to make some salmon en croute using some of the dill growing on the windowsill and have carrots and green beans with it.
Have to go to a twatting 'network' bit of utter bollocks tonight, whereupon me and the boss will stand around clutching glasses of wine, pouncing on canapes, and failing spectacularly to network, cos we're shit at it. :( We've planned to stay an hour and then go for something proper to eat somewhere - so maybe Chinese or Italian.
Chicken dippers :(

No proper cooked food for us lately.

Shopping at iceland this week as well sob sob...
dunno. i have lost my appetite the past few days. i am full of this weird nervous energy that means i don't really want to eat much. could murder some booze mind :)
I don't know what to have for tea. I've got some potatoes that need using up. They might be past their best though.

I quite fancy my special couscous dish, but I only had it 2 days ago, and I don't have all the ingredients and can't be bothered to walk for 1/2 an hour to get to the supermarket.

I might be able to persuade him indoors that a Chinese take-away is the right thing to do.
Top tip! Spot where the canapes bearers are coming out and stand there. Best way to get the most/best canapes! Do not be modest about this!

heh - I did something similar last time we had to do this shite. I physically blocked the path of the canape bearers as they made their way through the crowd :cool: And I don't do modest, when it comes to food, especially lovely tasty tiny bits of food that you have to eat a lot of :D
heh - I did something similar last time we had to do this shite. I physically blocked the path of the canape bearers as they made their way through the crowd :cool: And I don't do modest, when it comes to food, especially lovely tasty tiny bits of food that you have to eat a lot of :D

:D:D I feckin lurve canapes me :D
Canapes are great. I take special pleasure in grabbing two or three of everything at a time. Food and politeness don't mix IMO, especially when you don't know when the next plate is coming round.

Anyway, dunno what I'm having for tea tonight, I've had fucking scorching heartburn all day and feel knackered and weird. Might not bother with tea, or just have some pasta/pesto.
I've just gone to make myself some toast and the breads all mouldy. :(

There's nothing in the freezer either and the local shop shuts at 7. :mad:
Bless my lovely neighbour who brought me round 2 slices of bread. :cool: :D

I've had cheese on toast with worcestershire sauce - it was lovely. :cool:
Chicken wings marinated in some blitzed up spring onions/ginger/garlic/soy/honey/lemon juive/5 spice, with potato salad and either a green salad, or some broad beans/mange tout, depending on what the plot has for us today..... :hmm:

There will defo be raspberries for pudding though!
Last night was rather good actually - not only did i get canapes and free glug, I also got free access to the Klimt exhibition at the Tate - was fucking great walking round it all with only a few people there :cool: and then I got more free food - poncy pate and walnut bread, and a nice fat ribeye steak with lovely pommes dauphinoise and a bottle of chilean red, then my own bodyweight in brandy :cool:

For a twatty network meeting, I did rather well :D

Tonight's tea will be a much more humble chicken korma, bolted down before I go and give one of me bessie mates a bit of moral support for the first gig he's played in years :cool:
oooh Klimt at the Tate :cool: what stuff did they have up there?

tonight will be cheese on toast or something as i have an hour to get changed, eat and get to the climbing wall for 7.30.
oooh Klimt at the Tate what stuff did they have up there?

tonight will be cheese on toast or something as i have an hour to get changed, eat and get to the climbing wall for 7.30.

NOT the kiss!!! :D But plenty of paintings with the gold, not all though.

Can't remember the names of them, but interestingly, there would be a painting of a woman, plus all of the things that were in the room in the house where her portrait was hung...dishes, tables, chairs, trinketty things, plus designs for the carpets used in the room :cool:

There was a massive frieze, plus some self portraits. Really enjoyed it, wasn't expecting it at all. The meet was held at the tate, but the last one I went to we werent allowed access to the Chapman Bros exhibition which was on, so this was a real bonus. I'm meant to be going with some mates on 5th July, so can boast my fucking arse off now that I've been first :D

There were some absolutely fabulous erotic sketches in the last room - proper eye opening!!! All women, thankfully ;):D
tonight will be cheese on toast or something as i have an hour to get changed, eat and get to the climbing wall for 7.30.

Ooooh baldrick - I've been planning on signing myself and the boy up to do this for ages (they have cheap sessions for families on low incomes, but it's at the marina which is a fair way from me and from 4-7.30 once a week, so I keep putting it off....:rolleyes: )...

Is it hard?
Is it fun!?!
Does the harness go on in a really unflattering way? :( :hmm: :D
oh no... I had my tea for lunch... this means I will be most likely having mashed potato on it's own for tea. yum.
Last night was rather good actually - not only did i get canapes and free glug, I also got free access to the Klimt exhibition at the Tate - was fucking great walking round it all with only a few people there :cool: and then I got more free food - poncy pate and walnut bread, and a nice fat ribeye steak with lovely pommes dauphinoise and a bottle of chilean red, then my own bodyweight in brandy :cool:

Do you live in London? :hmm:
I don't know where Ambleside is or what it means, other than that my road is off Ambleside Ave., which incidentally is where Cynthia Payne lived and held her parties. Is that where you live? :hmm: Are you Cynthia Payne? :hmm:

Anyway, I'm at my mum's tonight, I'm going to try and persuade her to take me out. I probably won't get very far. In fact I'll probably end up cooking.
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