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Anyway, different cake planning question... May Kasahara can I get your oreo buttercream recipe? I don't do icing often, so need an idiot's guide :thumbs:
I think it might have been this one...haven't made it for a couple of years, the kids overdosed slightly :D

Recipe? That looks lush!
Enough lemons to make 300ml juice - I used four normal ones plus two teeny ancient ones iirc
300g white caster sugar
4 whole eggs plus another 4 yolks (I used whole duck eggs, would prob add another yolk if I was using all chicken)
Pinch of salt
130g unsalted butter

Zest four or five lemons and rub the zest into the sugar.
Beat the eggs and yolks into the sugar then stir in the lemon juice and salt. Check taste and add more lemon juice or sugar if necessary.
Gently heat in a bain marie or a heavy pan on a very low heat, stirring constantly, for about ten minutes until it reaches the consistency of thick custard.
Take off heat, leave to cool for about long enough to make a cuppa and do the washing up you've made so far.
Give it a good stir, then beat in the cubed butter bit by bit until melted and fully combined and the lemon curd is nice and smooth. Pour into sterilised jars and leave to set. You can sieve it first if you don't want bits of zest but it's a faff, I only bothered for my show entry jar.

That makes about three jars the size in my pic plus generous bowl lickoutings
There are millions of blackberries out there, it's a bumper year!!! We picked about over 1kg in about an hour (two trips). Then I made my first blackberry & apple crumble ever. It was too delicious, I ate more than half of it, my husband had the other less than half. I used this recipe Easy Blackberry Crumble


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Made another batch of lemon curd. If I can find the right size tins I'll make a couple of lemon, yellow courgette and poppy seed loaf cakes tomorrow and either pipe/squidge some of the curd into the cake along the top, or swirl blobs of it into the icing.

While I'm using up veg I'm going to do some beetroot brownies too. If it grinds ok in my coffee grinder I'll try substituting some of the flour for dock seed flour :hmm:
I made some onion bhajis the other day to augment an Indian takeaway. As takeaway is a rare treat in our house, we tend to order the mains but make the sundries and starters ourselves (bhajis, rice, chapattis,, naans, raita, etc). They seem to have improved considerably since last Friday.
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