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What stupid shit has Trump done today?

That reads as though they’re saying monetisation of political influence is some kind of new thing in American politics...
Possibly a misreading of what they mean by "monetisation of political influence?"

Politicians seeking office often receive financial backing from high worth donors, organisations and companies, often because they support the candidate's position on this or that policy or with a view to influencing their political priorities. Donors may also give money to causes that are important to a politician - say an educational foundation, a charity, whatever, in the hope that that might sway them to this or that political position. In theory, there are quite strict laws that prevent overt financial influence over politicians, so in the past, it's been more indirect and subtle.

Trump has broken about every law in the book related to campaign finance and emoluments, with impunity. Laws are worthless unless the criminal justice system enforces them, and with Trump, that's not happened (and packing courts with inexperienced but positively disposed judges is how he and the GOP are trying to keep it that way. Trump is openly and literally selling opportunities for influencing law and policy. People pay six figures for membership in his Florida club, but in return can ask the President to "put in a word" for them, or provide confidential information to them. Foreign dignitaries are "encouraged" to stay in Trump owned properties with the promise of gaining the ear of the president. It couldn't be much more blatant "monetisation of political influence?" if he'd put a sign on the front lawn of the White House advertising "Influence for Sale."
Pelosi comes out against impeaching Trump: 'He's just not worth it'

The wheels of justice apparently turn so slowly that it's not worth turning them at all. Looks like Trump will see out his term without impeachment.
I can see both sides of the argument on this one.

Even if the House votes to Impeach, the current Senate will never convict. I like the idea of televised investigations with Trump and his cohorts called to give evidence. The Watergate hearings shifted public opinion massively against Nixon. But, I'm not convinced that there won't be a large contingent of people watching who will believe the most preposterous of conspiracy theories, and . . . actually feel sorry for them. It could backfire and MAGA folk could double down in their support for Trump and the GOP in 2020.

Fighting tooth and claw and against the odds of voter suppression to get Trump out of the White House, or at least get a majority in the Senate as well as the House (making impeachment possible after 2020) would seem a "surer" bet, but that is a long time off and the bastard will continue to wreck havoc with the country, and the world, people will continue to suffer, and Trump and the GOP may find new "means" of ensuring they stay in power after 2020

The situ is unprecedented in its level of fucked-uppedness, and I don't think there is any clear route out of the shit. Maybe there isn't one at all. :(
This sounds encouraging! :)

New York’s Attorney General just opened a "death penalty" probe of the Trump Organization

Unlike the other seventeen investigations into Donald Trump, the NY AG’s new probe is focused squarely on a soft target, the President’s family real estate business. New York’s new probe could result in the state equivalent of the death penalty for the Trump Organization.
Crucially, Trump cannot use his pardon powers to interfere with NY AG James’ investigation, and the right to sue a president in civil court for his pre-office behavior is a firmly established precedent.

President Trump’s fraudulent “charity” organization, the Trump Foundation, is still fighting a similar lawsuit from the previous New York AG Barbara Underwood, who obtained a judicial order to dissolve the non-profit corporation.
Very good news this. Every little helps!

Paul Manafort indicted by Manhattan DA in mortgage fraud scheme

Paul Manafort has been indicted by a Manhattan grand jury in connection with a multi-million dollar mortgage fraud scheme, according to court documents obtained by NBC News.
The 69-year-old longtime GOP operative is accused of falsifying business records to illegally obtain millions of dollars as part of a yearlong mortgage fraud scam. If convicted on the top count, Manafort faces a prison sentence between 8 and 25 years, a senior law enforcement official told NBC News.
Word of the new charges came less than an hour after Manafort was sentenced to an additional 43 months in prison by a Washington federal judge on conspiracy charges brought by special counsel Robert Mueller.
In total, Manafort faces seven-and-a-half years in prison, though he'll get credit for nine months of time served.

Trump has the power to pardon Manafort on federal charges, but the president would not be able to intervene in the event of a conviction on state charges.
today, the president of the US threatened to bring violence against other americans.

Trump Again Threatens Violence If Democrats Don’t Support Him

I actually think that the people on the right are tougher, but they don’t play it tougher. Okay? I can tell you I have the support of the police, the support of the military, the support of the Bikers for Trump – I have the tough people, but they don’t play it tough — until they go to a certain point, and then it would be very bad, very bad.
today, the president of the US threatened to bring violence against other americans.

