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What's for tea tonight? (#8)

:) I always have all of those ingredients in, which makes it another brilliant meal. I couldn't believe how much difference a few squeezes of a lemon in it made. I've made carrot and lentil soup for years, and it's completely different to this :cool:

I'm making space in the freezer so I can do some tomorrow, how many servings does your recipe make? Just wondering whether to double it to make the goodness last through January and let's face it if this weather continues it's good to have a supply of soup to hand, also my parents are coming for dinner on Boxing Day and I want to offer a choice of vegetarian soups as a nice easy starter (I already have carrot soup and leek and potato soup in the freezer).
Pak choi and mushrooms in black bean sauce with chilli noodles and homemade veggie spring rolls.
I'm making space in the freezer so I can do some tomorrow, how many servings does your recipe make? Just wondering whether to double it to make the goodness last through January and let's face it if this weather continues it's good to have a supply of soup to hand, also my parents are coming for dinner on Boxing Day and I want to offer a choice of vegetarian soups as a nice easy starter (I already have carrot soup and leek and potato soup in the freezer).

Ah - dunno if you've made it already yet, been mad fucking busy today :mad:

Eeermmm....depends on the size of the serving! I'm a greedy bastard, so the first lot I did gave us two huge bowls of it and lunch for two next day.

This lot did 4 small starters, two big bowls, and enough for 1 lunch.

Sorry I can't be any clearer - my serving sizes depend on factors such as what I've eaten so far that day, how much wine I've necked, and how much spliff I've smerked :D
Anyhow, tonight the daughter is making spag bol using quorn, onion, toms and a LG sauce, as I have been stupid busy, as well as facing the hell that is a pre-xmas tesco. Lovely coffee and walnut cake for afters.

At least I didn't kill anyone, but I did scare quite a few UTTER WANKERS who got in my way :mad::mad::rolleyes:
I had pasta with a sauce of tomatoes, garlic, basil, capers, olives, onions and peppers, all buried under a sinfully enormous mountain of parmesan. Lush.
Mince pies and cream later, I reckon. Fatso.
I just had the most delicious fish pie I've ever ever eaten. King prawns, scallops and cod with a flavoursome sauce and a nice crisp and gooey cheesy topping. Shiftyjunior and I both agree that it's our new favourite dinner. NOM.

That sounds divine. Today I had southern fried chicken with mushroom sauce, carrots, mashed potatoes and beans. Was so hungry and it did the trick :cool:
Had a craving for basic simple food today plus I wanted to use up leftover stuff in my fridge/cupboards. I've got a huge pot of veg soup simmering away ( I bunged in peanut butter, coconut and chilli) and there's a banana/lemon cake in the oven
Banana and lemon? Sounds... interesting :)

We're having turkey stuffed with chipotles en adobo and wrapped in bacon, with swede. I'm not sold on it tbh. I will at least try anything involving chipotles and bacon. Swede though? :hmm:
Yesterday - tom and cheese pizza and chips for the kids with Let's go nuts (something like that :rolleyes: ) B&J ice cream for pudding.....and for me, both ends from the nice white loaf that needs to go stale, that would've been wasted otherwise :D .....1. smoked salmon and cream cheese and 2. pulled pork/mustard/mayo/cucumber (followed by almost a whole pack of OX flavour crisps (severely underflavoured - I HATE IT when that happens! :mad: ).

Today was broken up sausages in creamy/mustardy/oniony sauce (leftover onion gravy from the lamb a couple of days ago - filled out with some other stuff) with rice and green beans. My son's just had his first mince pie (warmed, with double cream) and has just asked for one more.

I've been busy, busy, busy all fucking day (my god, THE JOBS! :eek: ) and dinner was late......so the small girl went to bed before any pudding. :p
I made homemade pizza with red onion, mushroom. chorizo, red pepper and olives and I cubed some new potatoes and deep fried them.
Yesterday I managed to get to the butchers to pick up the xmas meat, he's in a small village and I didn't know if I'd be able to get there due to the snow.
As I didn't know if I'd be able to get there I'd gone to the supermarket earlier in the week for some 'just in case' supplies which included pigs in blankets, meaning that we'd got enough of them to feed a small army.
Therefore, dinner last night was pigs in blankets, roast potatoes, yorkshire puds, carrots, leeks and runner beans.

Tonight is lamb casserole which is already in the slow cooker.
Tonight we've got our usual Xmas eve array of some nice bread, bagels, crackers, cheese, smoked salmon, ham, sliced roast pork, prosciutto and various salady stuff. Mince pies and cream or ice cream for pudding.
Tonight we've got our usual Xmas eve array of some nice bread, bagels, crackers, cheese, smoked salmon, ham, sliced roast pork, prosciutto and various salady stuff. Mince pies and cream or ice cream for pudding.

That sounds lovely :) We are having similar on Boxing Day evening when my brother-in-law and girlfriend are around.

Tonight is creamy chicken and bacon with tagliatelle and garlic bread. Plus wine. And chocolate log!
Pasta with sausage in dolmio bolognese and mushroom sauce, cheddar cheese, garlic bread, red wine, and mince pies with cream.
Party food: prawns in filo, mini fishcakes and salad and oriental parcels washed down with Plenty of booze :D
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