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What's for tea tonight? (pt 2)

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thai green curry i think.

requires very little actual cooking, when you buy the paste from the chinese shop :oops:
I'm having slap bass. Or some kind of spicy sausage casserole if I can get the mrs to feel sorry for me enough :)
We've got a single portion of veg curry and half a roast veg and feta quiche and I'm going to make some sushi shortly cos I've got some prawns that need using, so some odd combination of those three..... :( :D
I know but I can't bring myself to throw it away :D and by the time I've made it taste right I've made a proper thai curry anyway :D
Might have a tuna spag bol - still got some sauce in the freezer; or pasta & pesto - I'm knackered :oops:
Finishing off the lentil soup

By christ that stuff makes you fart like a rocket launch!! :eek: Had to point me arse out the duvet last night cos was giving meself a dutch oven!!!
sojourner said:
Finishing off the lentil soup

By christ that stuff makes you fart like a rocket launch!! :eek: Had to point me arse out the duvet last night cos was giving meself a dutch oven!!!


Not sure. We visited Mr Butcher again this morning while waiting for my bus. Got a piece of belly pork complete with teat, pound of mince, 4 sausages and some chinese style pork ribs. So, um, pork most likely, maybe beef :p That should see us right til Friday cos we're off then and the house sitter won't be needing dinner. Then it's off to Mater and Pater Mogden's place next week for freezer food :( I shall have to cook while I'm there I think. How my mother managed so many years of wholesome dishes and has now evaporated into beige-ness is beyond me.
Only one beige meal allowed, hopefully involving Findus Crispy Pancakes :cool:

Chinese pork things, pitta and salad the neet.
Flashman said:
Only one beige meal allowed, hopefully involving Findus Crispy Pancakes :cool:

Chinese pork things, pitta and salad the neet.

Do they really still make those things?! :eek:

I'm not having tea because I am poorly you know. :)
Last night it was braised saffron tomatoes and potatoes - delicious.
Tonight - a very hot sweet potato and mushroom curry.
Sushi now made :cool: ..........and eaten :rolleyes: :D ....and heo's about to have the curry.

Gonna take the kids swimming when the boy finishes school so will get them fish and chips after and settle for the quiche.

Chicken will do sarnies for us and son for lunch tom.

Sorted! :cool:

(Except that I'm completely unexcited about the idea of the quiche for dinner :mad: )
sheothebudworths said:
(Except that I'm completely unexcited about the idea of the quiche for dinner :mad: )
Bit of potato salad and green veg might excite you a bit more - perfect with quiche ;)

I've not had quiche for months!
Well I'd have a salad on the side - and warm the quiche up in the oven - it's just that I had some yesterday and also (and most of all), that I just fancy a bit of meat tbh! :oops: :D :( :mad:
Flashman said:
They do indeed. Like a lot of things though, never as nice as you think they ought to be.

They don't do the chicken and mushroom ones anymore though do they? :(
Those were my favourites! :mad:
sojourner said:
Finishing off the lentil soup

By christ that stuff makes you fart like a rocket launch!! :eek: Had to point me arse out the duvet last night cos was giving meself a dutch oven!!!

Having a Hugo Boss* moment, eh?

We're having M&S oven food tonight and tomorrow night, as we're going away on Wednesday and neither of us can be arsed cooking or even shopping for anything non-holiday related.

*'your fragrance, your rules'
I is in Brussels for work and am going out to a posh restaurant which, according to the Rough Guide, serves "mouth-watering Belgian and French cuisine in delightful restaurant that occupies an old hardware shop". Hope they do chips and mayo!
ich bin hungover and starving. this means some kind of comfort food concoction. i'm thinking waffles, spagbol from a tin with grated cheddar. LUSH! :cool:
This is all I am thinking about now.....

Have got a few options:

Toad in the hole
Something with cheese
Eggs that need using up
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