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What's for tea tonight? (#8)

Roasted the chicken we bought from the farmer's market.
Was real nice.
May make risotto or pho from left overs...
What I prefer to do (and used to do before I went to Uni) is to plan a week's/fortnight's menu, plan the ingredients, then buy only the ingredients for the menu - it really does save a small fortune (more money for dresses & beer, lol).

i never got on with meal planning. what i can be arsed to make depends too much on what mood i'm in. i shop perfectly sensibly most of the time but aimless wandering is my payday treat :)
Spicy roast butternut squash soup. It's definitely getting to the time of year where my blender gets some serious use.
I'm making beef goulash, and having it with really crusty bread.

(I've never cooked it before and I'm not exactly a whizz in the kitchen, so there's a chance it might end up being Chinese for tea.)
Tonight Matthew, I'm on the roasted pepper pasta sauce, with fresh plum toms and streaky smoked bacon. Got a nice bit of basil to jazz it up. Fresh is the word.

Last night's grub was a winner, especially the boulangere potatoes. That stuff is my new favourite.

Ah well, it's all gone out the window. I'm on-call and I have to work on. FFS......:mad:
I'm making beef goulash, and having it with really crusty bread.

(I've never cooked it before and I'm not exactly a whizz in the kitchen, so there's a chance it might end up being Chinese for tea.)

It bloody worked! Even did some sour cream with lemon juice & rind in it. Tealights, wine, etc. Nom.
I made boiled small potatos with garlic, bay leaf, chicken stock, various spices & sausage marinaded in vodka cranberry with steamed mange tout. Yum.
Massive mushrooms stuffed with ripe tomatoes, pesto, pinenuts and cheese. Peppers stuffed with left over risotto (will i die?). Green beans.
Slice of banana cake with fresh mango.
toast or plain boiled rice for those with slightly more appetite. the feyr household has been visited by a rather lovely stomach bug so its a house full of delicate tummies :(
My mum's making quiche (not keen but at least I don't have to cook it) and I'll get a bag of ready washed new potatoes (fuck digging them) and some frozen peas or something. The boys are both at rugby so they can have pizza and oven chips later. There isn't a single bit of me that doesn't hurt so fuck cooking, quite frankly.
Nice spag-bol last night. Topped with garlic mushrooms and cheese. Could only eat half so it is lunch today too.

Tonight something with baked beans :)
I am finally going to make that Cottage Pie tonight. Bit of a late return and laziness intervened yesterday, so made a quick carbonara for us instead. Will have a more leisurely potter in the kitchen tonight, making mash aplenty, whilst the better half as at stretchy-stretchy pilates
I had a huge dish of cauli cheese last night in the end, so might have the rest of the beans that the girls had yesterday on toast tonight. Either that or a veggy burger with a pro cheese slice and some lettuce in pitta bread.
The girl is having fishfingers and oven chips and a courgette.
More strawbs and grapes for pudding, plus a tiny slice each from the remains of the lemon half moon cake.
Tonight will be pasta with a creme fraiche and lemon sauce, asparagus and either ham or prawns.
Strawberries and raspberries for pud.
BoatieBird, that sounds sooooo good!

It's crap food night here: chucked a load of chicken nugget thingys in the oven/microwave and will serve them with pasta, tomato and basil pasta sauce courtesy of Barrilla and some right cheap frozen veg.
rump steak, garlic butter, mushrooms, chips and green beans. vanilla and choc cheesecake for pudding. :cool:

Don't know why we're bothering though, I can't actually taste anything. :rolleyes:
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