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Weasel Straw strikes again (Pakistani men in Britain see white girls as "easy meat")

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Your enduring legacy if you died tomorrow would be one of pedantic tiresome fuckwittery, a friendless snitch who failed to ingratiate himself with either side of the factions you betrayed and tried to cling to. You're a dirty odious little fart in a cracked jam jar nobody even cares about anymore. I just hope your real life is more rewarding, that by some miracle you are somehow loved. You don't even earn my pity, and I'm a relatively soft touch.

If you hadn't said that, pk, I hope I would have.
No. What gets my goat is that you refer to a fondly regarded poster here who hasn't even been dead for a week, then when nobody laughs you claim to possess some form of higher wit.

Your enduring legacy if you died tomorrow would be one of pedantic tiresome fuckwittery, a friendless snitch who failed to ingratiate himself with either side of the factions you betrayed and tried to cling to. You're a dirty odious little fart in a cracked jam jar nobody even cares about anymore. I just hope your real life is more rewarding, that by some miracle you are somehow loved. You don't even earn my pity, and I'm a relatively soft touch.
a fondly regarded poster? he wasn't by you: you described him as a tosser and being delusional and irrational. hardly words of amity, i suggest.

yeh, i've no doubt many people will recall him fondly. but the only reason you're championing him now - to judge by your attitude to him expressed in your posts while he was alive - is as a stick to beat me with.
No. What gets my goat is that you refer to a fondly regarded poster here who hasn't even been dead for a week, then when nobody laughs you claim to possess some form of higher wit.

Your enduring legacy if you died tomorrow would be one of pedantic tiresome fuckwittery, a friendless snitch who failed to ingratiate himself with either side of the factions you betrayed and tried to cling to. You're a dirty odious little fart in a cracked jam jar nobody even cares about anymore. I just hope your real life is more rewarding, that by some miracle you are somehow loved. You don't even earn my pity, and I'm a relatively soft touch.
i've not claimed i possessed a higher form of wit. i said a dead man has more wit than you. anyone who reads this thread from beginning to end will see you displayed in all your fecal glory, with your dalliance with the 'n' word, your dishonesty, your inability to string together an argument that doesn't unravel at the slightest tug. it's by no means your finest hour. and it's made even worse by your attempt to defend e19896, a poster who, as i've mentioned, you displayed little but contempt for when he was alive. you've shown yourself to be a hypocrite as well as all your other -isms revealed in the course of your 600 posts in this thread.
If you want to list the dead, why exclude yourself, loser.

it's not a list of the dead, is it. you say (post 2438) i've always underestimated you. i don't underestimate you. i think you're an annoying little shit who can't post on topic to save his life. you've certainly not shown any ability to estimate.
no you wouldn't. for all his pisspoor repartee, pk's still a thousand times more articulate than you.

Ahh, trying to drive a wedge between people who agree on your depraved levels of idiocy... plumbing even further depths now... you really do have no idea how fucking stupid you look right now do you? You think I'll be pleased to read this shit? You think bigging me up now excuses what you just said?

Lock&Light I'd buy a pint - but you, nope. I'd buy it and tip it over your head.
your attempt to defend e19896, a poster who, as i've mentioned, you displayed little but contempt for when he was alive

Oh we had many a row, but I never, ever had anything like the contempt for him that I have for you.

He was often a tosser, and was clearly typified by being delusional and irrational. That was part of his charm.

He wasn't a fucking skulking little coward like you, he had passion and was gifted with an artistic nature that your likely autistic nature could never comprehend.

I never showed anything like contempt for him, once I understood where he was coming from. And I understand where you are coming from, and you have nothing but my contempt.

And one day you will die, and I will maintain my position, that you were a miserable fuck whom I would hope had something resembling a half decent life in the real world.
as i say, dull. you may be able to vomit out shit all night long, some of us have work in the morning.

Some opinions are known to have swayed
By concision and points that are made,
But contrary thought
Can bring all to naught
When there’s only a face to be saved.
Ahh, trying to drive a wedge between people who agree on your depraved levels of idiocy... plumbing even further depths now... you really do have no idea how fucking stupid you look right now do you? You think I'll be pleased to read this shit? You think bigging me up now excuses what you just said?

