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What's for tea tonight? (#8)

No crab! :mad:

None in in Sains and the small girl's sandals were rubbing so we didn't want to go back on ourselves to the fishmonger.

Not a bad thing though cos I realised I still had more of the butternut squash curry to finish :facepalm: so I've just had that with spinach and coriander and some leftover rice. Really not what I felt like and there was loads but I wanted to get it eaten so did it all and I'm STUFFED now. The kids have just had chicken nuggets, oven chips and green beans.

I LOVE the school holidays - breakfast at ten and dinner at three - with lollies and sweets in between. :D

We got some strawberries, too, so later on we'll have a big fruit salad with those, kiwi, banana and pears (if they're ripe yet :hmm: ) and some creme fraiche on top........and if anyone's still hungry we've got some pickled onion space raiders :cool: and/or a sandwich.
fish n chips fish n chips fish n chips fish n chips fish n chips fish n chips fish n chips fish n chips fish n chips fish n chips fish n chips fish n chips fish n chips fish n chips fish n chips fish n chips fish n chips fish n chips fish n chips fish n chips fish n chips fish n chips fish n chips fish n chips fish n chips fish n chips fish n chips fish n chips fish n chips fish n chips fish n chips fish n chips fish n chips fish n chips fish n chips fish n chips fish n chips fish n chips fish n chips fish n chips fish n chips fish n chips fish n chips fish n chips fish n chips fish n chips fish n chips fish n chips fish n chips fish n chips fish n chips fish n chips fish n chips fish n chips fish n chips fish n chips fish n chips fish n chips fish n chips fish n chips fish n chips fish n chips fish n chips fish n chips fish n chips fish n chips fish n chips fish n chips fish n chips fish n chips fish n chips fish n chips
no idea, which usually means a takeout, but possibly fishfingers and chips if anyone can be arsed to turn the cooker on.
Ex's dad funeral was at half two but the kids didn't go (it was a non child affair in the end :hmm: ) so on the dot, we raised a glass to him (some organic herefordshire cider for me - him being a cider drinker himself and herefordshire being as near as I could find to worcs - and coke for the kids) and had Mr Blue Sky playing to see him on his way (he was ELO's NUMBER ONE FAN :D ). :cool:

:) A good sendoff.
Mates coming round for a redeye-inducing smoking session, so loosely tapas-y type things that people can help themselves to. Albondigas (mexican meatballs) with cumin and tomato sauce, mahoosive tiger prawns in piri piri, chorizo and potatoes with plenty of dunking alcohol, rice, salad and some poncey but lovely little hamburgers, chips and fresh salsas for openers. Have done the vast majority of prep now, so aside from griddling the prawns and bunging things in the oven, we're pretty much all set to go.
Mates coming round for a redeye-inducing smoking session, so loosely tapas-y type things that people can help themselves to. Albondigas (mexican meatballs) with cumin and tomato sauce, mahoosive tiger prawns in piri piri, chorizo and potatoes with plenty of dunking alcohol, rice, salad and some poncey but lovely little hamburgers, chips and fresh salsa for openers. Have done the vast majority of prep now, so aside from griddling the prawns and bunging things in the oven, we're pretty much all set to go.

have i ever told you how much i'd like to meet you tarannau? :hmm: :drool:
I still remember the first and only time I had a full on open house for urbanites. I was still in shared housing back then - the best part of a decade ago - and reprobates were sprawled all over the place with any eating implements they could find. I don't think my housemates ever quite forgave me tbh. It was more soup kitchen than upmarket soiree.

More than a few urbanites have eaten and still eat at my house. They just tend to bugger off to facebook or get banned after.

Anyway, should be alright tonight. Finally beginning to feel like summer's here again and the menu's changing. Next week and it's bbq down the allotment time if the sun holds up,
Mates coming round for a redeye-inducing smoking session, so loosely tapas-y type things that people can help themselves to. Albondigas (mexican meatballs) with cumin and tomato sauce, mahoosive tiger prawns in piri piri, chorizo and potatoes with plenty of dunking alcohol, rice, salad and some poncey but lovely little hamburgers, chips and fresh salsas for openers. Have done the vast majority of prep now, so aside from griddling the prawns and bunging things in the oven, we're pretty much all set to go.
:cool: 100%

Sounds like my kind of place.
I still remember the first and only time I had a full on open house for urbanites. I was still in shared housing back then - the best part of a decade ago - and reprobates were sprawled all over the place with any eating implements they could find. I don't think my housemates ever quite forgave me tbh. It was more soup kitchen than upmarket soiree.

More than a few urbanites have eaten and still eat at my house. They just tend to bugger off to facebook or get banned after.
they just 'disappear' do they? :hmm: i've been watching too much dexter
Our lass is making tuna pasta bake for tea - we have no salad but I'm sure this will be balanced by the shedfull of pasta plus cheese on top

Been a bloody lovely day :cool:
Might have another bbq, might not.... :hmm: ....would probably be salmon done in foil and chicken kebabs (just cos that's all that'd be likely to defrost in time)....MUST DECIDE!
We've got our vegan friends coming for tea so:

lemon and coriander couscous with toasted almonds
lentil salad
grilled polenta
grilled aubergine and courgette
sweet pepper and tomato sauce with a little bit of spicy harrisa in.
Might have another bbq...

i hate my neighbours. my washing has been sat mouldering in the machine all weekend :mad: our neighbours to the left in particular cook sardines over burning tyres every sunny day :(

we're having beef fcps on a stack of chips with a scattered pea garnish and tomato jus :)
i hate my neighbours. my washing has been sat mouldering in the machine all weekend :mad: our neighbours to the left in particular cook sardines over burning tyres every sunny day :(

we're having beef fcps on a stack of chips with a scattered pea garnish and tomato jus :)

That is awful!

But I like your food choice :D

I am trying a Rick Stein recipe - Beef Shaktora (a Bangladeshi curry with grapefruit), Sag Aloo, rice and I am going to make some Masala tea as well.
I stressed right out last year when I was going to do a bbq and my neighbour had her washing out :hmm: so I asked her and she said it was no prob, so i bbq GUILT FREE now! :) :D
Tbf,my garden is kind of short but wide and the bbq is sat against the wall of the steps which come down into the middle of the garden so both neighbours are pretty well protected from smells.
I still worry when Bob has his windows open but that's two floors up and off to the side so hopefully not too much of a prob either.

But yeah - sardines and clean washing is defo not a good combi! :facepalm:

Anyway, bbq it is! Hotdogs with some onion marmalade I made the other night (when I was pissed...seemed like a good idea at the time :confused: ), hoisin chicken kebabs and garlic/ginger king prawn skewers with bread and salady stuff.
we're having beef fcps on a stack of chips with a scattered pea garnish and tomato jus :)

we had this for lunch instead of tea. possibly the most disgusting thing i've eaten in the last 5 years :D sainsbos sent us half cheese/half beef by mistake. kid1 said of the cheese ones "it looks like custard and tastes like fish :(" fair dos i found it hard to believe there could be something worse than the beef ones but the cheese ones managed it by quite a way :(
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