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Weasel Straw strikes again (Pakistani men in Britain see white girls as "easy meat")

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We'll agree to dıffer. I respect the fact that you're beıng cıvıl about thıs.

It's too serious a subject matter to be anything less than civil about. It NEEDS to be debated so that some form of conclusive action might be taken, otherwise the shitstorm really will play into the hands of the racist parties such as the BNP.

Look the fact that he is gaining political momentum is not exactly hindering his outspoken opinions, but I do not believe he is putting political capital in front of the fact that a great many vulnerable CHILDREN are being utterly destroyed by these practices.
I don't thınk the BNP claıms to speak for Muslım communıtıes.

Take a look at the serıes of YouTube vıdeos they've been postıng on the subject. See how they exploıt thıs stuff. Avoıd usıng theır rhetorıc. Remember that the vast majorıty of Brıtısh Pakıstanıs are just as dısgusted by thıs as you are.

I'm sure a great many British Pakistanis are shocked by the revelations. And my wording was perhaps a little out when I stated that the BNP speak on behalf of the Muslims communities, I meant that they misrepresent them for their own gains.
And to address the point people are making regarding Pakistani men not being the only people exploiting children in this way - I see little evidence of predatory pedophilia in this manner being carried out by comparably larger ethnic communities in the UK, such as the Indian, Jamaican or Chinese.
It is not just the muslims who prey on young children, what about the xtian clerics and their altar/choir boys? or are you ignoring the recent, and continuing, saga of RC clergy/system taking advantage........
It is not just the muslims who prey on young children, what about the xtian clerics and their altar/choir boys? or are you ignoring the recent, and continuing, saga of RC clergy/system taking advantage........

'Muslims' don't prey on young children, nor for that matter do Catholics. Just because some fucked up people may justify their actions by leaning on aspects of their religion it doesn't reflect on the billion or so other Muslims/Catholics in the world and suggesting that it does is simple minded shit which really does walk into BNP territory. It's a cultural problem, be that due to ethnic culture or the culture that's developed in some communities (and I'd lean towards the latter given that there are plenty of other problems in the areas where this shit goes on (drugs, crime, shit prospects etc.)).
It is not just the muslims who prey on young children, what about the xtian clerics and their altar/choir boys? or are you ignoring the recent, and continuing, saga of RC clergy/system taking advantage........
All of which was exposed by front page headlines and acres of condemnation in the media coverage.

If similar kinds of predatory abuse are happening amongst some elements of the Pakistani community, then it's right and proper that it should also be brought to people's attention and the issue raised for discussion.
'Muslims' don't prey on young children, nor for that matter do Catholics. Just because some fucked up people may justify their actions by leaning on aspects of their religion it doesn't reflect on the billion or so other Muslims/Catholics in the world and suggesting that it does is simple minded shit which really does walk into BNP territory. It's a cultural problem, be that due to ethnic culture or the culture that's developed in some communities (and I'd lean towards the latter given that there are plenty of other problems in the areas where this shit goes on (drugs, crime, shit prospects etc.)).
And in fairness to Straw, he's talked about a cultural community - British people of Pakistani origin - not a religious one, unless he mentioned Islam in some quote I've not seen.
He's one of the shallowest, most opportunist cunts in a vast pool of shallow opportunist cunts, I can't imagine that he ever does anything for any reason but to improve his own position, even if on rare occasion he manages to touch on a subject which has some value to it.

What an extraordinarily bigoted thing to say. Jack Straw is a 32-year veteran MP returned again to his constituency at the age of 64 with a twenty percent margin. He's been Home Secretary, Foreign Secretary, Lord Chancellor and Justice Minister. It is impossible to imagine how he could improve his own position by speaking out about this - it's not going to make him popular or rich, or allow him to gain higher political office, or improve his social life, is it?

There's a lot of sniping at him for speaking out, and I think a lot of it is motivated by a desire to in some way" protect" the sensitivities of some people in our country who are of Pakistani heritage or who adhere to Islam. I think that is mistaken, There is evidence that some groups, specifically young British men of Pakistani heritage*, are behaving in a vile way towards vulnerable girls and that their attitude is informed by racism and contempt for the mainstream culture. It may well be that there are other sections of the population that have similar attitudes and similar values and who are behaving in similar ways, but it would be wrong to downplay the issue among young British men of Pakistani heritage*.

