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What's for tea tonight? (#8)

I can relax tonight, with no busy run to the shops, secure in the knowledge that I have a ready (home) made cottage pie, the remains of yesterday's generous roast chicken and some stock already in the fridge. Monday laziness beckons.
No, I can't find it :oops: :D

Yeah, they don't put their recipes on the interweb much, I'll try and remember it:

2 medium onions, halved and thinly sliced
Pinch of sugar
55g butter
350g macaroni
50g flour
1.5 pints of milk
1/2 tsp cayenne pepper
salt and pepper
250g cheese
55ml double cream
100g breadcrumbs

Preheat oven to Gas Mark 6 or whatever it is in electrics.
Melt 15g butter in a frying pan. Add the onions and the sugar and fry for 20 or 30 mins, until they caramelize, then set aside.
Boil the macaroni for 8 or 9 minutes.
Melt the rest of the butter, add the flour and cayenne pepper and cook on the lowest heat for 4 minutes.
Remove from the heat and add the milk gradually, stirring/whisking as usual for a bechemel sauce.
Return to the heat, bring to boil and then immediately drop it to the lowest setting and cook for 10 minutes, stirring occasionally.
Stir in 2/3 of the cheese and the season, then mix in the pasta.
Spoon 1/3 of the pasta mixture into a dish, then add a layer of caremelized onions and top with a little grated cheese. Repeat once, then add the rest of the pasta mixture on top.
Mix the bread crumbs with the rest of the cheese and sprinkle over the top.
Chuck it in the oven for about half an hour under the top is golden.
Stuff face.

Thing is, whenever I make this soup, my love of Indian cooking comes out and I basically end up with a bowl of dahl. But as it's only 'soup', supposedly, I don't think twice at two or three bowlfuls. This is how my mind works. No thoughts for my digestive system / anyone within a ten mile radius. Hence my current anti-social predicament.
Some kind of pasta - probably with bacon or prosciutto or pancetta, creme fraiche and peas. A salad of some kind.
Thing is, whenever I make this soup, my love of Indian cooking comes out and I basically end up with a bowl of dahl. But as it's only 'soup', supposedly, I don't think twice at two or three bowlfuls. This is how my mind works. No thoughts for my digestive system / anyone within a ten mile radius. Hence my current anti-social predicament.
pinch of asafoetida might help.
Veggy stirfry. Probs broc, mangetouts, courgette and mushtooms in a chilli, ginger, garlic and lime marinade and either egg fried rice or noodles...
Cauliflower (and onion and sweetcorn and mushroom and tomato) cheese with more veg and less cheese. Tops. To the point that gsv scoffed the lot even though we made loads!
Is no one EATING TODAY then? :hmm:
Tbf, last night I ended up having wine and crisps, so I'm not one to talk.
Made up for it by having the chicken/corn/potato soup for breakfast - very nice :cool:
Daughter has a friend over so they had fishfingers and chips and....predictably.....an ice cream sundae.
I made a lasagne out of the rest of the lentil/mushroom/thyme/cashew casserole and had half today (it was a very small lasagne :D ) with some mange tout, with half left for tomorrow (my bezzer's round but she won't want any cos it's got garlic in :rolleyes: so she can have beans on toast :p ).
your soup sounds like a fab breakfast.
i'm having veggie chicken kiev (i'll report back :hmm:), new potatoes and peas.
and pudding if i can be arsed to go hunt one down.
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