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Weasel Straw strikes again (Pakistani men in Britain see white girls as "easy meat")

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It's his definition of "proof". Fuck him, he has mental health issues I'm not remotely interested in confronting.

you're lying again.

if you have one iota of proof that i am taking anti-depressants or have been at any point since i first posted here, or that i have an 'alcohol problem', let's see it now. and the same thing goes for mental health issues - put up, or apologise.

so, in brief - apology please.
Self important prick... no-one cares that much about your opinion, just like they don't care about mine, or anyone else's. It's the internet, get over yourself lad.

Sigh... precisely the same point I was trying to make to you. I guess the "mental health issues" thing touched a nerve, eh?

Fuck off new boy, don't come here telling me how to post.
you're lying again.

if you have one iota of proof that i am taking anti-depressants or have been at any point since i first posted here, or that i have an 'alcohol problem', let's see it now. and the same thing goes for mental health issues - put up, or apologise.

so, in brief - apology please.

LOL yeah, as soon as I've had my sides stitched back together...
Anyway, I wonder how this would have played out if it was the other way around. White men preying on vulnerable muslim girls. We might have been asking why these young muslim girls were so vulnerable, out on the streets, going back with these older men to take drugs and get abused. We might have been asking where were their protectors, their families, their social support networks. Of course, nobody would be suprised that white men brought up in a post-Christian society were abusing women. Sickened and disgusted, yes, surpised, not really.
Anyway, I wonder how this would have played out if it was the other way around. White men preying on vulnerable muslim girls. We might have been asking why these young muslim girls were so vulnerable, out on the streets, going back with these older men to take drugs and get abused. We might have been asking where were their protectors, their families, their social support networks. Of course, nobody would be suprised that white men brought up in a post-Christian society were abusing women. Sickened and disgusted, yes, surpised, not really.

Of course such a scenario is unlikely given what happens to the muslim girls from large Pakistani communities who dare to go out with non-muslim boys...
Anyway, I wonder how this would have played out if it was the other way around. White men preying on vulnerable muslim girls. We might have been asking why these young muslim Of course, nobody would be suprised that white men brought up in a post-Christian society were abusing women. Sickened and disgusted, yes, surpised, not really.

Some of these questions have been asked on this thread about the victims in this case:

girls were so vulnerable, out on the streets, going back with these older men to take drugs and get abused. We might have been asking where were their protectors, their families, their social support networks.

Apparently, these questions are not important.
Some of these questions have been asked on this thread about the victims in this case:

Apparently, these questions are not important.

Well apparently my questions to you aren't important either. You conveniently forgot to answer them anyway.

Muslim girls all too often face very serious consequences for daring to date infidel boys.

But everyone knows that anyway.
The acceptance of this simple statement is what differentiates you from the silent lemmings.

The operative word being "perhaps". I guess the question is how much worse is the issue and how many young girls could have been protected from these gangs had the powers that be not been cowering under illogical constraints of political correctness and instead looked at the picture without prejudice nor a falsely imposed blindness.
or you could just drop this whole macho "protect" bollocks. you could ask why so many kids growing up in care end up abused, which is the more accurate representation of this whole farrago? the idea of you protecting young women sends a shiver down my spine tbf.
or you could just drop this whole macho "protect" bollocks. you could ask why so many kids growing up in care end up abused, which is the more accurate representation of this whole farrago? the idea of you protecting young women sends a shiver down my spine tbf.

He doesn't, unless they do what they are told and agree with him. If not, the are 'silly little girls'. He doesn't give a flying fuck.
Well apparently my questions to you aren't important either. You conveniently forgot to answer them anyway.
I didn't forget. I had more important things to do.I would tell you what I do or what I was doing but hey like you I don't like to brag. :)

Muslim girls all too often face very serious consequences for daring to date infidel boys.

But everyone knows that anyway.


Some of these questions have been asked on this thread about the victims in this case........Apparently, these questions are not important.
Well apparently my questions to you aren't important either. You conveniently forgot to answer them anyway.

Muslim girls all too often face very serious consequences for daring to date infidel boys.

But everyone knows that anyway.

