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Weasel Straw strikes again (Pakistani men in Britain see white girls as "easy meat")

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Precisely this, and I do think that you and littlebabyjesus have indeed come up with interesting factors that may have a bearing on the figures stated. Certainly more of an intelligent approach than the moronic efforts of belboid's "I don't trust coppers, I'm an anarchist, me"

You do realise that I stated not long before that post that your claim that all rapes in Oslo were perpetrated by NWIs was wrong? And that I asked you whether you were prepared to retract that patently false statement? Just because I disagreed with ericjarvis on this minor point doesn't mean I agree with you.
ericjarvis, good points there. One quibble I have is this "fundamental flaw" you argue regarding whether we should look at actions or perpetrators. From a law enforcement perspective it makes perfect sense to at least check whether certain geographical, ethnic, cultural or ideological groups are disproportionally more or less likely to engage in various unlawful activities. Profiling as such - whatever the criteria used (place, race, gender, religion, culture, politics), isn't morally wrong I believe - if it was social sciences would be as immoral an exercise as it could get.

In terms of the rape statistics in Oslo it's of very little importance what religion the perpetrators confess to - after all about 4/5ths of the global population belong to one of the Big 4 (Christianity, Islam, Hinduism and Buddhism), so to put it in statistical terms, regressing on religion won't have much explanatory power.
Anyway, I wonder how this would have played out if it was the other way around. White men preying on vulnerable muslim girls. We might have been asking why these young muslim girls were so vulnerable, out on the streets, going back with these older men to take drugs and get abused. We might have been asking where were their protectors, their families, their social support networks. Of course, nobody would be suprised that white men brought up in a post-Christian society were abusing women. Sickened and disgusted, yes, surpised, not really.

Hasn't there already been sly finger pointing at the victims via their families already in this case?
I'm not disagreeing with this, however I am of the belief that the only good taliban fighter is one in a bodybag.

Fuck them and their backward oppressive regime, and fuck anyone trying to impose that shit.

There is no "regime".
Even at their most powerful, "The Taliban" didn't even control half of Afghanistan's territory, and even what they did control wasn't a single contiguous bloc. There's no real impetus to govern Afghanistan as a theocracy, merely to de-stabilise the region, and always in ways that serve Pakistan (and whoever is their "new best friend") best.

It's not about religion, at base.
it's about old-fashioned warlordism, the Taliban just as much as "the Northern Alliance", or even Karzai's government. Religion merely provides an excuse to invade territory, and to rape, pillage and plunder.
or you could just drop this whole macho "protect" bollocks. you could ask why so many kids growing up in care end up abused, which is the more accurate representation of this whole farrago? the idea of you protecting young women sends a shiver down my spine tbf.

As I've said many times on Urban, abuse in care was pretty much a given back in the '70s. It wasn't SOP, but it was fairly widespread, physical and/or sexual.
Then, as now, there was an almost perceptible consensus among the providers that kids in care were 2nd-class citizens, that they shouldn't expect the same level of protection as the mythical "ordinary child", and that perhaps it didn't really matter if staff were beating and/or fucking them, or pimping them out.
You can blame the social services for a raft of things, but the truth is they're underfunded, under-resourced, and all too oftem blamed for failings by the press without any consideration for their impossible work load.
It's not just to do with underfunding, it's to do with central government diktat that constantly shifts the goalposts on the aims of social services policy, and on the idiotic assumption that it's more efficient (it isn't) to commission services rather than to directly provide them.
Asking where these kids come from is a very portent question, but I don't think you would like the answers.

Vulnerable children are all too often the result of crack/smack abusing parents, alcoholics, and after they begin absconding from the care centres they are often just criminalised and left to their fate.
"All too often"? Only if you watch "The Bill".
In reality, parental addiction is a factor in a minority of cases.
Never enough money for councils to provide local care networks for these kids, but always enough money for business centres and economic initiatives. Varies from city to city but look at where the money is really going...
This is another issue caused by central government. Budgets are segregated into blocks, so much for social services, so much for environmental (street cleansing etc) services, etc etc. If you don't build the business centre, you can't use the money elsewhere in the local authority budget, you have to hand it back to central government.
Hasn't there already been sly finger pointing at the victims via their families already in this case?

