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Weasel Straw strikes again (Pakistani men in Britain see white girls as "easy meat")

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Quite an important country Saudi Arbia in the Muslim world you know (?)
Only in terms of wealth and in terms of historical significance, otherwise, it's just a backwater where people practice a backward version of Sunni Islam.
Of course, that wealth has meant it's been able to export that backward rite to places where more tolerant rites hold sway. Ain't it wonderful what wealth and the possession of natural resources can do?
That's not my impression of the thread at all. While it started out as that, we've lately shouted at each other about stoning and sharia laws, none of which has much to do with UK muslims in particular.

There are none so blind as those who think they see.
No but I can keep my eyes straight. Not had a drink since Friday, and I've never had a sleeping pill in my life!

I'll sleep when I'm dead, life is far too short as it is...

Look fool, you practically begged me to find evidence of your past addictions, I knew you'd spoken of them before, and after your indignant demands for evidence, I simply tapped you up on the search engine for the keyword "alcoholic". It's not rocket science.

Yeah, maybe it was a bit cold, but here you are trying to paint me as a liar and yet I've proved you really did have an issue with the booze and the night-night tablets.

Don't hate me just because I called your bluff.

Embarrassing. Have you asked for help or are you still in denial?
What does that even mean?

I mean, are you trying to set yourself up as a martyr who gets slagged off because of his "politically incorrect" views? Are you trying to establish some kind of comparison of degree of fucked-upness between being "politically incorrect" and being made by your religion to feel guilty because some pervert priest assaulted you, what?

I was responding to your post, the post where you said:

the idea of "sin" has played a strong role in inducing shame and silence in victims of abuse

It seems quite clear to me if you replace the word "sin" with "political correctness" then one could quite easily demonstrate that there is an equally strong role there in inducing shame and silence in victims of abuse.

Both involve a fear of offending uptight quasi-religious principles.
Did you not notice all that stuff about yet another case of stoning in Afganistan?

What all stuff was this? that a group of backward peasants who were Muslim stoned a couple for adultury and whose actions were condemned by other Muslims or were you just looking at the pictures and big print?

I suppose you could be worried that your sexual Jihad is merely the next step to groups of wannabe gangsters driving around looking for known or alleged adulturers to be stoned over here?

drugs don't work.
No but I can keep my eyes straight. Not had a drink since Friday, and I've never had a sleeping pill in my life!

I'll sleep when I'm dead, life is far too short as it is...

Look fool, you practically begged me to find evidence of your past addictions, I knew you'd spoken of them before, and after your indignant demands for evidence, I simply tapped you up on the search engine for the keyword "alcoholic". It's not rocket science.

Yeah, maybe it was a bit cold, but here you are trying to paint me as a liar and yet I've proved you really did have an issue with the booze and the night-night tablets.

Don't hate me just because I called your bluff.

could you fucking finish with the fucking editing already? fucking five or six times now, and each time it's even shitter than the fucking first time. i practically begged you to find evidence of my past addictions? you are thick as pigshit, in lenin's immortal phrase. you suggested i had *current* addictions. and i asked you to provide proof of that. which you have signally failed to do, relying instead on posts from the best part of seven years ago which refer to a time before i posted here.

do you hate a dog's loose turd or some dried vomit you see on the street? the feelings you have for that puddle of loose shit or dried vomit are what i have for you.
I was responding to your post, the post where you said:

It seems quite clear to me if you replace the word "sin" with "political correctness" then one could quite easily demonstrate that there is an equally strong role there in inducing shame and silence in victims of abuse.

Both involve a fear of offending uptight quasi-religious principles.

Not in the case of sin.

Louis MacNeice
Embarrassing. Have you asked for help or are you still in denial?

In denial of what, mr stupid username?

I see you're still clinging on to this runaway thread, without really bothering to read or comprehend it, just hopping on for the ride and chucking in what passes for a witty retort when you can.

Why don't you have a drink? Calm the nerves and all that.

I see you're still clinging on to this runaway thread, without really bothering to read or comprehend it, just hopping on for the ride and chucking in what passes for a witty retort when you can.
there's more chance of a witty rejoinder from ian gow or airey neave than there is of one from you.
Not in the case of sin.

Louis MacNeice

"Sin" is so subjective though. Is it a "mortal" sin, or an "original" sin which according to the folklore we are all born with anyway, so we may as well sin away because we're fucked unless we beg for forgiveness from the great sky pixie.

In other words - life and all it's worldly gains is to be handed over, a bit like taxes. It's for the greater good.
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