Lock&Light I'd buy a pint - but you, nope. I'd buy it and tip it over your head.
when it comes to looking stupid, i don't suppose anyone on this thread can compete with the pair of posts where you muddle up your lies.
i'm not bigging you up, i'm belittling you. i've said you're less witty than a dead man. newsflash: that is not bigging you up. you are stupid. that is not bigging you up.
a fondly regarded poster? he wasn't by you: you described him as a tosser and being delusional and irrational. hardly words of amity, i suggest.

You mean to tell me you actually searched for incidences where myself and mozaz argued on here?

To prove some kind of point?

Why don't you show us all your findings then?

In fact why not start a new thread! Show everyone just how much "contempt" I had for him!

You utter low-life. I really, really won't be able to trust myself if ever we meet, and I hope you are now aware of that.
But of course - by cracking your skull, in your fucked up world I would only validate your pitiful life, and you don't even deserve that much.
Truth is I wouldn't even acknowledge you, as I'd likely be among friends and enjoying myself, why would a streak of piss like you get in the way of that even for a second?
Oh we had many a row, but I never, ever had anything like the contempt for him that I have for you.

He was often a tosser, and was clearly typified by being delusional and irrational. That was part of his charm.

He wasn't a fucking skulking little coward like you, he had passion and was gifted with an artistic nature that your likely autistic nature could never comprehend.

I never showed anything like contempt for him, once I understood where he was coming from. And I understand where you are coming from, and you have nothing but my contempt.

And one day you will die, and I will maintain my position, that you were a miserable fuck whom I would hope had something resembling a half decent life in the real world.
i don't know why you have to continue lying. 'you had many a row'? what fucking bollocks. there are only 10 posts where you quote him. 10. there are fucking at least three times that on this thread where you quote me. so don't fucking lie again, you always get caught out.

i'm a coward? yeh, right. tell me one time i've run, and i'll tell you another time you're lying.
You've actually counted where and when I've quoted him?

What the fuck is wrong with you?

You are aware that as "mozaz" he and I were actually friends?? Right?

Fuck you. You are nothing. Get back to your chronic alcoholism and sleeping pills, that was the only time I recalll having any type of affinity with you.

You are more dead to me than he'll ever be.
You mean to tell me you actually searched for incidences where myself and mozaz argued on here?

To prove some kind of point?

Why don't you show us all your findings then?

In fact why not start a new thread! Show everyone just how much "contempt" I had for him!

You utter low-life. I really, really won't be able to trust myself if ever we meet, and I hope you are now aware of that.
But of course - by cracking your skull, in your fucked up world I would only validate your pitiful life, and you don't even deserve that much.
Truth is I wouldn't even acknowledge you, as I'd likely be among friends and enjoying myself, why would a streak of piss like you get in the way of that even for a second?

it would be unfair not to try to find instances of you showing your affection for your great friend e19896, wouldn't it? especially after you've gone to such great lengths on his behalf.

yeh, i suppose i am a lowlife for showing your hypocrisy. but i'd rather be a lowlife than someone with all the flaws you've displayed on this thread. and i'd rather be a lowlife than some walter mitty shitfer like your good self.
You've actually counted where and when I've quoted him?

What the fuck is wrong with you?

You are aware that as "mozaz" he and I were actually friends?? Right?

Fuck you. You are nothing. Get back to your chronic alcoholism and sleeping pills, that was the only time I recalll having any type of affinity with you.

You are more dead to me than he'll ever be.

i edited the reference to e19896 from my post before Lock&Light posted. it is rather daft to do it the other way round and edit it after you've been quoted.

as for my alcoholism, i've pointed out i had my last drink before joining urban. we have, from my perspective, never had any affinity.

if as 'mozaz' he and you were friends, why did you dislike him in his later incarnation? even if i was well disposed towards you, i couldn't believe you. unless you were lying when you said you thought he was a tosser and delusional and irrational. because you can't be trusted. you lie and lie and lie. and it's fucking useless lies, like tony blair saying he'd gone to see newcastle when he was 2, the sort of thing that's so easily disproved. and if you were mates with e19896 / mozaz, why are you only bringing it up now? fuck knows you haven't before.
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