Jack Straw's intervention is valuable, and if the Daily Mail and the BNP see this as something to exploit, well we ought to work as a society to show that the criminal activities of these young British men of Pakistani heritage* are not to be tolerated. Refusing to talk about it and insulting senior politicians who go public, isn't helping. It would be far better to put the spotlight on the separation and segregation that exists, and to take more steps to get in the way of the culture of pressurising young men of Pakistani heritage* to marry young women from Pakistan.

* - because someone will moan about calling young British men of Pakistani heritage "Pakistani"
It's a cultural problem, be that due to ethnic culture or the culture that's developed in some communities.

Or both.

Either way, Straw is correct when he asserts that Pakistani men in Britain see white girls as "easy meat".

He doesn't say ALL Pakistani men, but there is definitely a view taken by many that UK white girls are no more deserving of respect than an animal. Hence the abuses.
To be fair I grew up in a white working class culture that looked down on girls who went out with non-whites to the extent that if a girl had been involved with a non-white in the past there was an expectation that you would not get involved with her afterwards. Looking back on it it was some shameful shit.

For me though the issue that is not really being addressed is the strata of our society that these poor girls are coming from. I would be willing to bet that almost all of them are products of broken homes, backgrounds in which the primary income has always been from state and so on.

Essentially those of us on the right have tended to dismiss them as just being feckless and workshy whilst the left have not really had the courage to face up the reality and complexities of the situation which is a mine-field no matter what we might all think.

I feel that there is a lot to be learnt from what has been going on from every section of modern British society and none of us come out of this covered in anything other than something very smelly and unpleasant.
And in fairness to Straw, he's talked about a cultural community - British people of Pakistani origin - not a religious one, unless he mentioned Islam in some quote I've not seen.

Aye, that post wasn't against Straw, more against StoneRoad for making such a stupid comment.

What an extraordinarily bigoted thing to say. Jack Straw is a 32-year veteran MP returned again to his constituency at the age of 64 with a twenty percent margin. He's been Home Secretary, Foreign Secretary, Lord Chancellor and Justice Minister. It is impossible to imagine how he could improve his own position by speaking out about this - it's not going to make him popular or rich, or allow him to gain higher political office, or improve his social life, is it?

There's a lot of sniping at him for speaking out, and I think a lot of it is motivated by a desire to in some way" protect" the sensitivities of some people in our country who are of Pakistani heritage or who adhere to Islam. I think that is mistaken, There is evidence that some groups, specifically young British men of Pakistani heritage*, are behaving in a vile way towards vulnerable girls and that their attitude is informed by racism and contempt for the mainstream culture. It may well be that there are other sections of the population that have similar attitudes and similar values and who are behaving in similar ways, but it would be wrong to downplay the issue among young British men of Pakistani heritage*.

Jack Straw's intervention is valuable, and if the Daily Mail and the BNP see this as something to exploit, well we ought to work as a society to show that the criminal activities of these young British men of Pakistani heritage* are not to be tolerated. Refusing to talk about it and insulting senior politicians who go public, isn't helping. It would be far better to put the spotlight on the separation and segregation that exists, and to take more steps to get in the way of the culture of pressurising young men of Pakistani heritage* to marry young women from Pakistan.

* - because someone will moan about calling young British men of Pakistani heritage "Pakistani"

My thinking that Straw is a cunt and not trusting him as far as I could throw him has no relation to my views on the issue and I'm not trying to 'protect' anyone. As for my being 'bigoted' against Jack Straw, well, my heart bleeds for the poor innocent - vicious bully that I am to be picking on him.
My thinking that Straw is a cunt and not trusting him as far as I could throw him has no relation to my views on the issue and I'm not trying to 'protect' anyone. As for my being 'bigoted' against Jack Straw, well, my heart bleeds for the poor innocent - vicious bully that I am to be picking on him.

It was what you said that I think is bigoted! You said he was doing this to improve his own position. I hope I've demonstrated that he is the last person who needs to do so.
It was what you said that I think is bigoted! You said he was doing this to improve his own position. I hope I've demonstrated that he is the last person who needs to do so.

