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Weasel Straw strikes again (Pakistani men in Britain see white girls as "easy meat")

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Louis, do yourself a favour. Grow some originality.

Still lacking that insight I see. And still ducking the issue of Islam's supposed uniqueness, which you seemed to think was important point until it turned out pk really does think Islam is uniquely intolerant and repressive. I can see your 'thinking' though; it is easier to post glib emptiness than actually sustain a line of argument (which isn't what you're here for anyway).

Cheers - Louis MacNeice

Did he really just post that?

Fucking hell Pickman's - there was I thinking this was just a bit of banter.

That was truly cunt's work. Maybe you do need those sleeping pills after all.

For my part - I miss his contributions far more than I would ever miss yours.

You fucking twat.
"Sin" is so subjective though. Is it a "mortal" sin, or an "original" sin which according to the folklore we are all born with anyway, so we may as well sin away because we're fucked unless we beg for forgiveness from the great sky pixie.

In other words - life and all it's worldly gains is to be handed over, a bit like taxes. It's for the greater good.

Do you know what quasi means?

Louis McNeice
Did he really just post that?

Fucking hell Pickman's - there was I thinking this was just a bit of banter.

That was truly cunt's work. Maybe you do need those sleeping pills after all.

For my part - I miss his contributions far more than I would ever miss yours.

You fucking twat.
my point was - and it's a point proven by your post here - that there's more chance of getting a witty rejoinder out of a dead man than there is out of you.
my point was - and it's a point proven by your post here - that there's more chance of getting a witty rejoinder out of a dead man than there is out of you.

And with that level of low stooping, you just managed to excavate the true nature of your fucked up character.

And you wonder why people speculate as to your mental health.
Lock and Light has quoted you, you low-life tit.

Aye - but look at the way he shit himself and deleted everything and is now denying it.

Stand by what you say, and catch the shit for it. Delete it after the fact and look like twice the surplus cunt.
Aye - but look at the way he shit himself and deleted everything and is now denying it.

Stand by what you say, and catch the shit for it. Delete it after the fact and look like twice the surplus cunt.
pls point to where i deny anything. you can't stop it, can you, lying - seems pathological. all i deleted were posts relating to an abortive spat with littlebabyjesus.
you don't like the allusion to airey neave and ian gow then.

Naaa, that's not denial is it? Changing the names in an edit, then trying to feign false allusion - too late...

You sad cunt. I feel worse because I thought you'd changed or perhaps I'd imagined your past cuntitude.

I was more than prepared to let the old shit fly - as the early bits of this thread prove. More fool me.
Naaa, that's not denial is it? Changing the names in an edit, then trying to feign false allusion - too late...

You sad cunt.

nothing you're posting invalidates my point, though. and that's what's doubtless got your goat, that in death as in life he's wittier than you.
No, they don't.

every time i see you post i think of the daily mail


a paper whose politics you appear to share and whose less intelligent readers you resemble.
nothing you're posting invalidates my point, though. and that's what's doubtless got your goat, than in death as in life he's wittier than you.

No. What gets my goat is that you refer to a fondly regarded poster here who hasn't even been dead for a week, then when nobody laughs you claim to possess some form of higher wit.

Your enduring legacy if you died tomorrow would be one of pedantic tiresome fuckwittery, a friendless snitch who failed to ingratiate himself with either side of the factions you betrayed and tried to cling to. You're a dirty odious little fart in a cracked jam jar nobody even cares about anymore. I just hope your real life is more rewarding, that by some miracle you are somehow loved. You don't even earn my pity, and I'm a relatively soft touch.
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