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Weasel Straw strikes again (Pakistani men in Britain see white girls as "easy meat")

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The reason is because you've racialised the victim. And perhaps rape is more horrifying if a experienced by a young white girl at the hands of a Pakistani man than any other scenario. Because that's what people are irate about. Perhaps some Muslim men do despise white women to the extent that they will treat them as sexual meat. But it makes them no different to any other rapist from any other culture throughout the world. Including, of course, that - race and religion aside - they're all men.

Bingo. As pk said, you are not thick. ;)
Perhaps some Muslim men do despise white women to the extent that they will treat them as sexual meat.

The acceptance of this simple statement is what differentiates you from the silent lemmings.

The operative word being "perhaps". I guess the question is how much worse is the issue and how many young girls could have been protected from these gangs had the powers that be not been cowering under illogical constraints of political correctness and instead looked at the picture without prejudice nor a falsely imposed blindness.
Yep. You fled. Turned on your heels. Scarpered. Vamosed. Hopped off.

And now you will doubtless return with some pithy insult and fail to say anything whatsoever of any relevance to the motivations of these gangs, because you simply cannot muster the balls to do anything else. :)

No dear, try and stop making nonsense up, there's a good boy. You have yet to prove the existence of 'these gangs,' and (whether they exist or not) you never will. All your facts have been shown to be - at best - highly partial - and often simply false, they are cherry picked and ignore the figures that might lead a sane person to a different conclusion to you. Most impressive
The acceptance of this simple statement is what differentiates you from the silent lemmings.

woo hoo! Nearly 100 pages but we've now established the ost important thing - some people dont like other people and personify them. Amazing, truly you are the new William Glass
woo hoo! Nearly 100 pages but we've now established the ost important thing - some people dont like other people and personify them. Amazing, truly you are the new William Glass

So just how widespread do YOU think this issue is? A common mentality among these muslim gangs or what?

Oh hang on, you think these gangs don't exist??
What gangs? Groups of mainly muslim men? Are they one of your 'gangs'? Or are you solely referring to this supposed 'gang of muslim men who go around drugging and prostituting our white girls?'

You cant make your mind up what you're talking about, which is (one of the reasons why) you keep contradicting yourself?
What gangs? Groups of mainly muslim men? Are they one of your 'gangs'? Or are you solely referring to this supposed 'gang of muslim men who go around drugging and prostituting our white girls?'

You cant make your mind up what you're talking about, which is (one of the reasons why) you keep contradicting yourself?

You want me to list some specific names of gangs before you acknowledge that such gangs exist?? Fuck, you really are determined not to even look at what's actually happening out there aren't you??
just trying to get you to be consistent, rather than carrying out your jazzite tactic of changing the terms/goalposts as and when it suits you

Not that you will, of course
What gangs? Groups of mainly muslim men? Are they one of your 'gangs'? Or are you solely referring to this supposed 'gang of muslim men who go around drugging and prostituting our white girls?'

You cant make your mind up what you're talking about, which is (one of the reasons why) you keep contradicting yourself?

just trying to get you to be consistent, rather than carrying out your jazzite tactic of changing the terms/goalposts as and when it suits you

Not that you will, of course

Show me where you've even engaged with the topic in any way at all and I'll take your pissweak critique seriously.

You don't believe these gangs exist? LOL
There is just uncomfortable silence around this issue, from the usually forthright left, which is pretty disappointing.

It is precisely the same silence that concerned MP's and mothers of young girls were met with when they tried to be heard years ago. And even now there is blind denial of anything wrong, no attempt to engage with or confront what may be unpalatable truths.

This silence creates a vaccum within which sexual violence against women and children, honour killings, and all manner of nasty shit can continue, with the perpetrators knowing full well that the politically correct powers that be will probably never even permit themselves to recognise the issue, never mind try to deal with it.

Exactly the same silence that led to Catholic priests getting away with raping kids for so long.

I hope those who remain tight-lipped about this stuff take their share of the blame if future avoidable cases such as this come to light.
You think posting up a 4 year old joke post changes anything?

You lash out because you know I'm right, the deafening silence from your "comrades" tells me all I need to know, the shitty racism accusations, and the fear of having even an opinion on this issue in case you're shown to be an absolute hypocrite.

