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Weasel Straw strikes again (Pakistani men in Britain see white girls as "easy meat")

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Nino showed no examples. So my definition of "showing" is (obviously) a little more demanding then yours.
i made no such definition, you seem to be (wilfully?) misundersdanding the point

And I have made a statement that I believe is relevant to (specifically) ninos contribution above

Do keep up.

fair do's. It is a rather stupid point in the context of the thread tho, considering it is the basis of pk's position.
Nobody is arguing that Islam doesn't have 'failings'. Nobody is arguing from an Islamic viewpoint. Most if not all are arguing from a firmly secular position. People are making the entirely reasonable case that a) Islam, as a religious doctrine, does not appear to be any more repressive, or specifically no more likely to condone noncing, than other religions, and b) muslims are not some uniform Borg-like entity. Do keep up robot.
It precisely is yours and pk's argument you incoherent fool

No it isn't at all you illiterate twat. Nobody has suggested other religions are not repressive and intolerant.

Just not to the same degree as islam. And given its expansion in Europe & UK worth a discussion.

But that isn't possible when people like YOU are determined to yell "racist!!" from the sidelines - whilst contributing nothing.

Anyway, it's all kicking off at work for me, Mandela is about to die.
Now there's a man who knew about resisting oppressive regimes...
No it isn't at all you illiterate twat. Nobody has suggested other religions are not repressive and intolerant.

Just not to the same degree as islam. And given its expansion in Europe & UK worth a discussion.

But that isn't possible when people like YOU are determined to yell "racist!!" from the sidelines - whilst contributing nothing.

Anyway, it's all kicking off at work for me, Mandela is about to die.
Now there's a man who knew about resisting oppressive regimes...

So your position is that Islam is uniquely repressive then? So what I said.
Where does nino "show it" ?

Do I have to "show" anything? I could have easily have said "Scientology" instead of Hinduism. I take it you're aware of what's happening in India vis a vis the Muslim population and the violence that has been visited on them by gangs of Hindu thugs?
No it isn't at all you illiterate twat. Nobody has suggested other religions are not repressive and intolerant.

Just not to the same degree as islam. And given its expansion in Europe & UK worth a discussion.

But that isn't possible when people like YOU are determined to yell "racist!!" from the sidelines - whilst contributing nothing.
you dont even remember your own argument, you've explicitly argued that, unlike christianity, islam's repressiveness & intolerance is inherent, which does actually make it unique. Now you're watering down your argument a tiny bit cos of the way you've been systematically ripped apart.

Anyway, it's all kicking off at work for me, Mandela is about to die.
Now there's a man who knew about resisting oppressive regimes...

and now there's your excuse for fucking off.
naah, we've comprehensively ripped your pisspoor excuse for an argument apart, till you are left with nothing. apart from a hug from L&L.

LOL, yeah, course you have. Not been flinging shit from the bars of the zoo compound and calling people names at all have you?

I'm sure your ally Choudary will be pleased, perhaps he'll let you nonce his kid.
you dont even remember your own argument, you've explicitly argued that, unlike christianity, islam's repressiveness & intolerance is inherent, which does actually make it unique. Now you're watering down your argument a tiny bit cos of the way you've been systematically ripped apart.

More lies. I've said essentially that islam has failed to reform, and followers don't generally protest againt the more extremist elements - unlike christianity where Westboro and similar freaks get counter-demos and ridiculed.

The silence of the wider muslim communities in the face of nutters like Choudhary, Hamsa, etc and when they jeer returning troops, implies tacid compliance and agreement.

But you aren't interested in actually reading my point of view, you're just running that good old secular mindset and showboating in front of your "brave" yet silent comrades.

and now there's your excuse for fucking off.

Yeah, because clearly this thread is full of examples of my running away from this debate isn't it?? :D

Try harder, fuckhead, I'm not going to give a opinionless scared little fool like you the satisfaction. :)

You seem fine with the idea of bigoted, sexist, homophobic ideology being allowed to grow unchecked on the bizarre grounds that "other religions do it too!" even though far, far less commonly and certainly less overtly.

But if you want to declare yourself "winner" in this little game, I'll not stop you, especially if it stops your petulant fucking whining.

oh look, he's changed his argument again. don't worry pk, no one will notice, you've been magnificently consistent throughout.
Do I have to "show" anything? I could have easily have said "Scientology" instead of Hinduism. I take it you're aware of what's happening in India vis a vis the Muslim population and the violence that has been visited on them by gangs of Hindu thugs?

Well yes you do. This thread's not about Muslims in India. This thread is SPECIFICALLY about Muslims in THIS COUNTRY.

Now where's that thread on Hindus in this country then? I'd be interested to compare to the subject of this thread.
Well yes you do. This thread's not about Muslims in India. This thread is SPECIFICALLY about Muslims in THIS COUNTRY.

That's not my impression of the thread at all. While it started out as that, we've lately shouted at each other about stoning and sharia laws, none of which has much to do with UK muslims in particular.
That's not my impression of the thread at all. While it started out as that, we've lately shouted at each other about stoning and sharia laws, none of which has much to do with UK muslims in particular.

It's about the dynamic between western women and Muslim men/boys in the North of England

Straw wasnt talking about Muslim gangs in Lahore was he?
Ok tell me about Hindus in Norway and how they are just like the Muslims in that country.

are you being deliberately dense? But if you want to stick with what the thread began as, 100 pages ago, then fine. But I think it's mostly been covered
are you being deliberately dense? But if you want to stick with what the thread began as, 100 pages ago, then fine. But I think it's mostly been covered

Really I didnt read your post countering Islamic actions in Norway by highlighting Hindu actions in that country.

Give me a link to that (must have missed it). I'd be very interested to read it.
okay, you havent got anything to say, have you?


I reiterate.

I thinks it's very bizarre to attempt to deflect the heinous crimes of a section of our community which (I believe) is fueled through their religion to a loathing of the lifestyles of another section of the community by stating that another religion is just as worse, and then giving absolutely no examples to back up this "statement"

Fucking shite argument and does absolutely nothing to address why gangs of young Muslim men feel it's ok to rape, kidnap drug and murder young white girls.
when did he call you a paedophile?

I was told I was "allied" with EDL - amounts to the same thing in my book when you look at their leadership and the only non-muslim members of the Blackburn rape gang being BNP members...
Age of consent in SA.

Saudi Arabia

Any kind of sexual activity outside marriage is illegal in Saudi Arabia, but there is no restriction on the age of marriage.[50] For instance, in 2008 a Saudi court refused to annul a marriage between an 8 year old girl and a 58 year old man.[51] A prohibition on marriage under the age of 14 was being considered by the Ministry of Justice in late 2008. According to cleric Ahmad Al-Mu’bi, the appropriate minimum age for sex "varies according to environment and traditions."

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