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What's for tea tonight? (#8)

2nd slow cooker meal today. Bunged in some chicken, a jar of pasta sauce (didn't realise until this morning that we'd run out of chopped toms :facepalm:) chopped pepper (orange and green) and onion. I'm looking forward to the smell when I open get home this afternoon.

Would it be showing off if I posted a picture of the castle wedding cake me and a mate made for another mate a couple of weeks back? :hmm:
We were very proud of it, so here goes


The green iced cake is chocolate madeira with chocolate ganache, and the tower is fruit cake.
Pub near work is having a real ale festival so tea will be much beer.

Beer was great, especially the 6.5% porter. Have now not eaten since the crap burger and fries yesterday lunchtime. Cheese or egg mayo roll required forthwith before considering lunch. Tonight is baked spud, then cheese and mayo. Beans on the side. :p
Wife's peanuty Malay curry noodles - veggie style.

(must remember to teach her how to make noodles crispy).
Now *that* is a castle cake, Boatie! :D :cool:

Ms T - his teacher liked it very much, although he's kind of set the bar very high for himself now because he went right to town on a previous homework set by her, too - to draw a scene from the Bayeux tapestry - by doing a stop motion Lego film of the battle of Hastings, with sounds effects. She played it four times in class and she told him she was going to show it to the head and on Monday when he went back to school he had a letter from the heads secretary requesting an audience with him on Thursday so that he can congratulate Fred on it. :D
Apparently there's also a still from it going up on the board outside the heads room aswell, which shows 'exemplary' bits of students work, hehe! *proud*

The downside of the whole cake business was really just that I'd ASSUMED he'd have to take it in (and he didn't tell me till too late that a picture would do)....so I bought literally the cheapest bits of cake I could find, lol. If I'd known that WE were going to have to eat it, I'd have spent a bit more. :facepalm:

My daughter's just started having packed lunches though, cos she won't tolerate the FREE school dinners...grrrrr (although tbf they are rank, apparently :D ) so I'm sticking a small slice in with that every day, but we've pretty much given up eating it at home and it'd take weeks to get rid of it at the current rate, so I might just have to bite the bullet and chuck most of it in the bin (I HATE wasting food, but don't very often, so reckon I can justify it this time)....

Anyway - defo going for the pork pitta's tonight, although I might have to do a starter of some PSB, just because my Tesco delivery was over half an hour late so too late to cook any last night as planned and I think we all need a decent green veg dose!
Errrrr....just for the record....he doesn't make that much effort with the rest of his homework :rolleyes: :facepalm: but he really, really likes humanities and it obviously just gets his creative juices flowing.... :D :hmm: :D
blimey - the little man sounds very cool :cool: - lego film instead of a drawing - nice touch!

tonight's dinner is quinao with aubergine and chickpea stew - again.
picked up a couple of cut priced kippers and pkt of value mushrooms from tesco, £1.80 for the lot.. so it's kippers and fried mushrooms.
Cottage pie, but I forgot to take mince out of the freezer so I had to defrost it in the microwave. Then I forgot it was in there and it's frazzled to pieces.
Sheo - your son sounds aces. He's obviously going to do great things when he gets older. And I'm not surprised your daughter won't eat the school dinners, given the nice stuff she's used to at home. :cool:
I haz microwave at last, so I'm softening some Maris Pipers, prior to sticking them in the combi with the broken microwave .. I have some Tesco cheapo frozen peas left from yesterday - starchy, but very tasty... probably open a can of Heinz beans - I fancy some apple sauce if I can find a jar ...
I haz microwave at last, so I'm softening some Maris Pipers, prior to sticking them in the combi with the broken microwave .. I have some Tesco cheapo frozen peas left from yesterday - starchy, but very tasty... probably open a can of Heinz beans - I fancy some apple sauce if I can find a jar ...

Your diet is, frankly, bizarre!

My Japanese braised pork belly was absolutely gorgeous.
We have colds so I made hot and sour lentil soup, with kashmiri plums and tons of chilli and ginger.

Still feel fucking awful so eating my way through a box of Ferrero Rocher that I mocked mr p for bringing home :oops:
Venison & Pork sausages
Special mash (TBC)
Red wine, shallot or onion gravy

National sausage week! Do your bit people or risk losing pride!
Sheo - your son sounds aces. He's obviously going to do great things when he gets older. And I'm not surprised your daughter won't eat the school dinners, given the nice stuff she's used to at home. :cool:

Thankyou! Although tbf, if he does go on do great things, it's definitely NOT gonna be making pretty looking cakes.... :D

Yeah, tbf, when she's said she doesn't like something that I know she hasn't tried anywhere except for school, I do always make the point that school versions don't count with them generally being so manky :D so can't complain. She's been asking for packed lunches since she started, too, so has suffered them for over a year now....long enough really. :oops:
My bezzer works in a different primary school but where they serve the same dinners, iyswim, and says that even the stuff that SOUNDS nice is disgusting...pizzas swimming in grease and 'shortbread' that she said honestly tasted like it was made of used chip fat and with no sugar added. :eek:

Easy dinner tonight - chicken strips, oven chips and PSB for them and the last of the balinese pork and rice with PSB for me. More cookies for pudding, with plums and kiwi fruit.
Sardines on toast with raw onion and fresh chilli! (1 tin of sardines in tomato sauce, raw onion, 1 small birds eye chilli) Grill the sardines under the grill till done, place on the toast and sprinkle with chunky raw onion and birds eye chilli. You could add a splash of tomato ketchup if the sardines are too dry. Also great as a snack or even for breakfast! :cool: Trust me its lush,,,

Edit: Take out the seeds from yer chilli if you dont like it to hot
BoatieBloke and BoatieBoy are off to the scouts bonfire and fireworks thing so I'm sure they'll be stuffing themselves with burgers and hotdogs.
I'm going to yoga - I haven't done a yoga class for about a year and this one has just started up in my village, I'm really hoping it's a good one.
So something quick for me when I get back, probably involving toast.
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