Pickmans, you've always been a little mongrel, only now you've nobody's arse to kiss, you're just treading water. You are nothing.

It's the more genuine people I'm referring to who know I'm not wrong here, that refuse to engage with anything that might compromise the fake image they have of themselves.

This is why the extreme left are laughed at just as much as the extreme right. At least you could say the fash are too thick to know any better.
There is just uncomfortable silence around this issue, from the usually forthright left, which is pretty disappointing.

Yeah, it's the kind of silence that might tell you that many here have now deemed that your pathology is beyond reason. All of your points have been countered yet you still dilly-dally and dance around your own prejudices and subjective, reactionary response to this case. You also refuse even an inch of self reflection with regard your own bigotry and turn tail like a squirting skunk, attacking anyone who doesn't share your tunnel-vision-understanding .

It's the more genuine people I'm referring to who know I'm not wrong here, that refuse to engage with anything that might compromise the fake image they have of themselves.

Anyone who disagrees with you is deluded or silly or in denial or over sensitive or, or, or, or...not once have you shown any level of maturity by acknowledging the valid points made by others, or acknowledged the wider issues involved in this type of case.

I suggest pk that you stop posting on this thread and head off out into the real world to actually do something to protect 'our White children'. Why not address the reasons why some young girls are vulnerable? Do something to prevent them becoming prey to paedophiles, support them once they have been preyed on even. My fear is, that you couldn't actually handle engaging on that level and any time they disagreed with you or didn't tow your line you'd declare them 'silly little girls'.

The time you have spent on this thread in the last week or so could have really made an impact somewhere, yet you are here flogging the proverbial dead horse and smugly revelling in a 'perceived' victory over the 'forthright left', this victory exists only in your imagination.

Being more than a 'keyboard warrior' by taking your skills and energy into the real world where this crap happens would be something to respect, you may even develop a sense of self-pride and perspective, which I truly believe would help you stop being so very angry with yourself and blaming others as a consequence.
Yeah, it's the kind of silence that should tell you that many here have realised your pathology is beyond reason.

It isn't "pathology" at all. Do you understand what "pathology" is? I'm not in the medical profession. :confused:

All of your points have been countered

Oh have they? Which ones? By whom? I don't see where any of the fundamental points I have been trying to make have been countered at all!

Nobody apart from a few have even made counterpoints for me to tackle. Have I not been civil to eric jarvis, who is one of the very few to actually engage with the topic and try to untangle what is clearly an easy set of presumptions to set apart? You have made no point, you've done the lazy fingerpointing and name calling like all the other saps, but you don't really appear to have any position to speak of on this issue. In fact you clearly haven't even read the thread properly.

yet you still dilly-dally and dance around your own prejudices and subjective, reactionary response to this case.

Yes! Of course I do! I live to question my own reactions, my own prejudices. I have as many as you do.
Can you honestly say you are without prejudices of any kind? If you can then you really need to say so.

You also refuse even an inch of self reflection with regard your bigotry

I give plenty of honest self-reflection. That is precisely what pisses people off about my posting style... I genuinely don't give a fuck what people think about me personally, as long as I get to the truth of the matter and counter the daily arguments I have with my own conscience. I'm not here for fluffy friendships, I'm not here to score drugs, I'm not here on some mission to lead people into some stupid political activity. I'm here for purely selfish reasons, I got all the friends I need.
Not one person here in the 11 or so years I've been posting and drinking and partying with others here whilst typing out my rambling bollocks words can ever say I have betrayed their confidence - unless of course they betrayed mine first.

and turn tail attacking anyone who doesn't share your tunnel-vision-understanding like a squirting skunk

Yes dear. Take a good read of the thread and see for yourself where the attacker side of things has come from. Even Pickmans was declaring me the thread winner in the first 10 pages, then he realised quickly that none of the "comrades" were about to back me up, LOL, so he switched horses like a cowboy in a spaghetti western (oh noes is that wacist!). Have you ever smelled a real skunk? The smell permeates your every being for days, you can't ignore it. I quite like the comparison. It means some of my shit is actually getting through to you.
And there's no "tunnel vision" going on. Or maybe there is. But that's for me to decide though, not you young lady.

