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What's for tea tonight? (pt4)

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I really fancy a jacket potato with cheese and beans. Sadly we have no spuds so we're having mushroom tart, oven chips and beans.

Might have jackets tomorrow.
They're rubbish photos aren't they? :D It is just me taking them with my ancient digital camera. I hope the amateurness of it is part of the appeal though - it proves I really do make and eat the recipes at home.

amateur is good! yeah i've been meaning to try those korma kebabs....
i'm into food porn.
and not the airbrushed stuff you see in glossy mags in supermarkets.
your pans and pots are pretty lustful too.
i mean, there's something seriously tasty about the chili corn carne pic - yet it looks so rustic/raw...

when i'm at work and hungry, i tend to flick through your blog now and then.
kinda gets my taste-buds going cos that's what real foods look like, that's how real people cook like.
tiger prawns in tomato sauce.
Crispy fried squid and octopus.
Tomato and meatball risotto... all courtesy of Ooze on Godge street :)
defrosted and reheated mulch. cant work out what it was meant to be, and why the hell it got frozen as it wasnt that lush. it had chunks of mushroom in, that was all i could identify :oops:
Using up stuff in the fridge and freezer today - so salmon steaks with parmesan roasted swede and braised spring greens.
not sure but we have lots of veggies in the fridge

I'm working till bloody 9 though and then I haev a cake to bake so it might be more takeaway :oops:
The cupboard is pretty bare right now.
Plenty of beans, soup, pasta and stuff but getting a bit bored now.
Have got about £6 (after travel) left for the week so gonna have to be creative I reckon.

At home today and thinking about late breakfast is making me happy!
Got lots of left over chicken so had a huge chicken Caesar salad for breakfast :D and we'll have chinese style chicken and sweetcorn soup for dinner.
IMO beans are filth anyway but to combine them with cheese is just downright filth. Almost as bad as ....god i can't even say it...*runs off to vomit*
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