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Weasel Straw strikes again (Pakistani men in Britain see white girls as "easy meat")

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i edited the reference to e19896 from my post before Lock&Light posted. it is rather daft to do it the other way round and edit it after you've been quoted.

as for my alcoholism, i've pointed out i had my last drink before joining urban. we have, from my perspective, never had any affinity.

if as 'mozaz' he and you were friends, why did you dislike him in his later incarnation? even if i was well disposed towards you, i couldn't believe you. unless you were lying when you said you thought he was a tosser and delusional and irrational. because you can't be trusted. you lie and lie and lie. and it's fucking useless lies, like tony blair saying he'd gone to see newcastle when he was 2, the sort of thing that's so easily disproved. and if you were mates with e19896 / mozaz, why are you only bringing it up now? fuck knows you haven't before.

You've often dug, Pick, but never yet so deep.
You've often dug, Pick, but never yet so deep.

yeh? there's no fucking evidence to support pk's claims of friendship. no quote saying what a wonderful picture, nothing to say 'you're quite right, mozaz / e19896'. the record's fucking silent on this alleged friendship, when there should be at least one post where pk quotes mozaz. there are none.
yeh? there's no fucking evidence to support pk's claims of friendship. no quote saying what a wonderful picture, nothing to say 'you're quite right, mozaz / e19896'. the record's fucking silent on this alleged friendship, when there should be at least one post where pk quotes mozaz. there are none.

Try when he was 0742.

You know - before you ever even heard of urban75, never mind posted here... you utterly sad little man.
Wow. You've had yourself a nice little bunfight haven't you all? Plenty of great substance over the last 4-5 pages I see.
Fucking lowlife. Well done, at last, after 99 pages one of the "comrades" found a way of wrecking the thread, by invoking a dead man who used to post here. I hope you all are very proud of Pickman's Model. He's your "ally" after all. Wonderful stuff.
Fucking lowlife. Well done, at last, after 99 pages one of the "comrades" found a way of wrecking the thread, by invoking a dead man who used to post here. I hope you all are very proud of Pickman's Model. He's your "ally" after all. Wonderful stuff.

you mean, you've got caught out lying *again* and you're trying to wriggle out of it once more. i think it's disgraceful to claim friendship with someone you had no time for when he was alive. i've always been honest about my dislike for e19896, you're quite happy to invent a friendship simply to get one over another poster. that's being a lowlife.
you mean, you've got caught out lying *again* and you're trying to wriggle out of it once more. i think it's disgraceful to claim friendship with someone you had no time for when he was alive. i've always been honest about my dislike for e19896, you're quite happy to invent a friendship simply to get one over another poster. that's being a lowlife.


There are plenty here who will no doubt recall the many conversations, rows, and laughs we all had with 0742/mozaz back in the early days.

The fact that you cannot find them in the search engine is irrelevant - you were not even here back then.

Most of the pre-2003 stuff vanished in the move from the old server.

That you would stoop this low in an attempt to call me a liar says a lot more about you than me.

You fucking lowlife.

There are plenty here who will no doubt recall the many conversations, rows, and laughs we all had with 0742/mozaz back in the early days.

The fact that you cannot find them in the search engine is irrelevant - you were not even here back then.

Most of the pre-2003 stuff vanished in the move from the old server.

That you would stoop this low in an attempt to call me a liar says a lot more about you than me.

You fucking lowlife.
there's no 'attempt' to call you a liar. you are a liar.

you're claiming a friendship with e19896. yet there is no evidence of you being friends with him, quite the opposite in fact. and if you were mates before 2003, there's bugger all evidence of amity from recent years. on the thread about him from the other day, your post about how he was 'wise enough' to take what you said as 'banter' comes across - to me - quite sinister instead of quite friendly. while friendship doesn't have to involve meeting - for example, h.p. lovecraft conducted many friendships exclusively by letter - it's rather difficult to see your claim that you and e19896 were mates when there are a) so few times you've replied to him, and b) you're hardly using the language of friendship when you do. at best this could be considered a lapsed friendship: and i'd like to take this opportunity to ask that, should i die before you, you don't suddenly find you've been my best mate all along.

e2a: if there was any friendship, surely you'd have congratulated him on at least one of the pictures he took in the past couple of years? yet there is no obvious evidence you did.
You're in utter denial that islam is - at it's most extreme and unchallenged form - the most barbaric, intolerant and bigoted ideology of all the modern religious institutions.