Anyone who disagrees with you is deluded or silly or in denial or over sensitive or, or, or, or...

Well clearly that is incorrect. I hereby cite eric jarvis as a prime example. Being the only one in the last 15 pages or so to have the courage to at least try to disprove what is undoubtedly a pretty mainstream opinion in the world of the Daily Mail reader, i.e. the majority of the voting public - like it or not - you will no doubt be able to demonstrate to everyone exactly where I have called him "deluded" or "silly" or "in denial" or "over sensitive" won't you?

Go on. I challenge you to find where I have treated eric jarvis with anything other than the respect he has shown me. :) Off you pop.

not once have you shown any level of intellectual maturity by acknowledging the valid points made by others

Which valid points. List them please. If they are indeed valid and I have failed to acknowledge them, then, quite seriously, I'd like to redress that mistake straight away.

or acknowledged the wider issues involved in this type of case

Such as????

I tell you what pk...stop posting here

I tell you what - I'll post here as long as I like.

and head off out into the real world

LMFAO!! Foolish comment.

and do something to protect 'our White children'

So clearly you appear to be wilfully or ignorantly under the impression that when I typed "our white children" I meant it.

Instead of clearly seeing from MY post, not the contextless quotes you feed from,that I was speaking directly to the little nazi twats and reminding them not to shout too loudly about evil gangs of foreign pedophiles - seeing how reliable sources are reporting that the only non-muslim child rapists were in fact BNP members. Forgive me if that went over your head, but it's hardly my fault.

address why some young girls are vulnerable, do something to prevent them becoming prey to paedophiles

That is precisely my motivation for being such a bloody minded nutter on this thread.
I won't let it go, and I 'm sure you're terribly cross about that, but it's not to score cheap points on a little internet forum.

support them once they have been preyed on even. The time you have spent on this thread in the last week could have really made an impact somewhere, yet you are here flogging the proverbial dead horse and smugly revelling in a 'perceived' victory that exists only in your imagination..

You have no idea what I do. You probably think what everyone else does - that I'm some sort of pilled up DJ working in the dodgiest dingiest clubs the world has to offer. I prefer you to think that.
You have no idea what I actually 'do' at all, and if you did you probably wouldn't believe it anyway.

Being more than a 'keyboard warrior' and taking your skills and energy into the real world where this crap happens would be something to respect

Oh dear. The concerns I have in the "real world" and the practical and demonstrable changes my involvement brings would shut you up in a split second, my dear.

I just learned not to brag about them a long time ago. I help people who really need help, and I don't care how trite that sounds, most of my work is in support of people in the most unimaginable poverty. You don't have a. fucking. clue. what I do or who I am or what I represent in myself. You don't know me, we've barely met.
Where do you think all this contempt for the "left" comes from? You think I sit around reading "Class War" and picking my arse all day? No - you probably think I'm some sort of jackbooted hiccup. Your ignorant little prejudices are far more overt than mine, clearly. I'm perfectly happy with the very real contribution I make to the global village on a daily basis. That's why I have nothing to hide or fear from a bunch of opinionated arseholes who seem to whine more about their late social security payments than be concerned that most others have none at all.

you may even develop a sense of self-pride and perspective which I truly believe would help you stop being so very angry with yourself and blaming others as a consequence.

Spare me the cod psycho-analysis, I'm actually finding it rather funny now, and that is not the desired effect I'm sure. Go back and read the thread properly, ignoring the terrified cawing jackdaws who quote me like the demented pointless little parrots who think that their anti-depressant/booze-scheduled lives mean anything more than the squawking noises they make.

You might learn something.

Oh and bear this in mind - if you were a bloke I would have called you a myopic fuck-pond or something by now.

So in that respect, I am definitely a sexist, and proudly so. :)

What do YOU do for a living that makes YOU such the Virgin Mary anyway?
I'd just like to refer to my post some pages ago mentioning this thread and pk has the half life of plutonium.

I'd just like to refer to your thread you posted some years ago simply entitled "Nigger". It was sensibly censored by the moderators, I believe.


I believe you are precisely the type of tragic hypocrite I have been talking about for the last few pages.
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