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What's for tea tonight? (#8)

I'm willing to bet that Tarannau cooks his Bol the night before he eats it and lets it mature until the next day. The ponce.

Tonight I am going out for dinner \o/
How long would you cook a bolognese sauce for?

Depends. Sometimes I go for the whole soffrito route, chuck steak diced, pancetta, chicken livers and much of a bottle of wine, beef stock and some milk, in which case i'd love to indulge with 4-6 hours on an almost imperceptible bubble. And overnight in the fridge if I can.

Other times and it's a weekday, simpler and more tomato heavy version - prob about an hour, or more time if I have it.

I don't think I'd trust a slow cooker for bolognese to be honest. The initial build up and gentle frying of those ingredients in the full ragu route takes far more time than I could spare in the morning - I leave at 6.30ish most mornings! And the second type of recipe wouldn't have that need for tender cooking.

I could perhaps see myself doing the odd stew, but the reality is more likely to be that it'd be another cooking unit clogging up my already overstuffed, tiny kitchen. It's not a diss to the slow cooker crew, but on balance I'd rather cook a couple of meals on one night - leaving one to simmer away - than to force myself up even earlier in the morning to throw things into a pot for much later.
Depends. Sometimes I go for the whole soffrito route, chuck steak diced, pancetta, chicken livers and much of a bottle of wine, beef stock and some milk, in which case i'd love to indulge with 4-6 hours on an almost imperceptible bubble. And overnight in the fridge if I can.

:D :D :D
:D brilliant

Do you have it with tagliatelle too? The Bolognese use mince IME, not chuck steak (though maybe in higher falutin circles than mine they use chuck and let it cook for longer so that it disintegrates), and that's the best pasta to get a good coating.
I'm so guessing that you've at least considered making the full works bolognese though Fran, at least from your prediction. It's one of those things you've virtually got to try in the big culinary check list.

It's up there with lasagna as one of those vague occasion faff dishes that I rarely get around to making fully. More likely than a Wellington perhaps, less than a wonton soup or a curry. Although, I'll fully admit to being partial to putting a massive pot of bolognese patiently on at weekends and - or chilli or a brown stew - and making something so large that it'll sustain us and the freezer compartments for some time. I can live with that slow, lingering ponciness when it serves up plenty of good food and freezer standbys.
Yeah, 'course I have, chicken livers and all. But actually, Santino is the better bolognaise cooker. He sometimes makes a pot at the weekend for the freezer.
:D brilliant

Do you have it with tagliatelle too? The Bolognese use mince IME, not chuck steak (though maybe in higher falutin circles than mine they use chuck and let it cook for longer so that it disintegrates), and that's the best pasta to get a good coating.

It's mainly chuck steak minced - a bit of a favourite favour from a butcher fried. Just really good mince - he adds other stuff in there for a decent fat balance, but even I'm not that anal to know all the cuts in there
would your method work with quorn mince instead of meat?

Possibly. But the fact that it's beef stock based would probably work against it.


Truth be told, I love making huge pots of food and taking my time over them. Put a monocle on my eye and call me a ponce if you will, but it works out fairly economically - both in time and cost - and provides shed loads of great, after work comfort food. Tootling around in the kitchen, watching the occasional load of bad tv with a bifta while it cooks slowly ain't a big hardship to me.
Well, I got in half an hour ago, have been unpacking shopping and sorting out childfights and unloading the dishwasher. I like to cook a bog standard bolognaise for at least two hours. I think I'd quite like my children to eat before 9.30 so I'll continue being an old fart with a slow cooker, thanks ;) And I certainly don't have too much time in the morning, I had to get up at 6.30 to do it.

Tomorrow I'm doing a whole chicken in it.
Fairplay to you and the old fart cooker. I bear it no ill will; it's just not for me

I got in an hour and a bit ago. Have done washing up, met landlord briefly. Have chopped up the garlic, onion and ginger for the curry, and cubed and fried the paneer. I'll fry up the chicken and start building the sauce up when the missus gets in. Rice cooker will go on and I'll cook up some glorious roti to go with some chutneys. I fully intend to watch Eastenders and have food ready by 8.30 at the latest.

Ok, so I've compromised a little. No two curries, no dahl, boned chicken for a change - it's more of a combo, paneer curry tbh.. and the roti are from down the road. But it's a weeknight after all.
Couldn't be arsed to do a food shop today so was forced to improvise with back of cupboard supplies, came up with lentil bolognese type thing. with avocado, apple and hazelnut salad. Desert is lemon and ginger ice 'cream' (made with coconut milk blended with cashew nuts instead of real cream)
Actually this is the best meal I've had for weeks.
Salmon fillet with new potatoes and maybe carrots- we only have tinned you see and while I am no snob I don't think I can tolerate crappy tinned carrots next to much nicer fish and spuds. I'll take a multivitamin instead. What is science for if not to help you avoid having to eat your veg?
We had a bacon and leek suet pudding with boiled spuds and carrots. It was my first attempt at cooking a suet pastry and I was very pleased with how it turned out :)
I went to my sisters where my b-I-l-to-be cooked us a gorgeous sausage stew with rice and creme fraiche then chocolate fondants pudding with ice cream. Washing up-free nom :)
I'm doing a whole chicken in the slow cooker. Never done it before :hmm:

Middle boy is making cheesecake in food tech so that's pud sorted :cool:
Hot dogs and tomatoes for the kids and I dunno for me....got some more beans to finish up but don't fancy them...hummus and toasted pitta bread maybe.
Parents coming over to inspect new cat, so we'll probably nip out for to Pizza Express afterwards.
I don't know :hmm:

The fridge is pretty empty and not feeling very creative with what we've got in the cupboards.
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