Trump Again Threatens Violence If Democrats Don’t Support Him

I actually think that the people on the right are tougher, but they don’t play it tougher. Okay? I can tell you I have the support of the police, the support of the military, the support of the Bikers for Trump – I have the tough people, but they don’t play it tough — until they go to a certain point, and then it would be very bad, very bad.

At this point he seems to be lifting direct quotes from the evil candidate in "The Dead Zone."
today, the president of the US threatened to bring violence against other americans.

Trump Again Threatens Violence If Democrats Don’t Support Him

I actually think that the people on the right are tougher, but they don’t play it tougher. Okay? I can tell you I have the support of the police, the support of the military, the support of the Bikers for Trump – I have the tough people, but they don’t play it tough — until they go to a certain point, and then it would be very bad, very bad.

Bikers for Trump :confused::hmm:
Bikers for Trump are the ones who came across country to meet him at the White House last year and pose for pictures. Only thing is, their bikes arrived on a transporter, they arrived on planes, and they only rode the last mile to the White House. All smoke and mirrors like everything else at the moment.
Trump's daft trade war is hitting hard - pity it's hitting America, but it's hitting

Trump's trade war cost U.S. economy $7.8 billion in 2018, study says | The Japan Times


WASHINGTON - President Donald Trump’s trade battles cost the U.S. economy $7.8 billion in lost gross domestic product in 2018, according to a study by a team of economists at leading American universities.

The authors of the new paper said they had analyzed the short-run impact of Trump’s actions and found that imports from targeted countries declined 31.5 percent, while targeted U.S. exports fell by 11 percent. They also found that annual consumer and producer losses from higher costs of imports totaled $68.8 billion.
Donald Trump finds plenty to be outraged about -- aside from New Zealand - CNNPolitics

President Donald Trump spent the weekend venting venom at a bewildering list of targets -- even as much of the rest of the world was still trying to come to terms with a true outrage -- the carnage wrought against Muslims in New Zealand.

In a stunning display of personal grievances aired on Twitter, Trump demanded the return of a supportive Fox News host who was missing from her usual spot on Saturday after verbally attacking an American Muslim lawmaker.

He escalated his beyond-the-grave feud with late Sen. John McCain. He complained at being lampooned by NBC's "Saturday Night Live." Trump also fulminated against the Russia investigation, "Radical Left Democrats" and took shots at an Ohio union boss before demanding a now-closed GM plant in Ohio be reopened or sold

It isn't that it is unusual for this most unconventional of Presidents to hit out at his foes on Twitter. But this weekend's tirade came across as even more jarring given his tepid tone on Friday when he said that he didn't think white supremacy was a growing global problem after the attack on two mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand, that killed 50.

And Trump did little to follow through on a request by Jacinda Ardern, New Zealand's prime minister, that he show love and sympathy to all Muslims.
The President's refusal to be pushed into a more vehement condemnation of white supremacists, after a history of racially charged and anti-Muslim rhetoric put the administration on the defensive.
So, the US State Department held a press conference, but allowed only chosen "faith based media" to attend. They refuse to say which media outlets were there, or release a transcript of the event. Wow.

State Department bars press corps from Pompeo briefing, won't release list of attendees - CNNPolitics

The afternoon phone briefing was to discuss "international religious freedom" with the secretary -- who rarely participates in such calls -- ahead of his trip to the Middle East. One member of the State Department press corps was invited, only to be un-invited after RSVPing. That reporter was told that the call was for "faith-based media only."
Despite repeated inquires and complaints from members of the press corps who are based at the department, the State Department on Monday night said they would not be providing a transcript of the call, a list of faith-based media outlets who were allowed to participate or the criteria to be invited.

Trump spent this weekend tweeting in support of (a) somebody so blatantly racist and Islamophobic that even Fox News ditched her as well and (b) Tucker Carlson who just got exposed for calling women ‘primative like dogs’, calling Iraqis ‘illiterate monkeys’ and saying he’d vote for politicians who advocated killing all the Muslims. In the wake of Christchurch. Just when you think he can’t get any lower he always excedes expectations.
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