Egotism doesn't rely on needing to do anything, just an inherent sense of self-aggrandising self-importance. Hell, if it were any one of a number of other people coming forward and bringing up the issue I wouldn't hold the same view at all but given his track record for being a vile little bastard I'll never have any faith in his motives for doing anything. If I ever see Jack Straw buying a pint of milk down Tescos I'll probably end up wondering what the nefarious bastard is up to, that's how little I like/trust the man.

e2a: And if that qualifies as bigotry then so be it, I'm sure he's a target who can deal with it.
incredible that some posters want it swept undert the carpet and the 'community' should deal with it, no, it should be exposed to ther full scrutiny of the media(even though they largely will sensationalise it) and the full force of the law be brought down on these digusting perpertators, ffs, these are young vulnerable girls whose lives have been ruined,
He has a majority of 9,857, a 21.7% margin. He'll be 69 at the next election. He really doesn't need the votes.


The point that the goventment and it's toothless underfunded and mismanaged child protection agencies hold a great deal of the blame for such abuses is not to be forgotten.

But the point is - go to Bradford and listen to the young men in their cars talking about "pusseh" in a manner that they would never, ever do in regard to young girls of Pakistani origin.

It IS a cultural thing. Anglo/Pakistani men in certain areas DO view white UK teens as easy meat and deserving of rape.
Egotism doesn't rely on needing to do anything, just an inherent sense of self-aggrandising self-importance.
You mean he's a show-off. There are worse things than that to be in a politician.

But we wouldn't be discussing this here, I bet, if he hadn't spoken out.
it should be exposed to ther full scrutiny of the media(even though they largely will sensationalise it) and the full force of the law be brought down on these digusting perpetrators

Which is what is now happening.

Mohamed Rehman, 26, received seven and a half years for rape.
Akshay Kumar, 38 jailed for two years and 10 months for being involved with child pornography.
Graham Blackham, a one-time Avon salesman, a convicted sex offender and the only non-Asian defendant, got three years for two breaches of Sexual Offender Prevention Order which banned him from contact with under 18s.
Farooq Ahmed, 28, was sentenced to 18 months for witness intimidation, as was Naweed Liaqat, 33, Liaqat’s brother.
Faisal Mehmood, 24, pleaded guilty to sexual activity with a child under the age of 16, and got three years and a deportation order returning him to Pakistan.
Ziafat Rafin, 31, received three years for supplying drugs.
'Prosecutor Yvonne Coen QC told the court the ‘young and impressionable’ girls were used as sex objects either for members of the gang or for a variety of their friends.'

surely there were more than six people involved in the ring/parties, etc, wonder how they will get on in prison...
btw, I also think J/S is the worst person to be leading on this issue, but there have been too many cover ups: in 2004, CH4 were to broadcast, 'Edge of the City' partly about such 'grooming' in Bradford, the police forced them to pull it form the schedules, fucking scandalous..


I remember that. They were terrified of large scale riots, however it was screened in the summer of 2004 instead of the scheduled May broadcast date.
'Prosecutor Yvonne Coen QC told the court the ‘young and impressionable’ girls were used as sex objects either for members of the gang or for a variety of their friends.'

surely there were more than six people involved in the ring/parties, etc, wonder how they will get on in prison...

It looks like in this case, the group of six faced 75 charges between them relating to twenty six girls, four additional men were aquitted.
btw, if there is a fund for these incredibly brave girls who testified against these scum, i would like to donate..
btw, if there is a fund for these incredibly brave girls who testified against these scum, i would like to donate..

Cops stumbled across the whole thing by accident - pulling the car over on a shoplifting sus. Two girls in the back then told police all about it once they had been separated from the men, prompting a huge surveillance operation that took place over a year.
Also interesting was the reaction of Keith Vaz, chair of the House of Commons Home Affairs Committee -
"What I don't think we can do is say that this is a cultural problem. One can accept the evidence which is put before us about patterns and networks but to go that step further I think is pretty dangerous. Why didn't Jack Straw say something about this (before)? He has represented Blackburn for 31 years, he's been the home secretary."
Which sounds awfully like what several people here have said. I don't think it will do these peoples street cred much good to be compared to Keith Vaz! But there we are.

Martin Narey's reaction was interesting -
The Barnardo's chief executive, Martin Narey, said the case was more about vulnerable children of all races who were at risk from abuse. Street grooming was "probably happening in most towns and cities" and was not confined to the Pakistani community. I certainly don't think this is a Pakistani thing. My staff would say that there is an over-representation of people from minority ethnic groups – Afghans, people from Arabic nations – but it's not just one nation," said Narey.
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