As far as I can see people have been desperate to point just about anywhere but at the real issues, i.e. the men who spent their evenings in the car they dubbed the "rape rover" looking for children.
You do realise that I stated not long before that post that your claim that all rapes in Oslo were perpetrated by NWIs was wrong? And that I asked you whether you were prepared to retract that patently false statement? Just because I disagreed with ericjarvis on this minor point doesn't mean I agree with you.

All "assault rapes" carried out in Oslo in the last three years, I believe is the core claim being made by Rohde.

And of course I'm prepared to unequivocally retract false claims once they have proven to be false.

Let's see your take on it. eric jarvis didn't seem too interested in my take on his more recent stats unless I missed his post on it (possible I did).
What on earth makes you think that your personal defintion of what a 'feminist' is, or should be/think holds any weight? :confused:

Exactly. Even the term NWIs is misleading in some ways - ethnic Chinese and Filipinos in Norway which (to my admittedly scant knowledge) don't come from cultures that are known to be particularly philogynic, are under-represented in the crime stats.

I dispute your assertion that ethnic Chinese and Filipinos in Norway are from cultures that display anything like the attitude towards women that those from strict islamic regimes do.

Perhaps this may be why they are under-represented in the stats.
You do realise that I stated not long before that post that your claim that all rapes in Oslo were perpetrated by NWIs was wrong? And that I asked you whether you were prepared to retract that patently false statement? Just because I disagreed with ericjarvis on this minor point doesn't mean I agree with you.

Let's recap - have a look at this page, where the figures are expressed in year by year figures for the period concerned that led to Rohde's claim.

If you can demonstrate that these figures are wrong, then I'll be happy to see that.

So we're on to page 84 now.

pk any luck in stopping the sexual jihad?

Also there still doesn't seem to be a single practical point, I'm a bit worried about how you're going to put a stop to it all.
Also there still doesn't seem to be a single practical point, I'm a bit worried about how you're going to put a stop to it all.

If there's any truth in the theory then bringing it to the surface and having it discussed will already be doing a lot towards putting a stop to it.
Also I'm still slightly disturbed by you talking about "grabbing a bit of arse" on the tube. It's not a good sign if one of the people fighting sexual jihad comes out with something like that. I hope you're not undercover in the sexual jihad community and are suffering from stockholm syndrome.
Are you being serious? How can anything be done about changing attitudes if all remain in denial of existing attitudes?
So how do you change the attitudes of the sexual jihad? What practical suggestions do you have?

I'm also slightly worried by the fact that 39th_step pointed out ages back that Asian men are actually half as likely to commit sexual offences than the proportion of the population they make. Given that is the case then are all these other people subconsciously becoming part of the sexual jihad too?

I know pk said that included only grabbing a bit of arse on the tube, but none the less I think it's something that needs to be looked into in the fight back.
So how do you change the attitudes of the sexual jihad? What practical suggestions do you have?

I'm also slightly worried by the fact that 39th_step pointed out ages back that Asian men are actually half as likely to commit sexual offences than the proportion of the population they make. Given that is the case then are all these other people subconsciously becoming part of the sexual jihad too?

I know pk said that included only grabbing a bit of arse on the tube, but none the less I think it's something that needs to be looked into in the fight back.

Quoting stats for "sexual offences" is useless, it's an ambiguous term which could include everything from lewd behaviour to doing a Fritzl.

This is about systematically raping children, and as I see it - the indoctrination of young UK based muslim men into the idea that woman are generally inferior, and that infidel women are barely even human.

What needs to happen is happening, as I see it moderate muslims are standing up and saying "fuck you" to the jihadis.

Also - we need to see Choudary and Hamsa and people like this disappearing and never being seen again.
So how do you change the attitudes of the sexual jihad? What practical suggestions do you have?

Firstly I have still to be convinced that this is in fact a serious problem, but pk's evidence has not yet been disproved, and if we accept the theory as fact, then I would hope that publication of the facts would shock the so-called moderate muslims into insisting on a change of teaching by the imans.
I was primarily referring to the links you provided to the Norwegian situation.

No I know, but you can see how easily people attribute false premise in order to evade the more pertinent points that might have been made.
Some background

VADODARA: Four persons were injured in a communal riot that broke out in Devgadh Baria town of Dahod district over an incident of eve teasing at the weekly market there on Friday. Police officials said a group of persons had picked up a quarrel with another over the issue of a girl of a particular community being eve teased, leading to exchange of fisticuffs between them.

