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What's for tea tonight? (#8)

Well the meals at the YHA were even worse than I could have imagined....I had a cauli and broc gratin, which somehow they'd managed to make thick and greasy and very stodgy, my son had a cornish pastie (not made by them so hard to get wrong, but just not a particularly nice one) and daughter and mum had the tuna pasta bake, which again was thick and claggy....y'know when you try and pick a piece up and the whole thing lifts off the plate? :D They were all served with boiled carrots and peas - with no butter or anything - and the peas were GRIM. Oddy enough, my son also got boiled potatoes, but I had none :confused: which made mine an even odder plate of food..and for this, they charged £6 a head :eek: Pudding (£3 each), was three scoops of ice cream or sorbet, or a small piece of dry chocolate cake which tasted like one made from a packet mix :hmm: with some shit custard. Deary me!

Then we had the breakfast the next morning which was shit again, but shit cooked breakfasts are just more tolerable for some reason...then an over priced cheeseburger and chips at Drusillas zoo, so after all that, last night we had *nothing* for dinner. :D

Tonight I'm having a baked sweet potato with goats cheese and lots of PSB...and I might have some garlic king prawns too, just cos I fancy them.
Toad in the hole, potato dauphinoise and oeas. Or possibly savoy cabbage. Then Apple and Blackberry pie and cream. Got to get back on the healthy eating/diet tomorrow so we are having a treat day today.
I was genuinely going to ask if you would be having PIES with that......but then I saw that in fact it's 'oeas' on the menu today.....LOL! :D
That sounds lush, fM.

Tonight I'm going to have boring but comforting mince and tatties.

I was quite pleased the other night when I had butternut squash stuffed with bacon and stilton cheese improvised from a google on the internets and what I had sitting in the fridge.
lentil & bacon soup with bread followed by an apple, pear and yoghurt

empty cupboard syndrome :D
More of last night's bolognese. I made it with bacon as well as mince and I'll be doing it this way every time from now on. It was bloody lovely. :)
Traditionally it has pancetta in it so it stands to reason - beef and pork, nom.

We're having chicken, potatoes, rosemary and garlic all cooked in one dish in the oven. Was a favourite of my Italian flatmates, whose boyfriends (also Italian) always used to mock and say it wasn't labour intensive enough to be a good dish.... it is fecking easy but that's no bad thing IMO and I love it. Just olive oil, chicken on the bone, garlic cloves, fresh rosemary under the chicken skin, potatoes cut up small, more olive oil, salt, pepper and a bit of white wine. Stick it in the oven and wait till the potatoes are crispy.
some chicken livers in there improves it even more...

Not convinced about this little trend. They're not part of the traditional bolognese and I think they might be too metallic with the beef... but then I can't see chicken livers NOT improving something tbf... A proper dilemma.
Elizabeth David might do/have done it but it's not traditional. Honestly, there's a state-sanctioned bolognese sauce, it's the subject of some heated debate in Italy :D I might try it though. If only to prove to myself that I don't like it.
i never suggested it was, although her recipes did tend to be very well researched... just saying that it's not a trend. italian food was published in the 50s, and i imagine was many british people's first introduction to bolognese...
I know about Elizabeth David, and I lived in Italy for a while, for some of that time with a chef, and never had it there. I don't recall people adding chicken livers to bolognese here until fairly recently. But I don't mind what you add to your bolognese, if it tastes nice - I'm just not convinced about adding them to mine :)
Elizabeth David might do/have done it but it's not traditional. Honestly, there's a state-sanctioned bolognese sauce, it's the subject of some heated debate in Italy :D I might try it though. If only to prove to myself that I don't like it.

what is the state-sanctioned one? i make one that claims to be authentic, but i've no idea it really is. hardly any tomato, pork and beef, no herbs, nutmeg
according to wiki:

Classic Bolognese Ragù according the Accademia Italiana della Cucina, 1982

The Accademia Italiana della Cucina (Italian Academy of Cuisine), witnessed the authentic recipe for Bolognese Ragù being registered with the Bologna Chamber of Commerce on the 17th October 1982 in in the Palazzo della Mercanzia. The recipe below is reproduced from the Classic Bolognese Ragù according the Accademia Italiana della Cucina
300 g beef cartella (thin beef skirt)
150 g pancetta, dried
50 g carrot
50 g celery stalk
50 g onion
5 spoons tomato sauce or 20 g triple tomato extract
1 cup (250 mL) whole milk
Half cup white or red wine, dry and not frizzante
Salt and pepper, to taste.
Procedure The pancetta, cut into little cubes and chopped with a mezzaluna chopping knife, is melted in a saucepan; the vegetables, once again well chopped with the mezzaluna, are then added and everything is left to stew softly. Next the ground beef is added and is left on the stovetop, while being stirred constantly, until it sputters. The wine and the tomato cut with a little broth are added and everything left to simmer for around two hours, adding little by little the milk and adjusting the salt and black pepper. Optional but advisable is the addition of the panna di cottura of a litre of whole milk at the end of the cooking.
I like chicken livers in my ragu, too (aswell as pancetta, and beef and pork mince). :cool:

I had a chinese last night in the end - spring roll, wonton soup and salt and pepper ribs - so will have the sweet potato etc tonight. Pasta with homemade garden tomato sauce and PSB for the kids (and some king prawns for the boy too).

I'm considering finally taking the apple pudding cake out of the freezer too cos it's SUCH an appalling day :eek: but I've eaten so much shite lately that I should save it a bit longer I think :mad: so probably just fruit for pudding.
[whispers]do you like delia sheo?[/whispers]

Tonight hopefully out with a couple of my bezzers for Eritrean, but going through a run of people blowing me out, so we'll see :D

Oh and sheo, the food at that hostel sounded hideous :(
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