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What's for tea tonight? (pt3)

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I R teh poorly and very snotulant and coffulant, so it's a Waitrose "As good as going out" shepherd's pie :oops:

On the plus side, I bought my wedding dress today :D
Well that was easy. Father Flashy texted and asked if we wanted some of his crock pot curry. We said yes and it was here within 10 mins. Came with bready nonsense too so we had to do nought. Just as well really cos the kitchen is a tip again!

ETA: Bah, Mogden posting. He's absorbed in the rugby.
missfran said:
Also, I forgot to buy milk so can't have a comforting cup of tea. Neeeeeed teeeaaaaa.

Milk isn't good if you are snotty.

But I'm so thrilled you have got your wedding dress! How exciting! :)
The boy's first dinner

My mum's coming down for the day and the small boy is going to cook (with me acting as assistant)! :cool:

He's making herb/garlic/lemon crumbed chicken pieces, with homemade oven chips and plot veg and then drop scones with blackberries, maple syrup and ice cream for pud. :)

((((( the kitchen floor :( )))))
That sounds lovely Sheo. :cool:

We are supposed to be going for a pub lunch this afternoon with our neighbours but I'm still waiting to find out when. :rolleyes:
roast chicken. hopefully with roast potatos, and assorted veg. need to check what i've got
Chicken enchiladas, spicy potato wedges, refried beans, avocado salsa and a massive dollop of sour cream! Yumtastic.

Passing on the mental-episode inducing tequila in favour of el vino tho. :)
I had a distinctly average carvery at the pub. :(

Wish I hadn't bothered - even my cooking is better than that was. :rolleyes:
tonight will be chicken kiev, jacket potato and some veg of some description

the kiev might change, depends on whats in the freezer :D
Tonight is pizza. A freshly made BBQ chicken one from Asda that was reduced to 50p instead from £3.50. :cool: I went and did the shopping this afternoon while Flashy stopped here being poorly. I had to bus it there, wrangle an overfilling trolley round the store on my own, load it onto the conveyor, pack it all, call a taxi, wait looking like a Billy No Mates in the near empty car park cos it was closed by the time I finished, come back, help unpack and then flop.

Don't tell him but I quite enjoyed it though. :D I got lots of good healthy stuff for this week so expect some new home made meals. And I got the usual Hello Kitty knickers. The Christmas ones are in at the moment. She's wearing antlers :D
My mum very kindly brought two crabs, a bag of rocket and some cream cakes with her....which meant that after I had finished 'assisting' :rolleyes: ;) the small boy, I had to pick the fucking meat out of two bastard crabs and make a crab and rocket salad starter.... :mad:

At least we were able to fuck the pudding off in favour of the cream cakes, but as it turned out they were vile (an eclair...but with the icing and the cream flavoured with rose water...WTF? <retch> ) and anyway, I was REALLY looking forwards to the drop scones! :(

So we've decided to have them for breakfast instead. :D
me said:
Vegetable soup I think, and no booze :)

That was a bloody gorgeous soup, virtuously using up all the odds and ends of veg - potato, sweet potato, carrot, onion and garlic of course, a red chilli, and with some red peppers thrown in towards the end. I rather spoiled the virtue though by eating Mr K's delicious cupcake left over from the wedding yesterday :D Mmmmmmmm, sacrilicious.
My daughter came over and cooked tonight while I was pub quizzing. She marinated pork chops in maple syrup with about twice the quantity of soy sauce and some oil and probably some garlic or summat, drained the chops and did them in the oven and then put the marinade in a pan with lemon juice and heated it. Meanwhile back in the oven she roasted butternut squash with chilli flakes sprinkled on and cooked carrots and new potatoes and it was utterly luscious.
tonight I don't know, bees isn't home till later so he might eat out, even if he does I've still no idea what tea is going to be :oops: :D *shakes head at unorganised self*

it was going to be spag bol, but I forgot to take the mince out :oops:
last night had the most delicious dinner.

marinated beef steak pho. oh my gosh, the broth nearly blew me head away.
also had those traditional vietnamese pancakes with loads of fish sauce.
deep fried tofu with chillies and onions.
and some steamed vietnamese rice rolls with pork.
CharlieAddict said:
last night had the most delicious dinner.

marinated beef steak pho. oh my gosh, the broth nearly blew me head away.
also had those traditional vietnamese pancakes with loads of fish sauce.
deep fried tofu with chillies and onions.
and some steamed vietnamese rice rolls with pork.

Oh my! That sounds fab. I think we're having stir fry tonight. I may have to have a bowl of brothy noodles too now.
Last night, I made the massive mistake of buying sauce in a jar.
Walkerswood coconut rundown sauce.
Vile it was. Vile I tell ye!!
Fair ruined me tea :( :(

I think I'm gonna buy me a nice cabbage and some lardons and have a big bowl of steaming cabbage and bacon for tea tonight. Much better than last night's muck
I'm having tapas at Moro tonight, but made an amazing roast yesterday - beef with potatoes boulangere and steamed carrots and broccoli. For after we had cupcakes with creamed cheese frosting.

And the best thing is leftover roast beef sandwiches for lunch. Yum!
heo found a rogue courgette on the plot yesterday that had hidden itself away and is now marrow sized :D so I've taken some of his spicy turkey burger mix out of the freezer and will mix it up with a bit of feta and the cooked down flesh from the scooped out halfs of the courgette and then stick it all in and bake it with some breadcrumbs on top.

And we didn't have the pancakes for our breakfast after all :( - so we will have them for pudding! :cool: You see if we don't! :mad: :cool:
I might make spicy bean wraps tonight - we're both back under the yoke of viral oppression and feeling like shit, so hot spicy food is the order of the day. I've got leftover curry (homemade) for lunch as well, which will hopefully soothe my throat a bit as well as annoying the irritating woman in our office who everyone hates :D
sheothebudworths said:
And we didn't have the pancakes for our breakfast after all :( - so we will have them for pudding! :cool: You see if we don't! :mad: :cool:


It sounds as frustrating and the Flashy and the roast episode.

stiry fry (left-over).... :(

need to be more adventurous but feeling fairly uninspired atm.... ah well...

lots of nice winter veggies to look forward to - should see an uptake in lovely winter stews :)
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