Like Hassidic Jewish girls. What can be done?

Guys you disappoint me, why are you not arguing about this story yet, and Islamic theology vs south Asian culture's role in it?

It's got...

Harry Potter (!!!)
Bengali domestic violence
Prison sentences
Lots of room for speculation about family/socio-cultural pressure and oppression (woman pleeding for her brother not to be jailed)

Surely it's a winner?
Islamofacism is a fucking lame term and just makes anyone who uses it sound like a moron.

"God, the Jesusofacists and Judeofacists are almost as bad as the Islamofacists ffs!"

Guys you disappoint me, why are you not arguing about this story yet, and Islamic theology vs south Asian culture's role in it?

It's got...

Harry Potter (!!!)
Bengali domestic violence
Prison sentences
Lots of room for speculation about family/socio-cultural pressure and oppression (woman pleeding for her brother not to be jailed)

Surely it's a winner?

Well lets roll with it, its fair to say that a significant group in this country live by this crap and should be exposed whenever possible for the vile twats they are
or you could just drop this whole macho "protect" bollocks. you could ask why so many kids growing up in care end up abused, which is the more accurate representation of this whole farrago? the idea of you protecting young women sends a shiver down my spine tbf.

You can blame the social services for a raft of things, but the truth is they're underfunded, under-resourced, and all too oftem blamed for failings by the press without any consideration for their impossible work load.

Asking where these kids come from is a very portent question, but I don't think you would like the answers.

Vulnerable children are all too often the result of crack/smack abusing parents, alcoholics, and after they begin absconding from the care centres they are often just criminalised and left to their fate.

Never enough money for councils to provide local care networks for these kids, but always enough money for business centres and economic initiatives. Varies from city to city but look at where the money is really going...
well I could have some sexist symapathies but I think Islamophobia is a crap term

So, you don't like the terminology? What about the concept? Does it exist? Is there evidence of it on this thread?

By the way, IMO sympathy is a crap pat on the back that acknowledges something but suggests that others should accept the way it is, empathy however...
Well lets roll with it, its fair to say that a significant group in this country live by this crap and should be exposed whenever possible for the vile twats they are

What's most shocking to me about that case is that brother, mother and father all agreed with each other. You have to pity girls born into such families. They must conform or have the strength to disown their families. The very idea that you can be born a Muslim, that it is something that you don't choose but is chosen for you, is abhorrent.

There clearly is a problem with such a culture. It is ridiculous to deny that.
I didn't forget. I had more important things to do.I would tell you what I do or what I was doing but hey like you I don't like to brag. :)


Let's see a list of all these "valid points" you keep harping on about and accusing me of ignoring, then. Off you pop.
So, you don't like the terminology? What about the concept? Does it exist? Is there evidence of it on this thread?

I don't like it either. I think it's an ill-conceived and poorly defined concept. It implies that Islam is more than it is – just a belief system.
What's most shocking to me about that case is that brother, mother and father all agreed with each other. You have to pity girls born into such families. They must conform or have the strength to disown their families. The very idea that you can be born a Muslim, that it is something that you don't choose but is chosen for you, is abhorrent.

There clearly is a problem with such a culture. It is ridiculous to deny that.

But try to talk rationally about it and look what happens!!
So, you don't like the terminology? What about the concept? Does it exist? Is there evidence of it on this thread?

I think if your faced with bigots you fight them and don't ignore it because its dictated by liberal society, PK is not a bigot he's trolling but the essential point stands that that culture conditions our behaviour and some people have conditioning that comes from a pretty bigoted version of religion where thay can be sexists and not have the guilt that I might feel treating someone in a certain way. The concept of Islamaphobia doesn't exist (like the rape gangs:hmm:) its a silly made up media word.
What's most shocking to me about that case is that brother, mother and father all agreed with each other. You have to pity girls born into such families. They must conform or have the strength to disown their families. The very idea that you can be born a Muslim, that it is something that you don't choose but is chosen for you, is abhorrent.

There clearly is a problem with such a culture. It is ridiculous to deny that.
Yeah totally you read it thinking OK the mums going to step in now and then oh no she didn't
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