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What's for tea tonight? (pt3)

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madzone said:
We had fish and chips, which was strangely tasteless - not enough salt in the batter :(
thats unfortunate....salt could make even old shoe leather taste better :p

sojourner said:
London? fucksake - big place mate! Where???

:cool: you could show me around town, eh? where the dirtbombs/white stripes/von bondies et al played?
I'll look at me birth certif and let you know later.....i only know of white stripes but yes i could show you that :D
i was going to have ham,egg and chips but i ruined the chips and changed my mind about the egg, so i just ate ham. i am now snacking on the end of a pack of cheese twists
sojourner said:
:cool: Can you take a few pics for me, in the meanwhile? of the place where they first played?
sure, do you know where it was? cause I certainly don't :D
your tea sounds looofley soj :)

i had a (burnt) ready meal of meatballs and pasta. and very nice it was too, if a little carbonny...
I've just had a massive, phat plate of finest buttered wholemeal spaghetti and asparagus with mexican chicken and beetroot.

I can barely waddle.
Have got a ginormous beef stew on the go, loads of smoked paprika and thyme in it...and I got round to buying some of that there tiger bread to try out. The daughter reckons its lovely, and I've seen a few people on here rave about it

We have cherry pie and custard for afters too :cool:
mmmm tiger bread *drools*

hopefully i will be having takeaway. expecting the sky man between now and 6, then will decide what to munch as i watch many channels of crud from the warmth of my bed :D
feyr said:
mmmm tiger bread *drools*

tiger bread is the dogs bollocks (imho anyway). First had it when I was on me hollys at step-sisters in perth. Have had it here recently and t'was a bit iffy really. Got it from morrisons and i don't think they can bake to save their lives...well the shop i go to can't. It's a lovely bread when it's done well though :)
Tea last night was fish finger sarnie...bloody yum it was

Tea tonight is prolly seafood pasta. Didn't manage it last week and have survived on junk apart from last night, it was sooo tasty :D (4 crumpets and peanut butter and 3 packs s&v crips) for the last five days cos of several viruses...am hungry but lacking energy to do owt
This is why you should always keep a stock of good meals in the freezer - soups, stews, chillis, curries - if you've ill, they're a godsend
sojourner said:
Lazy mare :rolleyes:

My big issue with prepared meals is that they're never fucking big enough

In my defence your honour, there is no point in me cooking tonight. Gutsy is away again and the boys have asked for sardines on toast. :D

And it's plenty big enough for me coz I'm not greedy. :p
sojourner said:
This is why you should always keep a stock of good meals in the freezer - soups, stews, chillis, curries - if you've ill, they're a godsend

:oops: I know, I chucked some chilli out I'd defrosted to take to work last week but didn't fancy it. I hate wasting food but last week I have been really bloody wasteful. And, my freezer really needs a good defrosting...am a bit pissed off I couldn't take advantage of a week of needing freezer stuff but I wasn't eating (apart from 4 crumpets and I craved those s&v crisps :oops: ), it would have been ideal hey fucking ho...I've got good meals in there but it's all frosted up. Maybe next week for the defrosting, at least it's cold out now so I can bung bags of stuff outside while I get to work on the freezer with the kettle and hair dryer :D
Doing wierd-time shifts at work again so had a big lunch instead - tagliatelle with loads of honey-roast salmon, dill, creme fraiche (and parmesan, probably a crime in Italy but mmmmmmelty cheese :) ) salad, and a cucumer-raita type thing, yum!
Zorra said:
Doing wierd-time shifts at work again so had a big lunch instead - tagliatelle with loads of honey-roast salmon, dill, creme fraiche (and parmesan, probably a crime in Italy but mmmmmmelty cheese :) ) salad, and a cucumer-raita type thing, yum!

mmmmmm, that sounds lush!!!

no idea what I'm going to have tonight... might just settle for a HUGE tub of popcorn for my two film cinema marathon tonight :D
We had mushroom and garlic burgers in baps and a big salad, all knocked up by heo.

Gonna have a cup of tea and a slice of lemon cake for pudding.
Last night was tripe. Tonight it's gougere, followed by pisaladiere then chocolate fondue for pudding :)
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