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What's for tea tonight? (#8)

*puts some Infected Mushroom on to cheer madz up* :D

Just me and the girl tonight, so beans on toast, with a cheese slice on top. :cool:
I said don't tell anyone :mad:

I have no idea what's for dinner tonight. There are currently 6 people eating here so one of them can fucking cook something.
finally working up the energy to cook properly again. i have a whole chicken to do something with, not sure what though. have lots of green peppers, chillis, corn on the cob so maybe something tex mex ish. or maybe a spanishy stew, that always seems to be my emergency fall-back these days.
Beetroot Curry and.... Cabbage Curry. Not sure about the latter but I am willing to give it a go. Got some homegrown beets and cabbage from my Dad so want to do them justice!
don't do it qog! my most memorable cooking disaster was a cabbage goulash, i really should have guessed from the outset... for a start will you really taste the cabbage over the curry?
right, i'm thinking of a stew, with sage, garlic and white wine, maybe some bacon bits and beans - don't have time to soak but i could bung a tin in at the end. does that sound like a plan?
Yep, always a bit undecided myself. Same list of ingredients as your mostly, but it varies depending how much I can be arsed. Love doing a massive, slower pot once in a while though

I'm guessing you add more than a bit of red wine and milk too.
garlic? i rarely bother (i get bored chopping all the veg and can't be arsed) but i always wonder whether i should. can't taste the difference when i do. not tried nutmeg, but it works well in lasagne so will give it a go next time.
I think I'll add some nutmeg in my next spag bol, it sounds lovely. Cheers for the tip, peeps.

Last night was Welsh lamb loin chops in rosemary, served with broccoli, carrots and peas. Gravy with onions by Herself.

Tonight - she's out, so prob just half a quiche and salad. Or maybe a kebab or something. Feck knows.
Pasta with homemade tomato and chilli sauce.

Had some lovely spiced + roasted chick peas at a Moro the other week. Found the recipe last night and got them ready to go in the oven for tonight. They make a good tapas dish/side/starter.

Soak about 200g of chick peas over night - tinned fall apart so are not worth using.
Boil for 25 minutes with a bay leaf, then add salt to stop the skins falling off and cook until just cooked but they should still have some crunch.
Rinse and mix with 2 tbsp olive oil, 1 tsp ground cumin and a little salt to taste.
They can be left covered in cling film for a few hours at this stage, like wot I did this morning.
Roast them in the oven at 400f/200c/gas mark 6 for about 25 minutes.

ETA the bay leaf.
Chickpea dish really does sound lush, maybe something to attempt in my combi microwave thing...

Tonight for tea we're having really thin spaghetti, a jar of carbonara and some frozen veggies. I am not the best wife. :oops:
It seems that posting veiled threats of violence on one's FB page is much more effective than actually talkng to your offspring face to face. When I got back from Truro the kitchen was clean :cool:
Leek, potato soup with almonds. Flavoured with chicken stock, bay leaf, ginger, garlic, star anise, thyme and paprika. Slow simmer. Missus is making Japanese curry for mains. If she ever arrives home...
Steamed and sauted Brocoli, shitake and portobello mushrooms,aubergine,courgettes and onion and garlic ina Tahini sauce with brown basmati rice.

For masterdarkone: Cumberland sausages, wholewheat penne with spinach and a cabonara sauce.
Ready made fish pie with extra veg (custard squash, leeks and peppers). I had last night's tea for breakfast (veg stirfry) so famine yesterday to feast today.
Everyone else is having leftover macaroni cheese and chips. I don't fancy the pasta. I don't know whether to have chips and pitta, a chip butty or chips and some wicked garlic vinaigrette I made yesterday :hmm:

Or just fuck it off and have a glass of cherry juice.
those chickpeas sound lush :) have stuck some on to soak now.

How did it go? When I checked the recipe at home it said 10 minutes in the oven, not 25. After 10 mins they were a bit squishy and not much cop. By the time they'd been in 25 mins they were crunchy on the outside but a bit soft in the middle. Left some in another 10 minutes and they were inedible. Also they weren't as spicy as I the ones I had before.

I'm guessing I need to boil them for less so they're still harder in the middle and up the spices. I also wonder if those I had in Moro were deep fried instead of roasted.

It could be that the recipe I used was from an Italian cookbook. Other recipe I have doesn't show country of origin, but maybe I need the Moroccan version.

Time for some Googling.
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