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What's for tea tonight? (#8)

Unremarkable veggie sausage traybake with sweet potato, fennel, garlic, leek, onion and rosemary. Everything was just slightly overdone or underdone.

I'm going to give up traybakes unless there's an actual recipe involved.
Dilemmas. Working tomorrow till Sunday, so enjoying last night of freedom in the pub. Should I go for a takeaway box of pork ribs and chips?
Unremarkable veggie sausage traybake with sweet potato, fennel, garlic, leek, onion and rosemary. Everything was just slightly overdone or underdone.

I'm going to give up traybakes unless there's an actual recipe involved.

If there's spuds involved I tend to parboil in the microwave (4 minutes) then do them in the tray 10 mins before adding anything else - same would apply for any other hard root veg I reckon.
That makes it a bit more faff.
Or it is possible to do the spuds from raw for 20 minutes before adding the softer ingredients, for slightly less faff.
But yeah it doesn't necessarily cook all in the same timeframe - I mean it still makes for an easy meal, but I've found it not as easy as bung everything in at the same time. I think the put it all in together thing is a bit of a myth tbh.

I'm a fairly recent convert to the traybake and I typically go parboiled spuds and other raw root veg 30-40 minutes (40 if you want them like roasties), sausages 30 minutes, onions/garlic soft veg eg peppers, asparagus, and stuff like halloumi 20 minutes.
If there's spuds involved I tend to parboil in the microwave (4 minutes) then do them in the tray 10 mins before adding anything else - same would apply for any other hard root veg I reckon.
That makes it a bit more faff.
Or it is possible to do the spuds from raw for 20 minutes before adding the softer ingredients, for slightly less faff.
But yeah it doesn't necessarily cook all in the same timeframe - I mean it still makes for an easy meal, but I've found it not as easy as bung everything in at the same time. I think the put it all in together thing is a bit of a myth tbh.

I'm a fairly recent convert to the traybake and I typically go parboiled spuds and other raw root veg 30-40 minutes, sausages 30 minutes, onions/garlic soft veg eg peppers, asparagus, and stuff like halloumi 20 minutes.
Sweet potato normally cooks quite a lot quicker than normal spud, and also you can get things to work out by cutting small chunks of potato and big ones of everything else... but I think the official recipes often involve some liquid at some point, so at least they don't end up dry.
Sweet potato normally cooks quite a lot quicker than normal spud, and also you can get things to work out by cutting small chunks of potato and big ones of everything else... but I think the official recipes often involve some liquid at some point, so at least they don't end up dry.

Ah ok, never been a massive fan of sweet potato! Never used that in a traybake.
The one thing I have found is that sometimes a traybake can end up a bit dry, I'm a big fan of having some sauce or gravy with a meal
Vanilla ice cream, pureed brandy blackberries, crushed hazelnuts.
We hurled posh choccy and hazelnut cookies down our gullets like starving gulls last night, so it's the ice cream etc tonight.

I've got the fella making potato salad with paprika/mayo/spring onions tonight. He's not working at the mo, and it's daft me coming home and having to cook every night, so I'm attempting to expand his repertoire beyond baked spuds with cheese and beans :D

So yeh, potato salad with green salad, plus shitty Linda Mc 'Southern chicken' burgers (because he forgot to send both packs back to Asda on the subs) on wholemeal baps with chipotle mayo/romaine/vine tomato on them
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That looks fantastic, is it tofu? I've never been a massive fan but it really depends how it is cooked/the sauce etc. and that looks like it wouldn't touch the sides :D

Taste The Difference fish pie
peas braised with shallots

There's a whole world of difference between cheap supermarket fish pies which are often a bit urgh and the luxury end of the range, I used to like I think it was the Tesco luxury ones a lot (not had any for years now mind, but I recall them quite fondly as a quick if slightly pricey ready meal). Also peas and shallots, nice :thumbs:
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Epona I got a tag because there’s a quote from another thread in your post.

Sorry, I must have gone to quote something you said recently and forgot to delete draft when I had a rethink (probably just realised my input wasn't relevant, nothing bad I assure you!) - I hate it when xenforo does that and includes it next time you do a multiquote!

I've deleted that bit now, thanks for letting me know :)
Yes. As you say it’s all about how it’s cooked. It has no flavour of its own. (Unless you try to eat it raw and unflavoured, in which case you have to somehow imagine the taste you’d get if chalk was rubber).

The laughing reaction was about the rubber chalk thing, not at your meal which looks fucking lush and I would :thumbs:
Personally I'm not eating tonight, I had chicken sarnies (white bread, butter, mustard, chicken slices which I got on a 2 for 1 deal) for lunch then being out in the sun all day doing my biodiversity monitoring I think I may have got a touch of mild heatstroke and my feet are throbbing cos we did a lot of walking and I do not feel like cooking or eating tonight. I had plans which will be carried over to tomorrow instead.
Sorry Epona I just liked that coz your lunch sounded good, not for the rest of it!

My lunch was lovely, in fact the whole day was lovely (I updated the bird watching thread with the best birdie bits) but just a little too hot for being out in the sun all day and now have a bit of a headache and need to rest my (horribly flat!) feet for a bit :)
Had a fantastic day though.
Smoked cheddar, houmous and (smug homegrown) lettuce sandwich on granary bread plus a massive pile of lettuce on the side which I ate rolled up into bundles and dunked in a bowl of balsamic dressing. Cup of tea. Another bit of bread with marmite & peanut butter. The lettuce was so good, I'm taking more balsamic down to the polytunnel so I can eat handfuls straight out of the planter it's growing in :oops:
Roasting 4kg of chicken and 2kg of sweet potatoes.

So probably the mince that needed using

Edit - we even decided on burritos yesterday!

I love roast chicken, but I struggle to get through a whole one with leftovers as it's only me that eats it (OH has been pescetarian for most of his life, and I now only have 1 cat left who I am sure would love a bit but is on a low protein diet for his dodgy kidneys and isn't allowed it - it was easier to get through a roast chicken when I had 3 cats that could help out with it!!!) So it requires menu planning for 4 days (plus fish/veggie alternatives for the OH to have) to deal with even a medium sized one.

I feel a roast chicken coming on though, might get a pack of legs next time I head to the supermarket, they make for a good "can't manage a whole one" alternative :D
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