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What's for tea tonight? (pt3)

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Chish and fips! Woohoo. It's raining here. There's been an accident on one of the main roads and so the traffic will be even worse than usual so I'll probably walk home. I've got my stinky cold and it'll take too long to make soup even with both of us pitching in so we're giving in to convenience.
woohoo I love chish and fips :D

mmm we might have those actually, see what time bees is home :cool:
he's away and I forgot to take anything out the freezer... although I now think it's official: Tuesday is chippy night ;)
I fancy something with rice for tea tonight...
I have some stilton and a little butternut squash so I may make a risotto, but I had pumpkin for my tea last night so I think I'll make a curry instead. I have peas, cauliflower and paneer which will make for a splendid curry I think...
I are having steak pie, mash, green beans and corn on the cob. Because I didn't have any lunch and I may have to go to work this evening :)mad: @ two jobs) I am having it now.
I made a gorgeous cottage pie last night - mince slow cooked with red wine, tomatoes, thyme and lots of onions and mash made from butternut squash, carrots and sweet potatoes. T'other half's tonight. With extra veg and gravy. Can't wait :D
My sister's down from Wales tonight and she loves my seafood pasta thingy so it will be that. For her at least, and hopefully me. Not thrown up since 1pm today, after spending most of last night on god's telephone :rolleyes:
I'm a bit stuck. I've not defrosted anything, got nothing ready, and since my purse was stolen on saturday I can't buy anything. :(
missfran said:
I'm a bit stuck. I've not defrosted anything, got nothing ready, and since my purse was stolen on saturday I can't buy anything. :(

Sos to hear about your purse missfran :( Not a pleasant experience. No piggy bank at home to raid for a takeaway? If not, hows about some storecupboard ingrediants that you might already have:

Dried spagetti, olive oil, garlic and chilli flakes combo?
Tin of mushroom soup and a splash of madeira / sherry?
Tin of any soup with a splash of wine / brandy if you've got any knocking about?
Saute garlic and onion, add a tin of drained tomatoes / a few skinned fresh ones, mushrooms if you've got em, or any thing else really, add any herbs you might have, cook a bit of dried pasta, mix up everything, grate any cheese if you've got any on top...and shove it in the oven till the cheese is all gooey.
missfran - i've got spare second day stew if you want?
if you can get to brixton, and it's worth the central-victoria-line trek and you've a travel card.
that wasn't in your purse.
i will mostly be eating veggie shepherds pie. again :oops:
missfran said:
I'm a bit stuck. I've not defrosted anything, got nothing ready, and since my purse was stolen on saturday I can't buy anything. :(
:( booo. That's shit missfran. Have you not even got some pesto and pasta?
WELL NOW, ms soj...

you fry up some onions, celery, mushrooms, carrots, brocolli, mashed green lentils, tomotoes and whatever else you fancy chucking in.
add soy sauce.
fry up a bit more.
put in a dish with the mashed tater topping (and cheese if you want it to be veggie, if you don't, then it's just vegan)

then use the water from the 'taters to dissolve yer veggie stock cube in.
fry up more mushies and onions, coat them in flour, then add said veggie stock. and soy sauce. and marmite. and, if you want kickass gravy, a bit of cayenne pepper.

normally dish up with steamed broccoli.

i can't stop making/eating this :oops:
Oh, that's bad news about your purse missfran. Where did that happen? :(

We ended up with spaghetti bolognese. It was lovely. :)
tufty79 said:
WELL NOW, ms soj...

you fry up some onions, celery, mushrooms, carrots, brocolli, mashed green lentils, tomotoes and whatever else you fancy chucking in.
add soy sauce.
fry up a bit more.
put in a dish with the mashed tater topping (and cheese if you want it to be veggie, if you don't, then it's just vegan)

then use the water from the 'taters to dissolve yer veggie stock cube in.
fry up more mushies and onions, coat them in flour, then add said veggie stock. and soy sauce. and marmite. and, if you want kickass gravy, a bit of cayenne pepper.

normally dish up with steamed broccoli.

i can't stop making/eating this :oops:

ooo, sounds good that :cool:
i had plans of making cheese, ham and onion tarts , and some cheese/marmite swirls, but when i got home, the decorators have been painting the kitchen, so the smell of gloss is too strong. so i had a box of breadsticks, a flake dessert , a gu tiramisu, and a ham snadwhich.

am still hungry :oops: may have to go to bed soon just to stop me munching
i'm going to run out and get a burger king tendergrill chicken sandwich plus onion rings :)
It's okay, I found 55p and bought a packet of Knorr chicken noodle soup :D

My purse was stolen at King's Cross station in the 5 minutes it took me to come out of the tube (when I used my oysters card), use the loo, and then go back to the underground (when I found that my purse - with oyster card - was missing). Realised that it was probably stolen by the two women who I had tried to help because they appreared very drunk and lost. I reported it to the police on at the station, which took 25 minutes, by which time I had missed the last Picadilly train.

So I ran down, deciding to get the circle line, jumped on... and realised I was going the wrong way. Got BACK on the circle line going the other way, got to Paddington and found that the last train - at 1am - was delayed. At 1.30am the train left... and stopped 5 minutes outside my stop for an hour and a half. The passengers had a singsong on the train.

Arrived at Ealing Broadway at 3am, had no oystercard so couldn't get the bus, and walked home. Was very tired.

Am now awaiting the arrival of new bank cards and oystercards. *sigh*
Last night it was the roasted veg and halloumi again but with a roast shoulder of lamb - bloody luvverly :cool:

Tonight will be chili as the middle boy has got rugby club.

I have to mention the pudding from Sunday. I was making apple crumble but I'd also strained the blackberries out of the bramble whisky. Not wanting to chuck them away I plonked them on top of the apples. Oh. My. Fucking. God :cool:
sojourner said:
ooo, sounds good that :cool:
aye. and it's even better if you remember that a cup of chopped spinach goes in it too :oops:

missfran - glad you're having a nice tea tonight :)
last night was meatballs, mash, peas and gravy :D it's what bees fancied when he got home

tonight will be the prawns but not sure how yet - I do have a cake to bake so not sure yet, it might be a takeaway for hygiene reasons (WOO :D)
missfran said:
It's okay, I found 55p and bought a packet of Knorr chicken noodle soup :D

My purse was stolen at King's Cross station in the 5 minutes it took me to come out of the tube (when I used my oysters card), use the loo, and then go back to the underground (when I found that my purse - with oyster card - was missing). Realised that it was probably stolen by the two women who I had tried to help because they appreared very drunk and lost. I reported it to the police on at the station, which took 25 minutes, by which time I had missed the last Picadilly train.

So I ran down, deciding to get the circle line, jumped on... and realised I was going the wrong way. Got BACK on the circle line going the other way, got to Paddington and found that the last train - at 1am - was delayed. At 1.30am the train left... and stopped 5 minutes outside my stop for an hour and a half. The passengers had a singsong on the train.

Arrived at Ealing Broadway at 3am, had no oystercard so couldn't get the bus, and walked home. Was very tired.

Am now awaiting the arrival of new bank cards and oystercards. *sigh*

Jesus christ, what a bloody nightmare :eek: I think I would have just sat down and cried :D
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