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What's for tea tonight? (pt4)

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IMO beans are filth anyway but to combine them with cheese is just downright filth. Almost as bad as ....god i can't even say it...*runs off to vomit*

say it say it! :D

i don't really like beans either. unless they're over-cooked. on the hob. then they're kinda ok. in small doses. also, people that put them into shepherds pie should be locked up! :mad:
say it say it! :D

i don't really like beans either. unless they're over-cooked. on the hob. then they're kinda ok. in small doses. also, people that put them into shepherds pie should be locked up! :mad:
People that put them in anything should be executed :cool:

Well the thing that turns my stomach more than anything else is....is......sorry but i can't even type it. They come out of chickens and people boil them and they smell like shite :D.
Well the thing that turns my stomach more than anything else is....is......sorry but i can't even type it. They come out of chickens and people boil them and they smell like shite :D.

ah. chicken abortions :(

i have a slight aversion to them too. especially when i think about what they are :(
They look gross, they smell gross, they are gross. Why do people eat them? :hmm:

I went out for dinner in Vietnam with our guide and his girlfriend. They had a local delicacy, which was an egg with a tiny chicken inside. You eat the whole thing, beak and all. Now that really is gross. :eek:
I went out for dinner in Vietnam with our guide and his girlfriend. They had a local delicacy, which was an egg with a tiny chicken inside. You eat the whole thing, beak and all. Now that really is gross. :eek:
*Spews entire body organs out*
*Scoops the lot up, throws a mouldy chicken carcass from the local battery farm in it, cracks a hole in the top of a large easter egg, fills it with concoction, heat seals shut, gives to Dolly. Repeats process, gives another one to Annierak*

*slings it away as fast as possible* :p
*Scoops the lot up, throws a mouldy chicken carcass from the local battery farm in it, cracks a hole in the top of a large easter egg, fills it with concoction, heat seals shut, gives to Dolly. Repeats process, gives another one to Annierak*


*slaps Yetman about a bit then shoots him in the face*
Chicken curry tonight I think. Although all I've done all day is stuff my face so I'm hoping I'll be hungry for it later. :rolleyes:

Cancel the curry. The middle boy has got a school disco and is worried about smelling of curry so it's going to be burgers and chips. :rolleyes:
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