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What stupid shit has Trump done today?

Thing is he’s only interested in his base which love this stuff. They still think he’s an outsider ‘sticking it to the elites’ (that’s a privately educated, NY property developer with a multimillionaire father). Frustrating but there you go.
As a dick of the worst sort, Trump is prone to astounding idiocy, even idiocy that might well lead to extreme violence.
In this case, his moronic announcement would allow Israel to disregard international law with absolute impunity.

Trump: Time to recognise Golan as Israeli
President Donald Trump has overturned decades of US policy by saying it is time to recognise Israel's sovereignty over the occupied Golan Heights, which it captured from Syria in 1967.

In a tweet, Mr Trump declared that the plateau was of "critical strategic and security importance to the State of Israel and regional stability".

Israel annexed the Golan in 1981 in a move not recognised internationally.
Mike Pompeo says it’s possible Donald Trump is a new Esther, sent by God to save the Jews from Iran

Secretary of State Mike Pompeo suggested it is “possible” that PU.S. resident Donald Trump is meant to save the Jewish people, responding to an interview question whether Trump is a new Esther, a biblical character who convinced the king of Persia not to destroy the Jews. The comments came during Purim, a Jewish holiday that marks Esther’s story.

Pompeo made the comments during an interview in Jerusalem with the Christian Broadcasting Network, which was founded by televangelist Pat Robertson and has a large evangelical audience. After he was asked whether Trump was a new Esther, he responded, “as a Christian, I certainly believe that’s possible.”

In the story of Esther, a man named Haman is cited as being responsible for encouraging the king to slaughter the Jews, and while questioning Pompeo, CBN’s Chris Mitchell described Iran as a modern-day Haman.

“I am confident that the Lord is at work here,” Pompeo said, noting how he visited the tunnels under Jerusalem.
So the Fed investigation is completed, and the ongoing stuff continues at the State level then?

correct, this will have no bearing on the legal.actions here in NYS, because the subjects are different, but also for procedural reasons even if they were the same.
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correct, this will have no bearing on the legal.actions here in NYS, because the subjects are different, but also for procedural reasons even if they were the same.

Yeah, did wonder. The indictments that the Special Counsel's investigation did make had a lot of redaction in the public documents "due to other ongoing investigations". So New York and DC (and others?) then. Gawd I really can't wait to find out who Individual-1 is!

Edit: and in any case Individual-1 is probably immune from prosecution in his current job anyway, unless Congress fancies a crack at it. His family members, on the other hand, well it would be better to deal with them in jurisdictions where Individual-1 has no power of pardon...
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Mueller report has been submitted to DoJ

Question is, will the DoJ release it?
Trump says he want's it out, but immediately claimed it wasn't up to him, that allowing him deniability when it's held back.
If/when it's classified, even in part, will congress try to get hold? If it's in their power, I'm pretty sure they will.
Yeah, did wonder. The indictments that the Special Counsel's investigation did make had a lot of redaction in the public documents "due to other ongoing investigations". So New York and DC (and others?) then. Gawd I really can't wait to find out who Individual-1 is!

Edit: and in any case Individual-1 is probably immune from prosecution in his current job anyway, unless Congress fancies a crack at it. His family members, on the other hand, well it would be better to deal with them in jurisdictions where Individual-1 has no power of pardon...

here's a little summary

As Mueller Report Lands, Prosecutorial Focus Moves to New York
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I thought the AG’s office said it was comprehensive? More like a well-pulled Guinness they said.

right. never forget, this was never about trump, this was about contacts between Trump's election staff and any foreign agent. viewed that way it is already a success. no one should buy the trumpist goalpost-moving rhetoric that "it exonorates trump".
Trump Has Slapped His Brand On Images Of The White House To Sell At His Trump Store

President Donald Trump has emblazoned the “Trump” brand name on images of the White House to sell in his Trump Store and at the Trump International Hotel in the capital. The products give the bizarre impression that the White House is a Trump hotel.

Walter Shaub, who was director of the Office of Government Ethics in both the Obama and Trump administrations, sharply criticized the products as the latest move to “monetize the presidency” for private gain.

The products among the new “Cherry Blossom Collection” now online bearing the White House image include soap, mugs, a T-shirt and a long-sleeved shirt. A line on the mug, which also includes a drawing of the Trump Hotel, reads simply: “Trump Washington D.C. Building.” A line beneath the White House on the T-shirt reads: “Trump Washington D.C.”

The hotel, located in a landmark building owned by taxpayers and leased by the Trump Organization, is at the center of a lawsuit arguing that the business violates the Constitutional prohibition against a federal official accepting payments or gifts from states or foreign governments — like those that book rooms and events there.

Shaub and other ethics experts say the hotel is an easy conduit for cash from anyone hoping to curry favor with the president. Now Trump appears to be underscoring the direct link between the hotel and “his” White House.

The Trump Organization last year used golf tee markers emblazoned with the presidential seal, but the seal is legally allowed only for official government business so they were removed.
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