Do you have a hook hand??

so you can't provide any quotes, or evidence to back up your assertion. Yet again. Poor pk, not even good at lying. And even your latest 'ally' iROBOT has fucked off cos he cant be arsed supporting your bigotry,

Oh, and dont thinik it hasn't been noticed that you've changed your opinin on the 'problwem' with Islam, yet again!

You keep sucking on that EDL cock, while L&L taps your ass
so you can't provide any quotes, or evidence to back up your assertion. Yet again. Poor pk, not even good at lying. And even your latest 'ally' iROBOT has fucked off cos he cant be arsed supporting your bigotry,

Oh, and dont thinik it hasn't been noticed that you've changed your opinin on the 'problwem' with Islam, yet again!

You keep sucking on that EDL cock, while L&L taps your ass

Hanging off the back of it is i believe now the phrase.
pk said:
Age of consent in Pakistan is basically "whenever the man says so", because girls who complain are all too often jailed... or worse...

The interesting aspect to this particular point here is that after arguing for an eternity that targeting young girls from other cultures for sex as opposed to their own is a uniquely islamic thing, you have taken the time to point out that muslim girls also get the same treatment.

You've basically destroyed your own argument.
The interesting aspect to this particular point here is that after arguing for an eternity that targeting young girls from other cultures for sex as opposed to their own is a uniquely islamic thing, you have taken the time to point out that muslim girls also get the same treatment.

You've basically destroyed your own argument.

Not really. Age of consent in Pakistan is subject to two laws - regular law and islamic law - it's a reference to the general treatment of young women, relevant in this topic no?
i'd like to take this opportunity to ask that, should i die before you, you don't suddenly find you've been my best mate all along..

I'd laugh. Seriously. I'd piss on your gravestone sooner than claim any kind of retrospective friendship.

You have no friends, you sad cunt. Kill yourself.
Not really. Age of consent in Pakistan is subject to two laws - regular law and islamic law - it's a reference to the general treatment of young women, relevant in this topic no?

So you're now admitting that young muslim girls get targetted for sex by male muslim predators too?

Yes, it destroys your earlier claims that they somehow target white girls as their own were off limits. As i pointed out, the problem is one of gender, not culture or race.
There's two more lies for a start; see if you can spot them.

Louis MacNeice


Here's at least one post that shows mozaz and I were on pretty good terms, the 2001/2 years when he was 0742 notwithstanding.

Someone desperate enough to search through the Wayback archives might find more.

I won't expect an apology from Prickman, he doesn't have the spine.

And yes, I would sooner piss on ol' Picky's slab than claim he and I were anything approaching friends.

He's a fucking worm, always was, and you know it too.
Not really. Age of consent in Pakistan is subject to two laws - regular law and islamic law - it's a reference to the general treatment of young women, relevant in this topic no?

i suppose the dutch age of consent, 12, has already been mentioned on this thread.

Here's at least one post that shows mozaz and I were on pretty good terms, the 2001/2 years when he was 0742 notwithstanding.

Someone desperate enough to search through the Wayback archives might find more.

I won't expect an apology from Prickman, he doesn't have the spine.

And yes, I would sooner piss on ol' Picky's slab than claim he and I were anything approaching friends.

He's a fucking worm, always was, and you know it too.
so your argument is that 8 years ago you and e19896 were mates but that you rather let it slide to the extent you felt he was an irrational and delusional tosser. which doesn't smack of friendship to me, although from you those may indeed be terms of affection.

e2a: have you anything FROM YOU indicating affection for e19896 since 2007?
so your argument is that 8 years ago you and e19896 were mates but that you rather let it slide to the extent you felt he was an irrational and delusional tosser. which doesn't smack of friendship to me, although from you those may indeed be terms of affection.

e2a: have you anything FROM YOU indicating affection for e19896 since 2007?

Put it this way - I never felt anything apart from abject pity for you.

That has turned over the years into utter contempt.

Do it Picky. Do it and see how many people give a fuck.

Kill it, mods? Really, noone seems to give a fuck about the topic anymore, so what's the fucking point of this slomo car-crash?
Good point. Hasn't been on topic for pages and has just been an exhibition slagging match for some of our special community members.
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