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What are you baking?

Herman! The first Herman I've had since 1988 :D when he was doing the rounds in my school is cooling down on the rack now. We didn't put so many extras in back then, but the addition of almonds, cinnamon and chocolate sure makes him smell very nice!
I'm starting to feel left out of this Herman thing. On the other hand, if everyone has to give 3 away, I suspect it's just a matter of time...
Yes, I'm sure there'll be some coming your way. :)

In fact, my last one is still in limbo: I have promised him to someone but don't know when it's gonna be practical for them to get him. In the meantime I'm growing him again myself.
So I might end up with a few to give away again, but extremely busy schedule next week + hols means that it'll be difficult to share parts out.

Herman logistics nightmare! :D

Though apparently he can be frozen in his starter form, which is just ever so slightly scary, to think that he can just bounce back his usual bubbly self after a few weeks in the deep freeze!
I have lemon & raspberry muffins cooling in the kitchen, and what was supposed to be a caramel banana blondie baking, it ended up a bit of a mess though because I didn't have any caramel :oops: what I thought was caramel was just plain condensed milk :oops: fucksticks :D

I'll let you know what I did if it turns out edible :D
Yeah, a mix of rolled oats and medium oatmeal, mashed bananas, bit of honey, butter and dried fruit. I'll let you know how I get on.
Yeah, a mix of rolled oats and medium oatmeal, mashed bananas, bit of honey, butter and dried fruit. I'll let you know how I get on.
Not a triumph, texture-wise. Tastes OK. I used a bit of chopped dried mango as my dried fruit. Would have been better if I'd lobbed in dates and walnuts as well. The banana made it denser and a combo of soft date and little nuggets of walnut would have made the texture more interesting I think. The mango was nice but there wasn't anything like enough of it.
My mum says yes too. She often used to freeze cakes when she did weddings and stuff.
yep all cake freezes - and if you're short on time to mature a fruit cake, freeze it and unfreeze it and it will taste more matured :)

as ruby says though, icing doesn't freeze - and be sure to wrap in baking paper then foil, to stop any freezer burn to the cake :)
I am giving the savoury scones on this page a go. Here
Thyme, mature cheddar and red onion.

The mixture didn't feel 100% right when I spread it out but I have not made scones for so long I am not really sure if I remember what they are supposed to feel like :hmm:

The thyme smells lovely though :)

Will take a pick if they come out ok *fingers crossed*
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