Later, larger groups of the two communities gathered at the Tower area in the city. They indulged in pelting of stones and arson. Two cabins were charred during the riot. The mobs also set a six-seater auto-rickshaw ablaze and damaged a bicycle, officials said, adding that both the groups filed cross complaints against each other. Police have arrested 16 persons for violence.


'Eve teasing is a euphemism used in India and sometimes Pakistan, Bangladesh and Nepal[1] for public sexual harassment, street harassment or molestation of women by men, with Eve being a reference to the biblical Eve.'


Generally chaps from the subcontinent have a VERY opinion of Western women ref their need to get their kit off

Its common in ALL the countires there to be reped by cops if they report a rape - well provided they are poor

'Marry a Muslim or die' threat to Harry Potter actress


Seem they have a fairly low opinion of their own too
Fwiw, I don't think pk is bigotted, but nor do I think he is trolling exactly. I disagree with quite a bit of what he's said, but in part, it seems to me that he's been playing devil's advocate not for its own sake, but in an attempt to provoke good counterarguments.

For my part, while I have no desire for the state to tell people how to live, I have come to the conclusion that it is the state's proper role as lawgiver to provide a framework of dos and do nots within which everyone has to remain. Without such limitations, there is merely the tyranny of the strongest, not any kind of freedom.

In order to do that effectively, the UK state needs to reinvent itself. Not in any revolutionary way, but in a way that will not affect the lives of most people at all. Constitutional reform is vital if we are to have a clear-headed view of how to deal with issues such as women's rights within minority groups. The only way to do that, imo, is with a written constitution that forms the highest law of the land. In order for that to happen, first the state needs to fully secularise, removing the established church.

This constitution would, among other things, lay out explicitly the ways that it would be illegal to discriminate – on the basis of race, gender, sexual orientation or religious belief as the fundamental four categories, allowing very carefully worded exceptions: where you can provide a specific reason for your discrimination, for instance you need a woman to work at a women's refuge, etc. Crucially, these would form the highest law and in return for the inclusion of religious belief in the protected categories, religious groups would not receive any kind of exception to those categories.

A constitution is always a compromise, and that would be the compromise I would offer religious leaders: receive legal protection for your religion and its followers in return for accepting the full equality of others regardless of their race, gender or sexual orientation.

This could be painful for certain religious groups to accept. Tough. That pain would only be caused by the fact that they currently do discriminate. Those of us with a firm conviction of the rightness of such universal legal protection need to stand firm.
I dispute your assertion that ethnic Chinese and Filipinos in Norway are from cultures that display anything like the attitude towards women that those from strict islamic regimes do.

Perhaps this may be why they are under-represented in the stats.

Yeah, no such thing as forced marriage and prostitution mafias in these countries is it? Or trafficking and so on.
Quoting stats for "sexual offences" is useless, it's an ambiguous term which could include everything from lewd behaviour to doing a Fritzl.

This is about systematically raping children, and as I see it - the indoctrination of young UK based muslim men into the idea that woman are generally inferior, and that infidel women are barely even human.

What needs to happen is happening, as I see it moderate muslims are standing up and saying "fuck you" to the jihadis.

Also - we need to see Choudary and Hamsa and people like this disappearing and never being seen again.

So do you think the koran makes people child rapists but doesn't affect people in terms of lewd behaviour and "doing a fritzi"? Why is that?

Not sure the phrase "doing a fritzi" will stand you in good stead in your role of taking on sexual jihad.

Why is the koran having this affect on Pakistani men but not Bangladeshi men. Not that long ago they were the same country.

There is a muslim bloke down my road. Should I knock on his door and ask him if has done enough to take on the sexual jihadis. Not sure he knows any but as a muslim he should take responsibility don't you think?

Have you gone down to your local mosque yet to ask them what they are doing about it? I think you should take a lead on this, people are waiting for someone like you to stand up and be counted.
Firstly I have still to be convinced that this is in fact a serious problem, but pk's evidence has not yet been disproved, and if we accept the theory as fact, then I would hope that publication of the facts would shock the so-called moderate muslims into insisting on a change of teaching by the imans.

So are there imans in the UK telling muslims to go out and rape women and children? Where is this happening?
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