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What's for tea tonight? (pt3)

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God, that lamb was fabulous! It had been cooking on a low heat since lunchtime and it just fell off the bone and melted in your mouth. Well, my mouth but you know what I mean. :rolleyes:

I'm soooooooooo stuffed. :cool:
We're having roast beef, yorkshire pub, roast spuds, broccoli, green beans and stuffing.:cool:

Can't wait.
tonite i'm making teh koftas which are meatballs made of ground lamb in a spicy and thin tomatoe curry....may throw a few whole boiled eggs in there just for fun :)
I love all of those dumplings. I cheat and buy packets of them from the local Chinese supermarket but I do have some wrappers for when I finally get round to making them.

This evening we finally managed to assemble a decent meal for the first time in what seems like yonks. Slow cooked lamb shanks in a Moroccan style sauce and chickpeas served with cous cous and barely cooked long green beans. It was nice to crack open my rose harissa at last. :)

We went to the cheese shop today after a walk round the Peaks, more of a brief stroll actually, so we might have some cheese and crackers later or open that packet of orange oil chocolate best mate Mogden got me from Skye.
We are all teh shepherds tonight :D

I had thyme crusted lamb chops, corn on the cob and garlic braised green beans and mushrooms. I'm waiting for my caremalised spiced pear crumble to come out of the over :)
I'm about to tuck into apple pie and cream, I love sundays.:cool:

I need some cheering up, I've just watched the last 2 episodes of Brothers and Sisters and they were a bit emotional.:oops:
Our roast goose on Saturday was 100% lush. We did roasties in the fat and me mate made the worlds most fantastic gravy :cool:

Last night I had cold roast goose and pickled hot peppers and bread and butter. Tonight I will be having the same :cool:
Something cheap as the boy needs new footie boots again and I have got to put some petrol in the car. :rolleyes:

Cheese omelettes with salad and chips probably. :)
do you make your own proper chips moomoo?

tonight in our house will probably be pasta with rocket and blue cheese

if I can be bothered to cook :( I'm off cooking again atm :(
ah right, I'm not coming to yours tonight for tea then :D I would have done if you made proper ones :D :oops:
aqua said:
ah right, I'm not coming to yours tonight for tea then :D I would have done if you made proper ones :D :oops:

And I thought you came round coz you loved me, not for my cooking skills. :(

Aqua - the dumplings came out brilliant! I did some more research and did it a bit differently to how you described - I fried them on one side first, then chucked in some water and steamed them. They were lush.

I did half in gyoza wrappers and half in wonton, and we ate all the gyoza so I now have a bunch of wont tons to use in soup. I think I'll freeze them. :)
Fuck knows what we're having tonight :confused: There's nothing much in and I still feel totally blank from the weekend. Toast or jacket potatoes or something.
@ missfran

What you telling AQUA for?!? :mad:

Oh and.....

sheothebudworths said:
That book suggests a way of steam frying too - frying a layer of them them in a tablespoon of oil for 2 mins - shaking them as you do - then add a third of cup of water, cover and steam for 2 mins, uncover and continue steaming till all the water's gone.

I did try this - and while it was nice (nice to have a change too) it wasn't quite as good as deep fried so I thought I'd carry on with the healthy option and save frying them till I've discovered a fail safe way to do it (frying precooked ones sounds pretty good I must admit)!

....from post 120! :p

Glad you liked em anyway, they have a beautiful flavour eh? :cool:

Anyway - we didn't have our momo soup last night cos I'd forgotten to take the filling out of the freezer (bpought some reduced organic pork mince when I made it the other day, so made the whole lot up but thought it best to freeze the half I wasn't using till the day I needed it....which was sensible enough in theory..... :rolleyes: ) so we got a takeaway and will have the soup tonight.
I don't know.

I need to go shopping for the weekend ahead but the last few days my appetite seems to have deserted me, which is most unlike me.

Anyone suggest something easy? Something comfort food-ish? I'm in one of those moods where even if I could have anything I wanted in the whole world, I still don't know what I'd have :(
Mashed spuds pootle. Or a nice bowl of soup with buttered thick slices of bread. I've got a cold of sorts at the moment. There seems to be a germ or three going round at the moment.

We're having roast chicken but I don't know what we're having with it.
Mmm. Carbs! Blinding idea Mogden, am feeling better already.

Might go for something like jacket spuds and than can have mash at the last minute if I'm so inclined. Or something really naughty like potato dauphinoise.

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