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What's for tea tonight? (#8)

Chicken breast that I had in the fridge had gone off before its use by :mad:

Having sausage and mushroom pasta instead.

This was lovely, still pissed off about the chicken though.

Had some Lindt milk chocolate for afters. And a glass of Cabernet Sauvignon.
Pizza beside the lido.

I am officially a feckin eejit. The replacement rice cooker has arrived and I now realise there's an additional on/off switch I hadn't spotted. There's nothing wrong with the first one :facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm:

Anyone want a working mini rice cooker?
So there is 😂

The one on the side, which I must have flicked on when I got it and never used or noticed again 😂
Fried field mushrooms and eggs on big wholemeal baps, baked beans ont side, lashings of brown and Reggae sauce and black pepper.

Homebaked coffee and walnut sandwich cake! The sponges are currently being baked by the fella, and I'm gonna do the icing when I bunk off early at 4. Can't wait, bloody love coffee and walnut cake!
Not sure tonight, the fridge is looking a bit sparse and I need to do a grocery order.
I quite fancy a frittata and we do have lots of eggs, so that might be nice.
Also a few ready meals and bits and bobs in the freezer if I can be arsed to have a rummage in there.
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