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What's for tea tonight? (pt4)

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dunno, just myself to feed tonight andI'm not overly bothered tbh :(

Considering you've been a bit low, why not make youself something really special but easy to do? Like a steak, or just your very favourite tin of soup, or a really good cheese sandwich.
Considering you've been a bit low, why not make youself something really special but easy to do? Like a steak, or just your very favourite tin of soup, or a really good cheese sandwich.

What she said..

You're a bit too wise for your own good today franny m'lass :mad:
Says the woman with a food blog


I couldn't cook until I was into my 20s! NOWADAYS I have cooking JOY. But kids? They can gnaw on frozen carrots.

Alex reminded me the other day that the first time we cooked together we did a bolognaise and I wouldn't believe him that you could cook it for longer than half an hour. :oops:
dunno. i forgot to take the bolognaise out of the freezer :mad:

might be pasta and pesto at this rate, i really can't be arsed with cooking properly lately :( we lived on potato wedges last week *barf*
Milly molly feels shit and she gets this

I feel shit and what do I get? A licked fucking pencil :(

Awwww, you alright lovey? :(

Here, have a cuddle.........


And some kisses..........


Hope you feel cheerier soon. :)

My dinner was crap as predicted. :(
rest of last nights delicious chorizo stew is simmering delightfully and i am very excited about the second night on the trot.:p
Awwww, you alright lovey? :(

Here, have a cuddle.........


And some kisses..........


Hope you feel cheerier soon. :)

Thank you :)

See soj, it's not that hard :p

I feel a bit better. I went out to check my seedlings and my next door neighbour called me over and we had a lovely chat over the fence. He's such a sweetie - he doesn't get phased by me being weepy and moany. So, now I've told a real person what Mr Madz said I feel better.

Anyway - dinner is on it's way and I'm boilng some salad potatoes from Lidls and the broccoli is in a pot waiting to be steamed. I don't really care what dinner tastes like tbh.
rest of last nights delicious chorizo stew is simmering delightfully and i am very excited about the second night on the trot.:p

Lol, you always remind me of someone like Jane Eyre when you are talking about your dinner. I always imagine you in a mop cap and frilly pinny. :D
so far, 5 slices of corned beef and some beer. cant be arsed tbh. kids had omlette with chips and salad, bubba had some milk.
My 9 yr old has just made himself fish fingers, lattice chips and peas :cool:

I wasn't allowed to help at all :rolleyes: :D
Lol, you always remind me of someone like Jane Eyre when you are talking about your dinner. I always imagine you in a mop cap and frilly pinny. :D

haha. i just love food! and i love making/ talking about it.:) I read food reviews and cook books religiously too - the observer food monthly is one of life's great pleasures! :)
I made a cottage pie with minced beef, lardons and some veggie black pudding (because it was two days past it's sellby and I didn't want to chuck it.)
I sliced my spuds with my new magimix, my favourite toy :D

It was good and there was some of the banana cake that I made yesterday for pud.
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