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What's for tea tonight? (pt5)

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We ate our own bodyweight (and probably a bit more:oops:) at an all-you-can-eat Chinese buffet last night - I'd rather like that again, but instead I'm settling for penne arrabiatta with a smattering or a smothering of parmesan, depending how hungy I am come teatime
Fondue it is....

Fondue cheese with white wine, garlic and a teeny bit of olive oil
Hunks of fresh crusty baguette collected from the local store
Silverskin onions
Red peppers

Not sure yet, but it's got to involve mushrooms and chick peas because I have some of both that need using up. Suggestions, anyone? :)
Burger and chips from the takeaway because we can't be arsed, I've got a tutorial and he's out watching football.
Dunno - but I spent the whole day yesterday cooking, so might just go for a nice easy option - fishfingers, chips and peas for the kiddies and have a beanburger and salad in pitta myself. :hmm:
might treat me and madge to a chinese takeaway seeing as i have to drag her out to vote and relahni will be playing football

mmmm, black bean sauce....
No idea what you're talking about.

am having some friends over and am making home-made veggie burgers in home baked rolls with a killer salad and some spicy wedges :)
left over home made lasagne from the freezer with some vegetables as the boy doesnt want to mix hot lasagne with cold salad :rolleyes:
left over home made lasagne from the freezer with some vegetables as the boy doesnt want to mix hot lasagne with cold salad :rolleyes:

Too right! Eat the salad before or after - it's wrong to mix cold and warm on the same plate!
I pulled a couple of farmed rainbow trout from the freezer, which I'll probably pan-fry and top with a persillade. Root vegetable sautée and rice with peas. Green salad.
lamb meatballs, stuffed vine leaves (from a tin) pitta bread, salad, yoghurt and hoummus. I had a revelation while making the hummous and used the mortar and pestle (we don't have a blender) and it was super easy and quick :)
Going to the pub and i am pretty sure the Two Brewers in Seven Dials hasn't updated their menu for about five years so probably just a liquid tea.
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