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What's for tea tonight? (pt4)

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I'm gonna make the children the main course from the Valentines meal I made for heo (cos I told the boy he would've been better company :cool: )...so peppered sirloin steak, with dauphinois potatoes and PSB.
And we have some chocolate sponge puddings in the freezer so those for pudding, with (more :D ) cream.

We'll have candles on the table too. :cool:
We haven't got any this year! :p

heo didn't plant any. :( :mad:

In actual fact, I think I've got some bog standard broccoli in the fridge, so it'll probably just be that! :rolleyes: :D
I'm going to have a go at making Missfran's low fat chicken korma and dhal.

Dunno whether to have rice or bread with it though.
Last night was potatoes braised in tomatoes and saffron with a pinto bean and leak casserole type thing. Flippin lovely.

Tonight - dunno, but it'll have to have lentils in it 'cos I fancy some.
Pate on toast, with cornichons if I can find some on the way home. And some salad.

Might make Angel Delight for pudding.
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